Rq Squared, LLC v. United States , 119 Fed. Cl. 751 ( 2015 )

  •             In the United States Court of Federal Claims
    No. 12-527 C
    (Filed January 14, 2015)
    * * * * * * * * * * * * *            *
    RQ SQUARED, LLC,                    *
    * Implied-in-Fact Contract Claim; RCFC
    Plaintiff,         * 12(c); RCFC 56(d).
    v.                        *
    THE UNITED STATES,                   *
    Defendant.         *
    * * * * * * * * * * * * *            *
    Paul W. Verner, New York, NY, for plaintiff.
    Joshua E. Kurland, with whom were Joyce R. Branda, Acting Assistant
    Attorney General, Robert E. Kirschman, Jr., Director, Steven J. Gillingham,
    Assistant Director, United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., for
    BUSH, Senior Judge.
    The court has before it defendant’s motion for judgment on the pleadings,
    relying on Rule 12(c) of the Rules of the United States Court of Federal Claims
    (RCFC), as well as, in the alternative, defendant’s motion for summary judgment,
    relying on RCFC 56. These motions have been fully briefed. Oral argument was
    neither requested by the parties nor deemed necessary by the court. For the
    reasons described below, defendant’s RCFC 12(c) motion is granted in part and
    denied in part, and defendant’s RCFC 56 motion is deferred pending limited,
    targeted discovery.
    I.     Introduction
    This a straightforward dispute. RQ Squared, LLC (RQ2), a technology
    company, asserts that the United States Postal Service (USPS) entered into
    negotiations with RQ2 regarding a potential business relationship between the two
    entities. According to the complaint, the negotiations faltered and some time later
    proprietary information belonging to RQ2 – information that had been revealed to
    USPS – was improperly used by USPS and disclosed to other businesses. The
    government contends, on the other hand, that no proprietary RQ2 information was
    used or disclosed by USPS. The basic dispute has proceeded, in various forms, in
    a suit brought in the United States District Court for the Western District of
    Missouri, and in two suits before this court.
    II.    History of RQ2’s “Dual Label System”
    RQ2 is based in St. Joseph, Missouri. Compl. ¶ 1. The founder and
    “Member Manager” of RQ2 is Christopher Grubb, who worked as a Senior
    Account Executive with Nextel Communications, Inc. for about a year before
    leaving to start RQ2 in 1998. Grubb Decl. ¶¶ 14, 17-18. Initially, RQ2 purchased
    and sold new and used cell phones. Id. ¶ 18. “In or around 2001, RQ2 developed
    a proprietary web-based program and software to enable customers of RQ2’s
    clients to print Federal Express (“FedEx”) labels in order to return used, damaged,
    or defective products [to the seller].” Compl. ¶ 10. At the time, RQ2’s product
    return service, as it was originally developed, depended only on the FedEx
    shipping infrastructure. Id. ¶¶ 10-12; Grubb Decl. ¶¶ 23, 33, 35.
    RQ2’s primary client for this service appears to have been Nextel at that
    / The facts recounted here are taken from the complaint and other filings submitted by
    the parties, and appear to be undisputed for the purpose of resolving this court’s jurisdiction over
    plaintiff’s claims. The court makes no findings of fact in this opinion other than for the purpose
    of determining its jurisdiction over plaintiff’s suit.
    point in time:
    RQ2 . . . successfully worked with Nextel
    Communications, Inc. (“Nextel”) on a web-based
    program used to assist customers in retrieving used,
    damaged or defective cell phones for Nextel. As a result
    of the project, Nextel realized it would be beneficial to
    find a way to increase the frequency with which an
    individual who used RQ2’s web-based application
    actually followed through with the shipping of the
    defective phone, which at the time, required the customer
    to appear physically at a Federal Express box, kiosk or
    depot. In response, while RQ2 began developing
    additional shipping options for Nextel, it conceived of
    the RQ2 Idea; an idea for dual labels – a label with a bar
    code[] or codes that would allow a package to be
    processed and shipped by both Federal Express and
    USPS, allowing the customer/shipper to choose
    whichever carrier was more convenient and thereby
    increasing the volume and efficiency of the delivery and
    handling of these packages.
    Compl. Ex. 1 at 3.
    Thus, one innovation in the allegedly proprietary information developed by
    RQ2 in 2005 was the dual bar code label:
    In or around June of 2005, RQ2 conceived of the novel
    idea[] of Dual Labels: a single label with multiple bar
    codes that would allow a package to be processed and
    shipped by either FedEx or USPS.
    Compl. ¶ 13. The other allegedly proprietary material developed by RQ2 at this
    time was the technology behind the label, sometimes referred to as the product
    return program’s “back end,” Grubb Decl. ¶ 30, an important component of the
    “Dual Label System”:
    RQ2’s proprietary web-based program allowing for
    embedded information in label bar codes and RQ2’s
    proprietary logistical and tracking software (collectively
    referred to as the “Dual Label System”) were essential to
    the function of the Dual Label.
