Judicial Inquiry & Review Comm'n v. Waymack ( 2012 )

  • PRESENT: Lemons, Goodwyn, Millette, Mims, and McClanahan, JJ.
    and Russell and Lacy, S.JJ.
    v.   Record No. 120398              JUSTICE DONALD W. LEMONS
    NOVEMBER 1, 2012
    The Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission (the
    "Commission") filed the present complaint against Jacqueline R.
    Waymack, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District, pursuant to the
    original jurisdiction of this Court set forth in Article VI,
    Section 10 of the Constitution of Virginia and Virginia Code
    § 17.1-902.   The Commission asserted that its charges against
    Judge Waymack for allegedly violating the Canons of Judicial
    Conduct (the "Canons") are well founded in fact, and that the
    violations are of sufficient gravity to constitute the basis for
    censure or removal by this Court.   We conclude that there is not
    clear and convincing evidence that Judge Waymack engaged in
    either "misconduct" or "conduct prejudicial to the proper
    administration of justice."   Va. Const. art. VI, § 10.
    Therefore, we will dismiss the complaint.
    On October 11, 2011, the Commission issued a Notice
    establishing formal charges ("Notice") against Judge Waymack
    that she had engaged in misconduct or engaged in conduct
    prejudicial to the proper administration of justice while
    serving as a judge in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court
    for the Sixth Judicial District (the "J&DR court").   Judge
    Waymack was charged with alleged violations of Canons 1, 2, 2B,
    and 5A(3).
    A. The Electronic Text Messages
    The Commission alleged that on the evening of July 22,
    2011, Judge Waymack sent inappropriate electronic text messages
    from her cellular telephone to an employee of the City of
    Hopewell District Court's clerk's office.   At the time Judge
    Waymack sent the messages to the court employee, her nephew,
    Joseph Waymack, was seeking his party's nomination to run for a
    seat in the House of Delegates.   The nominee was to be chosen at
    a meeting in Windsor, Virginia, on the following day.   According
    to the Commission, Judge Waymack attempted to assist her nephew
    in obtaining the nomination by sending a text message to the
    court employee to ascertain whether the court employee's mother
    would be attending the meeting.
    In the messages that Judge Waymack sent to the court
    employee, she identified herself as "Jackie."   Judge Waymack
    informed the court employee that the employee's mother had
    "signed up to go to this meeting tomorrow for my nephew Joseph,"
    and then asked, "[i]s your mom still awake?   Do you know if
    she's going or if it's too late for my mom to call her?"    When
    the court employee informed Judge Waymack that her mother was on
    vacation, Judge Waymack responded, "Serious?    Well guess she
    won't be at the meeting then...Ok.   Thanks!"
    In Judge Waymack's answer to the Notice of formal charges,
    she admitted that she sent the referenced message to the court
    employee, and that when she sent that message her nephew was
    seeking his party's nomination to run for a seat in the House of
    Delegates.   Judge Waymack denied, however, that the text message
    violated any Canons.   Judge Waymack further denied that her
    intent in sending the message was to assist her nephew in
    obtaining the nomination.
    B. The Courtroom Appearance
    In June of 2011, the case of Carmella Brenzie v. Mark A.
    Brenzie was pending in the JD&R court in Hopewell.   On June 22,
    2011, Mark Brenzie ("Brenzie"), by counsel, filed a motion dated
    June 9, 2011, requesting that the judges of the juvenile and
    domestic relations court recuse themselves because it was well
    known in the general public that Brenzie was in a "close
    personal relationship with a sitting judge of this Court."     That
    motion was granted, and Retired Judge Jannene L. Shannon was
    designated by the Chief Justice to hear the case.
    On July 27, 2011, Judge Shannon heard the matter of
    Carmella Brenzie v. Mark A. Brenzie.   Judge Waymack accompanied
    Brenzie into the courthouse and the courtroom, and she sat in a
    chair at the back of the courtroom.    At the beginning of the
    hearing, counsel for Carmella Brenzie ("Carmella"), Adrienne
    Eliades ("Eliades"), informed Judge Shannon that a motion to
    recuse had been filed in this case because it was known that
    Brenzie was in a relationship with a judge from the
    jurisdiction.    Eliades explained that the judge in question,
    Judge Waymack, was sitting in the courtroom.     Eliades argued
    that Judge Waymack was the reason for the recusal, so she should
    not be permitted to be in the courtroom.
