Spracklen v. Secretary of Health and Human Services ( 2020 )

  • In the United States Court of Federal Claims
    HEATHER SPRACKLEN and                    *
    JOE HIGGINS on Behalf of M.H.,           *
    a Minor,                                 *
    *           No. 16-559V
    Petitioners,         *           Special Master Christian J. Moran
    v.                                       *           Filed: June 10, 2020
    SECRETARY OF HEALTH                      *           Attorneys’ Fees and Costs
    AND HUMAN SERVICES,                      *
    Respondent.          *
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *
    John R. Howie, Jr., Howie Law, PC, Dallas, TX, for Petitioners;
    Darryl R. Wishard, United States Dep’t of Justice, Washington, DC, for
    Pending before the Court is petitioners’ motion for final attorneys’ fees and
    costs. They are awarded $95,725.91.
    *       *       *
    Because this published decision contains a reasoned explanation for the action in this
    case, the undersigned is required to post it on the United States Court of Federal Claims' website
    in accordance with the E-Government Act of 2002. 44 U.S.C. § 3501 note (2012) (Federal
    Management and Promotion of Electronic Government Services). This posting means the
    decision will be available to anyone with access to the internet. In accordance with Vaccine Rule
    18(b), the parties have 14 days to identify and move to redact medical or other information, the
    disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If, upon review, the
    undersigned agrees that the identified material fits within this definition, the undersigned will
    redact such material from public access.
    On May 9, 2016, petitioners filed for compensation on behalf of their minor
    daughter, M.H., under the Nation Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, 42
    U.S.C. §300aa-10 through 34. Petitioners alleged that the measles-mumps-rubella
    vaccine caused M.H. to suffer acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Petitioners
    further alleged that M.H. suffered the residual effects of this injury for more than
    six months. After respondent challenged entitlement, the parties retained experts,
    with petitioners submitting reports from Dr. Steven Lovitt and respondent
    submitting reports from Dr. Peter Bingham. Due to a dispute between the experts,
    the case proceeded to an entitlement hearing, which was held in Dallas, Texas, on
    February 8, 2019. Following post-hearing briefing, the undersigned issued his
    Decision denying entitlement on July 31, 2019. 
    2019 WL 4201572
    (Fed. Cl. Spec.
    Mstr. Jul 31, 2019).
    On January 17, 2020, petitioners filed a motion for final attorneys’ fees and
    costs (“Fees App.”). Petitioners request attorneys’ fees of $70,469.00 and
    attorneys’ costs of $28,006.91 for a total request of $98,475.91. Fees App. at 1.
    Pursuant to General Order No. 9, petitioners warrant that they have not personally
    incurred any costs related to the prosecution of their case. Fees App. Ex. 5, at 1. On
    January 21, 2020, respondent filed a response to petitioner’s motion. Respondent
    argues that “[n]either the Vaccine Act nor Vaccine Rule 13 contemplates any role
    for respondent in the resolution of a request by a petitioner for an award of
    attorneys’ fees and costs.” Response at 1. Respondent adds, however that he “is
    satisfied the statutory requirements for an award of attorneys’ fees and costs are
    met in this case.” Id at 2. Additionally, he recommends “that the Court exercise
    its discretion” when determining a reasonable award for attorneys’ fees and costs.
    Id. at 3.
    Petitioners filed a reply on July 21, 2020, indicating that because
    Respondent has made no specific objections to petitioners’ application, they did
    not intend to file a substantive reply. Reply at 1.
    The matter is now ripe for disposition.
    *      *       *
    Although compensation was denied, petitioners who bring their petitions in
    good faith and who have a reasonable basis for their petitions may be awarded
    attorneys’ fees and costs. 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-15(e)(1). In this case, the undersigned
    has no reason to doubt the good faith of the claim, and although the claim was
    ultimately unsuccessful, the matter necessitated an entitlement hearing and the
    undersigned finds that petitioners’ claim has a reasonable basis throughout the
    entire case. Respondent also has not challenged the reasonable basis of the claim.
    A final award of attorneys’ fees and costs is therefore proper in this case.
    The Vaccine Act permits an award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
    §15(e). The Federal Circuit has approved the lodestar approach to determine
    reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs under the Vaccine Act. This is a two-step
    process. Avera v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    515 F.3d 1343
    , 1348 (Fed.
    Cir. 2008). First, a court determines an “initial estimate … by ‘multiplying the
    number of hours reasonably expended on the litigation times a reasonable hourly
    Id. at 1347-48
    (quoting Blum v. Stenson, 
    465 U.S. 886
    , 888 (1984)).
    Second, the court may make an upward or downward departure from the initial
    calculation of the fee award based on specific findings.
    Id. at 1348.
    Here, because
    the lodestar process yields a reasonable result, no additional adjustments are
    required. Instead, the analysis focuses on the elements of the lodestar formula, a
    reasonable hourly rate and a reasonable number of hours.