    Compl. ¶ 23; see Grubb Decl. ¶ 32 (asserting that RQ2 developed “necessary
    computer programs, embedded bar codes and simultaneous tracking and billing”
    for its “Dual Label Dynamic Back End System,” a system that was not “in
    existence anywhere in the industry at the time”).
    III.   Postal Service Product Return Programs
    The USPS, meanwhile, had been experimenting with product return mailing
    programs, too, which involved collaboration between USPS and independent
    delivery companies. There was, for example, an existing program called Parcel
    Select, which used a combination of USPS delivery to customers’ homes, or
    customers dropping off packages for return at their local post office, with long-
    distance transport to or from the seller by a company such as United Parcel Service
    of America, Inc. (UPS) or FedEx Corporation (FedEx). Cochrane Decl. ¶ 2; Def.’s
    Mot. at 3. To complement this existing system, USPS launched a pilot program
    called Parcel Return Service in 2003, which later became permanent. Compl. ¶¶
    24-25; Def.’s Mot. at 3.
    The Parcel Return Service (PRS) pilot program defies succinct description,
    because it involves a number of highly technical specifications for the sharing of
    tasks between USPS and the PRS provider, as well as various tracking and
    accounting mechanisms. A PRS overview is provided in the complaint:
    [I]n an effort to facilitate more efficient package
    handling, the USPS began an experimental program of
    preprinted, prepaid return labels provided to customers
    by merchants so that customers could more efficiently
    ship packages that needed to be returned, repaired,
    recycled, or recalled.
    Compl. ¶ 24. As further explained by defendant, PRS
    allows customers to return merchandise to a
    retailer by simply placing the merchandise
    back in a package, affixing the label
    provided by the merchant, and either
    bringing the package to their local post
    office for return to the merchant, handing it
    to a mailperson, or scheduling a home
    pickup. The customer is not required to pay
    postage for the return, while the merchant is
    required to pay certain annual fees to
    participate in the program, as well as the
    postage for any packages actually returned
    to the merchant through the program. In
    order to be approved to participate in the
    PRS, merchants or participating service
    providers need to comply with USPS’s
    detailed specifications, including
    specifications regarding the return mailing
    label they would use. A deviation from
    USPS’s specifications requires USPS
    granting a waiver. The standard label for
    the PRS program is not a so-called “dual
    label” because it contains a single USPS bar
    code and is not intended for use in
    conjunction with other carriers, such as UPS
    or Federal Express.
    Def.’s Mot. at 3-4 (citations omitted). It appears that only one or two PRS
    providers participated in the PRS program in the early years. See Grubb Decl.
    ¶ 111; Cochrane Decl. ¶ 10; Def.’s Mot. Ex. 1 Att. A at 2; Pl.’s Opp. at 23. The
    only PRS provider identified by the parties is a company named Newgistics.
    Grubb Decl. ¶ 111; Cochrane Decl. ¶ 10; Def.’s Mot. Ex. 1 Att. A at 2; Pl.’s Opp.
    at 23.
    IV.   RQ2 Attempts to Become a Product Return Service Provider for USPS
    There are two versions of the history of negotiations between RQ2 and
    USPS regarding a potential business collaboration between the two entities.
    According to plaintiff, the negotiations began in June of 2005:
    [I]n line with the USPS’ concern over increased
    efficiency in package handling, RQ2 brought its idea for
    dual labeling to USPS with the express intent of
    convincing USPS to use the RQ2 Idea so that RQ2 could
    profit from that use in June of 2005.
    Compl. Ex. 1 at 3. Negotiations continued with increasing interest from USPS.
    According to plaintiff, USPS’s eagerness to close a deal was evidenced by RQ2’s
    participation in a USPS vendor conference; a site visit by USPS officials to RQ2’s
    business location; a number of face-to-face meetings; and exchanges of
    documents, emails and telephone calls. Id. ¶¶ 27, 31-33, 36, 38, 54-55, 58, 60-61,
    65, 67-68. USPS and RQ2, along with the participation of FedEx, eventually
    developed a plan and schedule to launch RQ2 as a PRS provider. Id. ¶¶ 65, 67-68.
    Nonetheless, USPS, perhaps because of a dispute with FedEx, delayed finalization
    of the launch plan, never approved RQ2’s application to become a PRS provider,
    and eventually stopped answering any communications from RQ2. Id. ¶¶ 69-72.
