Morgan v. Department of Commerce , 414 P.3d 501 ( 2017 )

    2017 UT App 225
    No. 20160091-CA
    Filed December 7, 2017
    Original Proceeding in this Court
    Stephen K. Christiansen, Attorney for Petitioners
    Sean D. Reyes, Thomas M. Melton, and Stanford E.
    Purser, Attorneys for Respondent
    JUDGE DAVID N. MORTENSEN authored this Opinion, in which
    MORTENSEN, Judge:
    ¶1     Brent Allen Morgan asks us to conclude that because he is
    a private individual, unlicensed to sell securities in the state of
    Utah, the Utah Division of Securities should not have been able
    to wait as long as it did before bringing an administrative
    proceeding against him for allegedly violating the Utah Uniform
    Securities Act. 1 Because the statutes of limitations Morgan
    1. The Division brought the proceeding against Morgan and
    Summit Development and Lending Group Inc., Morgan’s “sole
    corporation.” The parties do not distinguish between Morgan
    and his corporation in their arguments on appeal, and we do not
    see a need to do so for purposes of our analysis. We therefore
    Morgan v. Department of Commerce
    identified do not apply, we decline to disturb the Department of
    Commerce’s order, which allowed the proceeding to go forward.
    ¶2     In August 2014, the Division filed a notice of agency
    action and order to show cause, alleging that Morgan had made
    material misstatements and omissions in connection with the
    offer and sale of securities to at least three investors. All of the
    acts alleged in the notice occurred between June 2007 and July
    2008. Morgan moved to dismiss the proceeding, arguing it was
    time-barred. The Utah Securities Commission denied the
    motion, reasoning that “there is no statute of limitations
    applicable to administrative actions filed by the Division of
    Securities under the Uniform Securities Act where no civil
    complaint is filed.”
    ¶3      Morgan thereafter sought Department review of the
    Commission’s denial of his motion to dismiss. The Department
    concluded that this court’s decision in Rogers v. Division of Real
    790 P.2d 102
     (Utah Ct. App. 1990), controlled the question
    of which statute of limitations applied, if any. “Applying the
    rationale in Rogers,” the Department determined that “none of
    the statutes upon which Petitioners rely apply in this case. Those
    statutes limit the time in which the state may bring criminal or
    civil actions; they do not specifically reference any
    administrative action by a government agency.” The Department
    accordingly affirmed the Commission’s order.
    ¶4      Morgan now seeks judicial review of the Department’s
    order. 2 He argues that Rogers is inapplicable where, as here, an
    use “Morgan” to refer both to him individually and Morgan and
    his corporation collectively.
    2. Because this case presents only questions of law, we review
    the Department’s order for correctness. See Evolocity, Inc. v.
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    Morgan v. Department of Commerce
    agency brings an administrative proceeding “against a non-
    member of the profession who is a member of the public at
    large.” In such a case, Morgan contends, the proceeding is
    limited by one of three statutes of limitations, any one of which
    would render the notice filed in this case untimely. The three
    statutes relied on by Morgan are Utah Code section 61-1-21.1,
    which requires that any “indictment or information” or “civil
    complaint” for violations of the Act be filed no “more than five
    years after the alleged violations”; section 78B-2-307, which sets
    forth a four-year catch-all statute of limitations “for relief not
    otherwise provided for by law”; and section 78B-2-302(3), which
    requires any action “for a forfeiture or penalty to the state” to
    “be brought within one year.” Morgan provides detailed
    analyses as to why each of these statutes might apply to this case
    and concludes,
    Some statute of limitations therefore applies to the
    Division’s claims. It is either the one-year statute
    for a penalty to the state; the five-year specific
    statute for securities claims that supersedes the
    one-year general statute; or, if neither of these
    applies, the four-year “catch-all” statute of
    limitations that applies to all “causes of action.”
    (Emphasis in original.) We disagree and hold that none of the
    three statutes of limitations apply. 3
    Department of Workforce Services, 
    2015 UT App 61
    , ¶ 7, 
    347 P.3d 406
    3. As noted in Phillips v. Department of Commerce, 
    2017 UT App 84
    397 P.3d 863
    , the legislature recently provided for a ten-year
    statute of limitations applicable to such proceedings. See 
     ¶ 15
    Utah Code Ann. § 61-1-21.1
    (2) (LexisNexis Supp. 2017).
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    Morgan v. Department of Commerce
    § 61-1-21.1
    ¶5      Morgan first contends that under section 61-1-21.1 of the
    Utah Code, the Division was required to file its notice of agency
    action within five years of the complained-of conduct. Since
    briefing in this case, we issued our decision in Phillips v.
    Department of Commerce, 
    2017 UT App 84
    397 P.3d 863
    , which
    directly addressed the question of “whether the Act’s limitation
    period [found in section 61-1-21.1] applied to the Division’s
    enforcement action.” Id. ¶ 12; see generally 
    Utah Code Ann. § 61
    1-21.1 (LexisNexis 2011). We determined that it did not and that
    the Division’s action, for a violation that occurred five years and
    six months prior to the commencement of the enforcement
    proceeding, was timely. Phillips, 
    2017 UT App 84
    , ¶¶ 12, 15. In so
    determining, we relied on our reasoning in Rogers. Id. ¶ 15.
    Whether the person accused was a member of a certain
    profession or not was irrelevant to that reasoning; rather, we
    found it persuasive that “‘an administrative disciplinary hearing
    is not a civil proceeding,’ and an order to show cause is different
    in kind from a civil complaint.” Id. (quoting Rogers, 