    Counsel for Brenzie, Stephen Heretick ("Heretick"),
    responded that Brenzie did not plan on calling Judge Waymack as
    a witness and that she was present in the courtroom merely as a
    member of the public.    Judge Shannon asked Judge Waymack if she
    was the judge they were describing.    Judge Waymack responded
    affirmatively.   Judge Shannon then stated that she thought "it
    would be better if you were not in the courtroom."     Judge
    Waymack replied, "All right.    Certainly.   Certainly."   Judge
    Shannon stated that she thought that would "[p]rotect at least
    the appearance of propriety, even though there would be no
    impropriety, per se."    Judge Waymack left the courtroom.
    In Judge Waymack's answer to the Notice, she admitted that
    she attended the court hearing with Brenzie, but she denied that
    doing so violated any applicable Canons.     Judge Waymack also
    alleged that she had previously contacted counsel for the
    Commission through her counsel and obtained advice that it was
    permissible for her to be a factual witness in related
    proceedings, but not a character witness.
    C. Prior Misconduct
    In its Notice, the Commission alleged that all of the
    foregoing conduct occurred after Judge Waymack had been formally
    charged by the Commission in 2004 with several violations of the
    Canons, had consented to a written finding that she had violated
    the Canons, had agreed to a two-year period of supervision, and
    had completed the supervision period in 2007.   Judge Waymack
    responded in her answer to the Notice that the prior Commission
    record had no relevance or materiality to any of the issues
    raised, and that it was inappropriate, prejudicial, and violated
    due process and equal protection principles to reference, rely
    upon, or make use of the prior Commission records in the current
    proceeding.   Judge Waymack asked the Commission to refrain from
    making any further use of this material.
    D. Commission Hearing
    On February 14, 2012, the Commission conducted an
    evidentiary hearing on the charges, at which time Judge Waymack
    was present and represented by counsel.    Judge Waymack filed
    three motions prior to the evidentiary hearing; a motion to
    dismiss and motion to strike, a "motion to exclude and strike
    evidence and allegations that are irrelevant, immaterial and/or
    more prejudicial than probative," and a supplemental motion to
    exclude any evidence or areas of inquiry outside the scope of
    issues raised in the Notice.    The Commission heard argument on
    these motions and subsequently denied them.
    Judge Waymack testified at the hearing that she sent the
    text messages to the court employee, Lindsay Reid ("Reid"), to
    get Reid's mother's phone number.      Judge Waymack testified that
    she had known Reid for many years, and they were on a "first
    name basis" outside of the courtroom.     Judge Waymack testified
    that her mother was trying to see if people needed a ride to the
    meeting the next day, and her mother did not have a phone number
    for Reid's mother.    Judge Waymack stated that she had never
    discussed her nephew's campaign with Reid.
    Regarding the courtroom appearance, Judge Waymack testified
    that she went to the courthouse with Brenzie because he was
    "very very upset."    She stated that she went into the courtroom
    to observe and sat in the back.    When Judge Shannon said it
    might be best if she left the courtroom, she agreed to do so and
    left.    Judge Waymack testified that because she had been
    informed that it would be permissible for her to testify as a
    fact witness, she believed she could come inside the courtroom
    and sit silently in the back as an observer.     Judge Waymack
    testified that if she thought that anyone would be intimidated
    by her presence in the courtroom, she would not have gone in.
    She stated that she attended the proceeding out of concern for
    her friend and to observe on his behalf.
    Carmela testified that when she saw Judge Waymack come into
    the courtroom during the July 27, 2011 hearing, she was very
    upset, and that having Judge Waymack in the courtroom made her
    want "to vomit."   Heretick testified that before the July 27,
    2011 hearing, he met briefly with Eliades.   At the conclusion of
    that meeting, Eliades asked if Judge Waymack was going into the
    courtroom, and said she would have a problem with Judge Waymack
    being present in the courtroom.   Heretick responded that he did
    not know if Judge Waymack planned on going into the courtroom,
    but that he believed she was entitled to attend as a public
    citizen, and that she was just there for moral support.
    Heretick did not have an opportunity to tell Judge Waymack about
    Eliades' concerns, because when he left his meeting with
    Eliades, Judge Waymack was already in the courtroom and Judge
    Shannon was on the bench.
    After the hearing, the Commission determined that Judge
    Waymack violated Canons 1, 2, 2B, and 5A(3) and "that the
    charges as stated in the Notice are well founded and of
    sufficient gravity to constitute the basis for retirement,
    censure or removal."   The Commission then directed its counsel
    to file a complaint against Judge Waymack in this Court with a
    recommendation of censure.