    Defendant does not specifically dispute the facts presented by RQ2 that
    suggest that negotiations were in progress between USPS and RQ2, or that certain
    milestones of those negotiations occurred in 2005 and 2006. Instead, a declaration
    submitted by James P. Cochrane of USPS notes that Mr. Cochrane was involved in
    “dealings . . . in connection with RQ Squared’s efforts to become a Parcel Return
    Service provider.” Cochrane Decl. ¶ 3. In his view, USPS was not interested in
    any “dual label” idea or system that RQ2 could provide; it was interested in having
    an additional PRS provider. Id. ¶¶ 4-5. Thus, the primary difference in the two
    versions of the negotiations between RQ2 and USPS is that plaintiff asserts that
    USPS was eager to obtain RQ2’s technology, whereas the government’s declarant
    asserts that USPS merely desired another PRS provider to participate in its pilot
    V.    Alleged Misuse of RQ2’s Proprietary Information
    In general, plaintiff asserts that:
    The dual label system was developed solely by RQ2 for
    USPS. Relying on the understanding that USPS would
    not exploit the RQ2 Idea without compensation to RQ2
    and that USPS would keep confidential the details of the
    RQ2 Idea, RQ2 collaborated with USPS over the course
    of two years to integrate RQ2’s concept and launch it
    with USPS and Federal Express. Without warning, and
    instead of proceeding to launch with RQ2, USPS cut off
    communication with RQ2, misappropriated the RQ2 Idea
    and breached its implied agreement with RQ2 to not
    exploit RQ2’s idea without compensation to RQ2 and to
    keep the details of RQ2’s idea confidential.
    Compl. Ex. 1 at 5. More specifically, plaintiff points to various markings on
    documents related to the PRS application process which identify certain material
    as confidential and/or proprietary. Id. ¶¶ 34, 40, 42, 51-52, 66. Plaintiff asserts
    that RQ2 revealed proprietary information to USPS as part of the PRS application
    process during 2005-06. Id. ¶¶ 35, 38-39, 41, 43, 53. Plaintiff further asserts that
    these facts show that RQ2 and USPS entered into an implied-in-fact contract to
    keep RQ2’s proprietary information confidential, and to not use RQ2’s
    information without compensating RQ2 for its valuable “dual label” trade secret.
    The alleged breach of this implied-in-fact contract was manifested in two
    ways, according to the complaint. UPS announced early in 2009 that it would
    launch a collaborative product return service with USPS – the “Flexible Access
    Program.” Compl. ¶¶ 77-79. Plaintiff asserts that Flexible Access “replicates
    RQ2’s Dual Label program.” Id. ¶ 79. Similarly, FedEx launched a collaborative
    product return service with USPS later in 2009 called SmartPost, which also,
    according to plaintiff, replicates RQ2’s Dual Label program. Id. ¶ 82.
    These facts, according to the complaint, show that USPS disclosed RQ2’s
    proprietary information to UPS and FedEx and that USPS did not compensate
    RQ2 for its proprietary information. USPS therefore allegedly breached the
    implied-in-fact contract between RQ2 and USPS:
    USPS through its employees disclosed RQ2’s proprietary
    Dual Label System, including proprietary programs and
    software, to UPS and FedEx [and] USPS used the
    proprietary RQ2 Dual Label System to develop and
    implement the UPS Flexible Access Program and the
    FedEx SmartPost programs.
    Compl. ¶¶ 73-74. These basic factual allegations have been alleged by RQ2 to
    support a variety of legal claims in this court and elsewhere.
    VI.   History of Business Difficulties for RQ2 and Litigation
    In late 2006, RQ2, Christopher Grubb, Valerie J. Grubb (RQ2’s vice
    president, according to an exhibit filed in this case), and RQ2’s parent corporation
    Reliable Communications, Inc., along with other defendants, were sued in the
    United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri for an alleged
    failure to make payments on a business loan and related guarantees. U.S. Bank
    Nat’l Assoc. v. RQ Squared, L.L.C., No. 06-6132-CV-FJ-JTM, (W.D. Mo. filed
    Nov. 15, 2006). The district court appointed a receiver to operate RQ2 on
    December 22, 2006. Summary judgment in that case was granted against RQ2,
    Mr. Grubb, Valerie Grubb, and Reliable Communications, Inc., in the amount of
    $2,199,087.56 on July 19, 2007. According to the complaint filed in that case,
    Reliable Communications, Inc. had let its corporate registry lapse before
    November 15, 2006.
    In 2010, RQ2 sued the United States in two courts regarding its PRS
    application with the USPS, alleging that its proprietary information had been
    misappropriated. In the first suit, which was filed in this court, RQ2 alleged in its
    complaint that a taking of its dual label system trade secret had occurred and that it
    was owed at least $786,500,000. RQ Squared, L.L.C. v. United States, No. 10-567
    (Fed. Cl. filed Aug. 20, 2010). That case was voluntarily dismissed on March 29,
    2011 by the plaintiff. The second suit was filed in the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Missouri on the same facts and alleged that under the
    Federal Tort Claims Act, 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1346
    , 2671-2680 (2012) (FTCA), the
    United States was liable to plaintiff for a breach of fiduciary duty for at least
    $786,500,000. RQ Squared, L.L.C. v. United States, No. 10-6108-CV-SJ-JTM,
    (W.D. Mo. filed Sept. 10, 2010). That case was dismissed on March 8, 2011 after
    the district court granted the government’s motion to dismiss on the grounds that
    the FTCA had not waived the United States’ sovereign immunity against claims
    that relied in any part on alleged government misrepresentations.