    In light of the Secretary’s lack of objection, the undersigned has reviewed
    the fee application for its reasonableness. See McIntosh v. Secʼy of Health &
    Human Servs., 
    139 Fed. Cl. 238
    A.     Reasonable Hourly Rates
    Under the Vaccine Act, special masters, in general, should use the forum
    (District of Columbia) rate in the lodestar calculation. 
    Avera, 515 F.3d at 1349
    There is, however, an exception (the so-called Davis County exception) to this
    general rule when the bulk of the work is done outside the District of Columbia
    and the attorneys’ rates are substantially lower.
    Id. 1349 (citing
    Davis Cty. Solid
    Waste Mgmt. and Energy Recovery Special Serv. Dist. v. U.S. Envtl. Prot.
    169 F.3d 755
    , 758 (D.C. Cir. 1999)). In this case, all the attorneys’ work
    was done outside of the District of Columbia.
    Petitioners request the following rates of compensation for the work of their
    counsel: for Mr. John Howie, Jr., $383.00 per hour for work performed in 2018
    and $395.00 per hour for work performed in 2019; and for Mr. Michael Gross,
    $160.00 per hour for work performed in 2018 and $182.00 per hour for work
    performed in 2019.
    The undersigned has reviewed the requested rates and finds them to be
    reasonable and consistent with what special masters have previously awarded to
    petitioners’ counsel at Howie Law, PC for their Vaccine Program work. See, e.g.
    Kaiser v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 17-1099V, 
    2020 WL 2510449
    (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Apr. 28, 2020). Accordingly, the requested hourly rates are
    B.     Reasonable Number of Hours
    The second factor in the lodestar formula is a reasonable number of hours.
    Reasonable hours are not excessive, redundant, or otherwise unnecessary. See
    Saxton v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    3 F.3d 1517
    , 1521 (Fed. Cir. 1993).
    The Secretary also did not directly challenge any of the requested hours as
    The undersigned has reviewed the submitted billing entries and finds that the
    hours billed by Mr. Howie are reasonable. The hours billed by Mr. Gross, while
    reasonable, reflect work that is more properly categorized as paralegal rather than
    attorney. Upon review, it appears that Mr. Gross primarily drafted and tracked
    requests for medical records, prepared exhibit lists, and engaged in interoffice
    communications with Mr. Howie and firm paralegals to help coordinate the case.
    In awarding interim fees in this case, the undersigned previously noted that another
    associate attorney at Mr. Howie’s firm primarily performed paralegal tasks. 
    2018 WL 3991090
    , at *2 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. June 13, 2018). Thus, the undersigned
    finds it reasonable to compensate most of Mr. Gross’ billed time at paralegal,
    rather attorney, hourly rates. An appropriate reduction for this is $1,000.00.
    In sum, petitioners are awarded final attorneys’ fees of $69,469.00.
    C.     Costs Incurred
    Like attorneys’ fees, a request for reimbursement of costs must be
    reasonable. Perreira v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    27 Fed. Cl. 29
    , 34 (Fed.
    Cl. 1992), aff’d, 
    33 F.3d 1375
    (Fed. Cir. 1994). Petitioner requests a total of
    $28,006.91 in attorneys’ costs. This amount is comprised of acquiring medical
    records, work performed by petitioners’ expert, Dr. Lovitt, and travel costs
    associated with attending the entitlement hearing for Dr. Lovitt and petitioners.
    Fees App. Ex. 3 at 1. Petitioners have provided adequate documentation supporting
    these costs and they are largely reasonable in the undersigned’s experience. The
    only reduction necessary is for travel time billed by Dr. Lovitt. His billing records
    indicate that he billed time to travel from Houston, Texas, to Dallas at his full
    hourly rate. Fees App. Ex. 6 at 6. Dr. Lovitt’s billing records do not indicate that
    any case work was being performed during travel. The undersigned will therefore
    compensate 10 total hours of travel time at one-half of Dr. Lovitt’s standard hourly
    rate, resulting in a reduction of $1,750.00.
    Petitioners are therefore awarded final attorneys’ costs of $26,259.91.
    E.    Conclusion
    The Vaccine Act permits an award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
    42 U.S.C. § 300aa-15(e). Accordingly, I award a total of $95,725.91 (representing
    $69,469.00 in attorneys’ fees and $26,259.91 in attorneys’ costs) as a lump sum in
    the form of a check jointly payable to petitioners and petitioners’ counsel, Mr. John
    Howie, Jr.
    In the absence of a motion for review filed pursuant to RCFC Appendix B,
    the clerk of the court is directed to enter judgment herewith.2
    s/Christian J. Moran
    Christian J. Moran
    Special Master
    Pursuant to Vaccine Rule 11(a), the parties may expedite entry of judgment by filing a
    joint notice renouncing their right to seek review.