    790 P.2d at 105
    ¶6     Because the decision in Phillips directly addressed section
    61-1-21.1 and determined that it did not apply, Morgan’s
    argument on this point fails. There is no factual or legal basis to
    distinguish the present case from Phillips; Phillips decided that
    administrative proceedings like the one brought by the Division
    in this case were not subject to that statute of limitations. We
    therefore conclude that the Department did not err in finding
    that section 61-1-21.1 did not bar the agency action against
    Because that statute did not take effect until after the Division
    filed its notice of agency action, it does not affect our analysis.
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    Morgan v. Department of Commerce
    § 78B-2-307
    ¶7     Morgan next contends that the catch-all statute of
    limitations, Utah Code section 78B-2-307(3), applies. 4 However,
    this court has previously held that this statute of limitations has
    no application to administrative proceedings. See Rogers v.
    Division of Real Estate, 
    790 P.2d 102
    , 105 (Utah Ct. App. 1990). 5
    ¶8    Section 78B-2-102 of the Utah Code provides:
    Civil actions may be commenced only within the
    periods prescribed in this chapter, after the cause
    of action has accrued, except in specific cases
    where a different limitation is prescribed by
    Utah Code Ann. § 78B-2-102 (LexisNexis 2012). In Rogers, we
    considered the operation of this statute. There, the petitioner
    argued that the administrative proceeding was a civil
    proceeding; that Utah Code section 78B-2-102 made the panoply
    of statutes of limitations found in Title 78, now located in Title
    78B, applicable to administrative proceedings; and that therefore
    the catch-all statute, section 78B-2-307(3), applied. Rogers, 
    790 P.2d at 105
    . We disagreed, noting that civil actions are
    commenced by filing a complaint or by the service of a
    4. Section 78B-2-307(3) provides, “An action may be brought
    within four years . . . for relief not otherwise provided for by
    law.” Utah Code Ann. § 78B-2-307(3) (LexisNexis 2012).
    5. Rogers analyzed sections 78-12-1 and 78-12-25(2) of the Utah
    Code. We refer to the substance of these statutes by citing their
    renumbered counterparts, sections 78B-2-102 and 78B-2-307(3),
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    Morgan v. Department of Commerce
     at 105–06 (citing Utah R. Civ. P. 3(a)). 6 But the
    administrative enforcement proceeding at issue in Rogers was
    commenced when the agency filed a petition with the
    administrative tribunal. Id. at 104; see also Phillips, 
    2017 UT App 84
    , ¶ 14 (reiterating the conclusion from Rogers that an
    administrative proceeding is not a civil action). We therefore
    determined that an administrative proceeding is not a civil
    action and that in the absence of specific legislative authority, the
    civil statutes of limitations in Title 78 are inapplicable to
    administrative proceedings. 7 Rogers, 
    790 P.2d at
    ¶9     As in Rogers, the case before us is an administrative
    proceeding rather than a civil action. Accordingly, because
    section 78B-2-307(3) applies only to civil actions, and because
    Rogers previously decided that civil statutes of limitations—and
    6. The term “action” is a defined term. “The word ‘action’ as
    used in this chapter includes counterclaims and cross-complaints
    and all other civil actions in which affirmative relief is sought.”
    Utah Code Ann. § 78B-2-101(1) (LexisNexis 2012) (emphasis
    7. An example of such legislative authority is highlighted in
    Lorenzo v. Workforce Appeals Board, 
    2002 UT App 371
    58 P.3d 873
    where we held that a civil statute of limitations from Title 78 did
    apply to an administrative proceeding. Id. ¶ 9. However, in
    Lorenzo, we were reviewing the Employment Security Act, which
    expressly provides: “Action required for the collection of sums
    due under this chapter is subject to the applicable limitations of
    actions under Title 78, Chapter 12, Limitation of Actions.” See id.
    ¶ 14 n.2 (quoting an earlier version of Utah Code Ann. § 35A-4-
    305 (LexisNexis 2015)). No such provision is found in the Utah
    Uniform Securities Act, which only underscores that, had the
    Utah Legislature wanted the statutes of limitations in Title 78B to
    apply, the legislature could have so provided.
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    Morgan v. Department of Commerce
    section 78B-2-307(3) in particular—do not apply to
    administrative proceedings, section 78B-2-307(3) does not apply
    in this case. Morgan’s argument that “the Department
    erroneously stretched Rogers to apply here” is not well taken.
    § 78B-2-302(3)
    ¶10 Finally, Morgan argues that the administrative
    proceeding is barred by the one-year statute of limitations that
    applies to “[a]n action” brought “upon a statute, or upon an
    undertaking in a criminal action, for a forfeiture or penalty to the
    state.” See Utah Code Ann. § 78B-2-302(3) (LexisNexis Supp.
    2017). While this court has not previously addressed the
    applicability of section 78B-2-302(3) to administrative
    proceedings, the reasoning of Rogers and Phillips applies. That
    section appears in the same chapter of our code as does section
    78B-2-307(3), and its use of the word “action” thus means civil
    proceedings. See id. § 78B-2-101(1) (2012); Rogers, 
    790 P.2d at
    105–06. As we have already explained, civil statutes of
    limitations find no application in this case. We therefore cannot
    agree that section 78B-2-302(3) operates to bar these proceedings.
    ¶11 Because none of the suggested statutes of limitations
    apply in this case, the Department did not err by determining
    that the administrative proceeding was not time-barred. We
    therefore decline to disturb the Department’s order.
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Document Info

Docket Number: 20160091-CA

Citation Numbers: 2017 UT App 225, 414 P.3d 501

Filed Date: 12/7/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023