    Next, on June 21, 2011, RQ2 submitted a claim, on exactly the same facts as
    in the prior suits, under the Contract Disputes Act, 
    41 U.S.C. §§ 7101-7109
    (CDA), to a USPS “Field Contracting Officer.” Compl. ¶ 7, Ex. 1. Plaintiff
    contests USPS’s deemed denial of the CDA claim in the instant suit, through a
    complaint filed in this court on August 21, 2012. Accompanying the complaint
    was the required corporate disclosure statement, also filed August 21, 2012, which
    stated that Reliable Communications, Inc. is the sole shareholder of RQ2. A few
    days later, on August 29, 2012, the State of Missouri recognized that the corporate
    registration of Reliable Communications, Inc. had lapsed.2 See Missouri Online
    Business Filing, at http://bsd.sos.mo.gov, last visited January 5, 2015.
    Once the complaint and answer were filed in this case, but before the
    parties’ Joint Preliminary Status Report was filed, the attorney representing RQ2
    requested leave to withdraw, citing nonpayment of fees by RQ2. See Mot. of June
    26, 2013. After much delay, RQ2 obtained new counsel. See Order of March 21,
    2014. Mr. Grubb has alleged that RQ2 has “lost its business entirely.” Grubb
    Decl. ¶ 108. After further delays, Defendant’s Corrected Motion for Judgment on
    the Pleadings, or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment in Favor of the
    Government, was submitted and is now fully briefed. The government’s motions
    will be discussed in detail in the analysis section of this opinion.
    I.     Standard of Review for Judgment on the Pleadings
    When this court considers defendant’s “motion for judgment on the
    pleadings, each of the well-pled allegations in the complaint[] is assumed to be
    correct, and the court must indulge all reasonable inferences in favor of the
    plaintiff[].” Atlas Corp. v. United States, 
    895 F.2d 745
    , 749 (Fed. Cir. 1990)
    (citing Scheuer v. Rhodes, 
    416 U.S. 232
    , 236 (1974), abrogated on other grounds
    by Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
     (1982); Owen v. United States, 
    851 F.2d 1404
    , 1407 (Fed. Cir. 1988)). The court applies substantially the same test as it
    / A supplemental filing identifying a change in corporate disclosure information,
    required by RCFC 7.1(b)(2), appears to be over two years overdue.
    does for a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim under RCFC 12(b)(6). See
    Perez Acevedo v. Rivero Cubano, 
    520 F.3d 26
    , 29 (1st Cir. 2008) (“A motion for
    judgment on the pleadings is treated much like a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss.”
    (citing Curran v. Cousins, 
    509 F.3d 36
    , 43-44 (1st Cir. 2007))); Guidry v. Am.
    Pub. Life Ins. Co., 
    512 F.3d 177
    , 180 (5th Cir. 2007) (“The standard for deciding a
    Rule 12(c) motion is the same as a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss.”) (citation
    omitted); Peterson v. United States, 
    68 Fed. Cl. 773
    , 776 (2005) (“The legal
    standard applied to evaluate a motion for judgment on the pleadings is the same as
    that for a motion to dismiss [under RCFC 12(b)(6)].”); see also Xianli Zhang v.
    United States, 
    640 F.3d 1358
    , 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2011) (“When reviewing a decision
    of the Court of Federal Claims to grant judgment on the pleadings under RCFC
    12(c), ‘we apply the same standard of review as a case dismissed pursuant to Rule
    12(b)(6) . . . .’” (quoting Cary v. United States, 
    552 F.3d 1373
    , 1376 (Fed. Cir.
    “Factual allegations [in the complaint] must be enough to raise a right to
    relief above the speculative level . . . .” Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 555 (2007) (Twombly) (citation omitted). Plaintiffs must go beyond “a
    formulaic recitation of the elements of a cause of action.” 
     (citation omitted).
    Further, the court must not mistake legal conclusions presented in a complaint for
    factual allegations which are entitled to favorable inferences. See, e.g., Papasan v.
    478 U.S. 265
    , 286 (1986) (“[W]e are not bound to accept as true a legal
    conclusion couched as a factual allegation.”) (citations omitted). Nonetheless,
    “the court should only grant a defendant’s motion for judgment on the pleadings if
    the defendant is clearly entitled to judgment on the basis of the facts as the
    plaintiff has presented them.” Owen, 
    851 F.2d at 1407
    The court must inquire whether the complaint meets the plausibility
    standard described by the United States Supreme Court, i.e., whether it adequately
    states a claim and provides a “showing [of] any set of facts consistent with the
    allegations in the complaint.” Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 563
     (citations omitted). “To
    survive a motion [of this nature], a complaint must contain sufficient factual
    matter, accepted as true, to ‘state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.’”
    Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009) (Iqbal) (quoting Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 570
    ). Plausibility is a context-specific inquiry. See, e.g., 
    id. at 679
    whether a complaint states a plausible claim for relief will . . . be a
    context-specific task that requires the reviewing court to draw on its judicial
    experience and common sense.”) (citation omitted).
    After according all reasonable inferences to the factual allegations of the
    complaint, “[j]udgment on the pleadings . . . is appropriate where there are no
    material facts in dispute and the [movant] is entitled to judgment as a matter of
    law.” New Zealand Lamb Co. v. United States, 
    40 F.3d 377
    , 380 (Fed. Cir. 1994)
    (citation omitted). A party may present facts outside of the pleadings when
    bringing or resisting a motion for judgment on the pleadings; upon consideration
    of these materials the court would then treat the motion as one for summary
    judgment under RCFC 56. RCFC 12(d).
    II.   Standard of Review for Summary Judgment
    “[S]ummary judgment is a salutary method of disposition designed to secure
    the just, speedy and inexpensive determination of every action.” Sweats Fashions,
    Inc. v. Pannill Knitting Co., 
    833 F.2d 1560
    , 1562 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (internal
    quotations and citations omitted). The party moving for summary judgment will
    prevail “if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material
    fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” RCFC 56(a). A
    genuine issue of material fact is one that could “affect the outcome” of the
    litigation. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 248 (1986).
    “The moving party . . . need not produce evidence showing the absence of a
    genuine issue of material fact but rather may discharge its burden by showing the
    court that there is an absence of evidence to support the nonmoving party’s case.”
    Dairyland Power Coop. v. United States, 
    16 F.3d 1197
    , 1202 (Fed. Cir. 1994)
    (citing Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 325 (1986)). A summary judgment
    motion is properly granted against a party who fails to make a showing sufficient
    to establish the existence of an essential element to that party’s case and for which
    that party bears the burden of proof at trial. Celotex, 
    477 U.S. at 324
    The Supreme Court has instructed that “the mere existence of some alleged
    factual dispute between the parties will not defeat an otherwise properly supported
    motion for summary judgment; the requirement is that there be no genuine issue of
    material fact.” Anderson, 
    477 U.S. at 247-48
    . A non-movant will not defeat a
    motion for summary judgment “unless there is sufficient evidence favoring the
    nonmoving party for a jury to return a verdict for that party.” 
    Id. at 249
    omitted). “A nonmoving party’s failure of proof concerning the existence of an
    element essential to its case on which the nonmoving party will bear the burden of
    proof at trial necessarily renders all other facts immaterial and entitles the moving
    party to summary judgment as a matter of law.” Dairyland, 
    16 F.3d at
    (citing Celotex, 
    477 U.S. at 323
    III.   Standard of Review for Requests for Discovery Under RCFC 56(d)3
    RCFC 56(d) governs discovery afforded to a party opposing a summary
    judgment motion:
    When Facts Are Unavailable to the Nonmovant. If a
    nonmovant shows by affidavit or declaration that, for
    specified reasons, it cannot present facts essential to
    justify its opposition, the court may:
    (1) defer considering the motion or deny it;
    (2) allow time to obtain affidavits or declarations or to
    take discovery; or
    (3) issue any other appropriate order.
    RCFC 56(d). The nonmovant will generally be given a chance to conduct
    discovery that is reasonably directed to obtaining facts essential to its case.
    Opryland USA Inc. v. Great Am. Music Show, Inc., 
    970 F.2d 847
    , 852 (Fed. Cir.
    1992) (citations omitted); see Dunkin’ Donuts of Am., Inc. v. Metallurgical
    Exoproducts Corp., 
    840 F.2d 917
    , 919 (Fed. Cir. 1988) (vacating a grant of
    summary judgment because no opportunity for the discovery of pertinent facts was
    afforded the nonmovant). If a continuance is granted under this rule, the court
    must ensure that the nonmovant has “adequate time for discovery.” Dunkin’
    840 F.2d at
    919 (citing Celotex, 
    477 U.S. at 322-23
    The opportunity provided by RCFC 56(d) to conduct discovery while
    resisting summary judgment is not unlimited, however. Rule 56(d) “provides for
    comparatively limited discovery for the purpose of showing facts sufficient to
    withstand a summary judgment motion.” First Nat’l Bank of Ariz. v. Cities Serv.
    / RCFC 56(d) was formerly RCFC 56(f); the language of the former rule was
    substantially similar but not identical to RCFC 56(d).
    391 U.S. 253
    , 265 (1968). The non-moving party will not be allowed to
    conduct discovery that has no chance of leading to the denial of summary
    judgment for the movant. See Simmons Oil Corp. v. Tesoro Petroleum Corp., 
    86 F.3d 1138
    , 1144 (Fed. Cir. 1996) (stating that a court may deny a motion for
    additional discovery if “‘there is no reason to believe that [the discovery
    requested] will lead to the denial of a pending motion for summary judgment’”
    (citing Pac. Serv. Stations Co. v. Mobil Oil Corp., 
    689 F.2d 1055
    , 1066 (Temp.
    Emer. Ct. App. 1982))). In particular, the court may deny the nonmovant
    discovery of facts which, because of prior court rulings, could not be of any use in
    resisting a pending summary judgment motion. See 
     (citing Fleetwing Corp. v.
    Mobil Oil Corp., 
    726 F.2d 768
    , 771 (Temp. Emer. Ct. App. 1983)); Wallace v.
    Brownell Pontiac GMC Co., 
    703 F.2d 525
    , 528 (11th Cir. 1983) (“It would have
    been useless to continue discovery because the Fifth Circuit previously had
    decided the issue in question adversely to the appellants.”).
    There may be other criteria for ruling on a RCFC 56(d) motion, but
    precedential caselaw is sparse on this topic. See Flowers v. United States, 
    75 Fed. Cl. 615
    , 626 (2007) (stating that the Federal Circuit “has not established criteria to
    consider in evaluating a motion for discovery under RCFC 56([d])” (citing
    Theisen Vending Co. v. United States, 
    58 Fed. Cl. 194
    , 198 (2003))). This court
    interprets RCFC 56(d) liberally, in favor of the party resisting summary judgment.
    See, e.g., News Publ’g Co. v. United States, 
    218 Ct. Cl. 712
    , 715 (1978) (citation
    omitted); Theisen Vending, 58 Fed. Cl. at 197 (citation omitted); Gregory Lumber
    Co. v. United States, 
    9 Cl. Ct. 503
    , 532 (1986) (stating that “we embrace with
    approval [t]he requirement of a liberal construction of Rule 56([d])”) (citations
    omitted); see also Monarch Assurance P.L.C. v. United States, 
    244 F.3d 1356
    1364-65 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (sanctioning additional discovery even where “the
    likelihood that plaintiffs can cobble together enough evidence to persuade the trial
    court . . . seems quite remote”). One primary question for the court to consider is
    whether the requested discovery will be necessary or relevant to the nonmovant’s
    opposition to the motion for summary judgment. See Paalan v. United States, 
    57 Fed. Cl. 15
    , 18 (2003) (requiring that a plaintiff explain how the requested
    discovery materials “are relevant and necessary to the preparation of his
    opposition to defendant’s motion for summary judgment”). In addition, discovery
    under this rule should be limited to the legal issues upon which the resolution of a
    motion for summary judgment will turn. E.g., Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. United
    72 Fed. Cl. 817
    , 819 (2006) (stating that discovery under the rule should be
    limited to the legal issues presented in the summary judgment motion).
    IV.    Analysis
    A.      RQ2’s Claims
    The complaint filed in this case contains two closely-related breach of
    implied-in-fact contract counts. The first count is labeled breach of a contractual
    obligation to “not make independent commercial use or unauthorized disclosure
    of proprietary information submitted to the USPS regarding RQ2’s proprietary
    Dual Label concept.” Compl. ¶ 85. The second count asserts that USPS
    misappropriated RQ2’s Dual Label trade secret, 
    id. ¶ 96
    , but also relies upon the
    alleged implied-in-fact contract that USPS would not disclose or make use of
    RQ2’s Dual Label idea, 
    id. ¶¶ 93, 96, 98
    As defendant notes, the two counts in the complaint allege breach of an
    implied-in-fact contract. Def.’s Mot. at 13 n.3. The court views the two counts in
    the complaint as overlapping if not identical.4 The court therefore refers to the
    claim in the complaint as a claim for breach of an implied-in-fact contract between
    USPS and RQ2. The nature of the breach is unauthorized disclosure and
    unauthorized use by USPS of RQ2’s proprietary information.
    Rather than seek leave to amend the complaint, plaintiff presented an
    additional, new claim in its opposition brief. As a general matter, claims raised in
    responsive briefing do not serve to amend a complaint. E.g., Michels v. United
    72 Fed. Cl. 426
    , 432 (2006) (citations omitted). As such, RQ2’s new
    / The court notes that plaintiff’s opposition brief, too, describes this case as presenting
    issues of breach of an implied-in-fact contract between RQ2 and USPS. See, e.g., Pl.’s Opp. at
    2-3 (describing, in Statement of the Issues paragraphs 1-3, breaches of a implied-in-fact
    contract), 10 (“USPS is liable for its breach of implied contract with RQ2 as a result of its
    conduct . . . manifesting an agreement between USPS and RQ2.”), 11 (“Though the
    misappropriation of trade secrets is often considered to be a tort, USPS here is liable for that
    claim under the CDA because any obligation of the United States not to misuse any trade secrets
    arises from the implied contract created as part of the disclosure of the trade secret.”), 12 (“[I]t is
    clear by review of the Plaintiff’s Complaint and the Defendant’s Answer that RQ2’s claim of
    breach of an implied in fact contract had been adequately pled, that the facts supporting those
    pleadings have been stated with specificity, and that those facts are not speculative.”).
    claim, as presented in its opposition brief, is not properly before the court. 
    the interests of judicial economy, however, the court will address this claim as
    well as the challenge to this new claim brought by defendant.
    Plaintiff alleges in this new claim that the implied-in-fact contract between
    USPS and RQ2 contains an additional term – that USPS promised to engage RQ2
    as a PRS provider. See Pl.’s Opp. at 2 (asserting that “RQ2 has pled sufficient
    non-speculative facts in its Complaint alleging that the United States Postal
    Service breached an implied contract in fact with RQ2 to approve RQ2 as the third
    only ever Parcel Return Service provider”), 13 (asserting that “RQ2 not only
    rightly anticipated, but was absolutely entitled to, earn remuneration for its
    contractual bargain as the third ever approved USPS PRS vendor”); 22 (asserting
    that “USPS’ conduct clearly manifested an agreement between USPS and RQ2 to
    develop the RQ2 Dual Label System”), 22 (asserting that “USPS . . . would
    position RQ2 as the third approved PRS vendor [s]o RQ2 could profit from the
    RQ2 Dual Label . . . System”). Defendant persuasively argues that the factual
    allegations in the complaint render this new claim speculative, implausible and
    untenable. Def.’s Reply at 2-5.
    The facts alleged by plaintiff show that RQ2 had commenced an approval
    process with USPS which required a final application approval from USPS and
    which would culminate in an executed service agreement between the two parties.
    See Compl. ¶¶ 67-68. The new claim presented in plaintiff’s opposition brief, that
    USPS entered into an implied-in-fact contract with RQ2 approving RQ2 as a PRS
    provider in advance of and in lieu of issuing a final approval and executing a
    service agreement, is not legally plausible. See, e.g., Pac. Gas & Elec. Co. v.
    United States, 
    3 Cl. Ct. 329
    , 339 (1983) (“[I]n negotiations where the parties
    contemplate that their contractual relationship would arise by means of a written
    agreement, no contract can be implied.”) (citations omitted), aff’d, 
    738 F.2d 452
    (Fed. Cir. 1984). Under the standard applicable here, Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 678
    defendant is entitled to judgment on the pleadings regarding any such claim
    brought by plaintiff, if such a claim could be viewed as properly before the court.
    The court now turns to plaintiff’s claim regarding USPS’s unauthorized
    disclosure and use of RQ2’s proprietary information.
    B.     Materials Outside the Pleadings Must Be Considered to Resolve
    Defendant’s Challenge to RQ2’s Breach Claim
    In the court’s view, plaintiff’s claim as to USPS’s unauthorized disclosure
    and use of RQ2’s proprietary information treads the line between plausibility and
    mere speculation. Defendant argues, for example, that RQ2’s claim as to breach
    of a contractual duty, only one of the four required elements of a breach claim,
    “rest[s] on guesswork wholly unsupported by facts.” Def.’s Mot. at 14. In
    essence, defendant asserts that the “replication” of RQ2’s Dual Label idea in
    UPS’s Flexible Access and in FedEx’s SmartPost is pure speculation. 
    Plaintiff’s opposition brief is not particularly helpful in this regard. RQ2
    relies on general ipse dixit pronouncements as to the sufficiency of the factual
    allegations in the complaint. See Pl.’s Opp. at 2-3 (suggesting that RQ2’s
    “proprietary information was necessary for UPS to implement an exact duplicate
    of the RQ2 Dual Label System with USPS two years later”), 3 (suggesting that
    “the United States Postal Service necessarily must have disclosed RQ2’s admitted
    proprietary information and trade secrets to UPS at least”), 17 (“RQ2 argues that
    the pleadings standing alone, without Defendant having mashed and confused the
    basis for the Rule 12(c) motion by the Defendant’s fact witnesses are sufficient to
    survive Rule 12(c) scrutiny.”). Plaintiff also relies on exhibits and declarations
    submitted by the parties, which the court may decline to consider for the resolution
    of a motion brought under RCFC 12(c). See RCFC 12(d).
    The court’s analysis is therefore founded, to a large extent, on the complaint
    and defendant’s criticism of the complaint. According to defendant, plaintiff’s
    breach allegations are not plausible because plaintiff’s hypothesis regarding
    misappropriated proprietary information relies upon a chain of highly speculative
    events. Def.’s Reply at 5-6. The government’s arguments are buttressed with
    citations to Mr. Grubb’s declaration, a document not contained within the
    pleadings. See id. at 6.
    Defendant also compares the allegations in RQ2’s complaint to the facts
    alleged in Twombly. Def.’s Reply at 7-9. However, in the court’s view, the facts
    in this case are quite different from those in Twombly. As the Supreme Court has
    stated, the inquiry into plausibility is a context-specific inquiry. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 679
    . The facts in Twombly are not sufficiently analogous to resolve the RCFC
    12(c) motion in this case.
    Having duly considered the complaint’s factual allegations and the breach
    claim, and having afforded all favorable inferences to the factual allegations in the
    complaint, as it must, the court concludes that RQ2’s claim is plausible, if only
    barely so. To further test RQ2’s claim, the court would need to consider materials
    outside the pleadings. Because such consideration would bring the court’s review
    outside the ambit of RCFC 12(c), see RCFC 12(d), defendant’s motion for
    judgment on the pleadings, except as to judgment on the “new” claim for breach of
    an implied-in-fact contract to approve RQ2 as a PRS provider, must be denied.
    C.      Summary Judgment Should Be Deferred Pending Limited,
    Targeted Discovery
    The court also has before it defendant’s motion for summary judgment,
    which relies on three declarations as well as exhibits attached thereto. The court
    will not recount the specifics of defendant’s arguments, but notes that the evidence
    relied upon by defendant calls into question whether RQ2’s Dual Label System
    was indeed novel, and whether the dual label concept and related technology were
    already in use in the market by the time RQ2 disclosed its system to USPS. Def.’s
    Mot. at 16. Of particular note is a declaration that avers that UPS already had a
    like concept and technology before RQ2 is said to have disclosed its system to
    USPS. Def.’s Mot. Ex. 3 ¶¶ 10, 12 (Shepherd West Decl.). None of the evidence
    submitted by RQ2 thus far is sufficient to create a genuine issue of material fact on
    this issue. See Def.’s Reply at 13 (discussing the declaration of Mr. Grubb and
    concluding that “Mr. Grubb effectively does not challenge Ms. Shepherd West’s
    declaration, underscoring that summary judgment is warranted”).
    Plaintiff argues that summary judgment is not warranted on the record
    before the court. Pl.’s Opp. at 28. The court need not decide the issue at this
    point, because plaintiff has also requested discovery in order to resist summary
    judgment.5 Id. at 4, 14, 17, 28-29. Plaintiff frames its discovery request broadly:
    Discovery on the several germane questions of fact that
    . . . are now within the exclusive control of USPS, may
    unearth proof and relevant evidence substantiating the
    / Had plaintiff not requested discovery, the court notes that the government has set forth
    a strong argument for summary judgment.
    RQ2 circumstantial evidence of multiple contract
    Id. at 29; see also id. at 14 (“[I]t is respectfully submitted that Rule 56 decision
    should be deferred until further discovery is had on the issues of USPS’ handling
    of the RQ2 Dual Label System information, the yet unresolved RQ2 PRS
    application, the unknown/unstated reasons for USPS termination of all
    communications with RQ2 and a host of other germane questions relevant to this
    Defendant suggests that discovery would be wasteful and futile. Def.’s
    Reply at 15. Although the court concedes that defendant may be right, requests
    for discovery under RCFC 56(d) are liberally granted. E.g., Theisen Vending, 58
    Fed. Cl. at 197. Defendant is on firmer ground when the government contends
    that plaintiff’s broad discovery request indicates that “RQ2 makes clear that it
    seeks to engage in a classic fishing expedition through USPS’s nationwide
    workforce in an attempt to find evidence to support its speculative claims.” Def.’s
    Reply at 15. The court must agree with defendant that plaintiff’s opposition brief
    indicates that RQ2 “seeks to pursue discovery on far-ranging and questionable
    topics.” Id.
    The proper resolution of plaintiff’s broad request for discovery is to
    narrowly tailor discovery to the material issue that might prevent summary
    judgment for the government. E.g., Simmons Oil, 
    86 F.3d at 1144
    . In this case,
    the dispositive issue accurately highlighted by the government is whether UPS
    already possessed the concept and technology for its dual label system that became
    Flexible Access, before RQ2 allegedly shared its concept and technology with
    USPS. Defendant suggests that, in practical terms, the parties’ discovery should
    therefore be limited to the relevant factual contentions in the declaration submitted
    by Ms. Linda Shepherd West of UPS. See Def.’s Mot. Ex. 3. The court agrees.6
    / At this point in the dispute, the court encourages plaintiff to carefully weigh the costs
    of discovery, as well as the costs of opposing a renewed summary judgment motion, against
    RQ2’s prospects of success on its claim.
    For these reasons, it is hereby ORDERED that:
    (1)   Defendant’s Corrected Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings, filed
    June 9, 2014, is GRANTED in part, as to plaintiff’s contention that
    an implied-in-fact contract to approve RQ2 as a PRS provider was
    formed between plaintiff and the United States, and DENIED in
    part, as to plaintiff’s contention that an implied-in-fact contract
    concerning the government’s disclosure and use of plaintiff’s
    proprietary information was breached;
    (2)   Defendant’s Motion, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment in
    Favor of the Government, filed June 9, 2014, is DEFERRED
    pending targeted discovery limited in scope to the relevant factual
    contentions in the declaration submitted by Ms. Linda Shepherd West
    of UPS; and,
    (3)   On or before February 6, 2015, the parties shall FILE a Joint
    Proposed Limited Discovery Schedule.
    /s/Lynn J. Bush
    Senior Judge

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-527

Citation Numbers: 119 Fed. Cl. 751

Judges: Lynn J. Bush

Filed Date: 1/14/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (23)

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