    On March 12, 2012, the Commission filed its complaint with
    this Court.   In her answer to the Commission's complaint, Judge
    Waymack alleged that the evidence in the record was insufficient
    to establish any violations of the Canons.   In addition, Judge
    Waymack alleged that the Notice issued against her failed to
    articulate any violations of the Canons, and that therefore
    there was no basis for conducting a hearing at the Commission
    level.   Finally, Judge Waymack asserted that there was an
    insufficient basis for any form of discipline based upon the
    allegations, and she asked the Court to resolve all issues in
    her favor and to dismiss the Complaint.
    On March 28, 2012, Judge Waymack filed a demurrer and
    motion to dismiss.   Judge Waymack asked the Court to conduct an
    initial review of the Commission's complaint, make a
    determination whether the Complaint was sufficient to justify
    any further proceedings, and dismiss the matter with prejudice.
    The Commission filed an opposing response, and argued that once
    it files a complaint in this Court, this Court must conduct a
    hearing in open court, and that a demurrer or motion to dismiss
    had no application in this type of proceeding.   We issued an
    order denying the demurrer and motion to dismiss.
    The relevant portions of the Canons at issue in this case
    state the following:
    Canon 1:
    A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and
    Independence of the Judiciary.
    Canon 2:
    A Judge Shall Avoid Impropriety and the
    Appearance of Impropriety in All of the Judge's
    . . . .
    B. A judge shall not allow family, social,
    political or other relationships to influence the
    judge's judicial conduct or judgment. A judge
    shall not lend the prestige of judicial office to
    advance the private interests of the judge or
    others; nor shall a judge convey or permit others
    to convey the impression that they are in a
    special position to influence the judge. A judge
    shall not testify as a character witness.
    Canon 5:
    A.(3) A judge shall not engage in any other
    political activity except in behalf of measures
    to improve the law, the legal system, or the
    administration of justice.
    Va. Sup. Ct. R., Part 6, § III, Canons 1, 2 and 5.
    The filing of a formal complaint by the Commission
    triggered this Court's duty to conduct a hearing in open court
    to determine whether Judge Waymack "engaged in misconduct while
    in office, or . . . has engaged in conduct prejudicial to the
    proper administration of justice."    Va. Const. art. VI, § 10.
    In conducting the hearing on the formal complaint
    filed by the Commission, this Court considers the
    evidence and makes factual determinations de
    novo. The Commission must prove its charges in
    this Court by clear and convincing evidence. The
    term "clear and convincing evidence" has been
    defined as "that measure or degree of proof which
    will produce in the mind of the trier of facts a
    firm belief or conviction as to the allegations
    sought to be established. It is intermediate,
    being more than a mere preponderance, but not to
    the extent of such certainty as is required
    beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases. It
    does not mean clear and unequivocal."
    Judicial Inquiry & Review Comm'n v. Lewis, 
    264 Va. 401
    , 405, 
    568 S.E.2d 687
    , 689 (2002) (citations omitted).   This Court does not
    accord any particular weight or deference to factual
    determinations, findings and opinions of the Commission.     See
    Judicial Inquiry & Review Comm'n v. Peatross, 
    269 Va. 428
    , 444,
    611 S.E.2d 392
    , 400 (2005).   After conducting an independent
    review of the record and hearing argument of counsel, we must
    decide whether there is clear and convincing evidence of a
    violation of the Canons as charged in the Commission's
    complaint.   Id.   If we find such clear and convincing evidence,
    we are required to censure or remove the judge from office.     Va.
    Const. art. VI, § 10.
    A. The Electronic Text Messages
    Judge Waymack has admitted sending the electronic text
    messages in question.   The only issue before us is whether the
    sending of these messages constitutes a violation of the Canons.
    Judge Waymack testified that when she sent the text messages,
    she was merely attempting to get the phone number of Reid's
    mother and to ascertain whether it was too late for Judge
    Waymack's mother to telephone Reid's mother.    We conclude that
    there was nothing in the actual language of the text messages
    that was overtly political.    There is also no evidence in the
    record that Reid, when she received these messages, understood
    them as being political in nature.    We conclude that Judge
    Waymack was not using the "prestige of judicial office"; she
    merely asked a friend for a telephone number.    Therefore, we
    conclude that there is not clear and convincing evidence that
    this conduct violated any of the Canons.
    B. The Courtroom Appearance
    Judge Waymack does not deny that she attended the Brenzie
    hearing on July 27, 2011.    There is no dispute that Judge
    Waymack and the chief judge of the district were both recused
    from the matter because of Judge Waymack's close personal
    relationship with Brenzie.    The Commission asserts that by
    attending this hearing, Judge Waymack conveyed the impression
    that she was not impartial with respect to the case or the
    parties, and that she was lending the prestige of judicial
    office to Brenzie's interests.
    In support of its argument, the Commission cites to cases
    from New Jersey, California, and New York where judges were
    disciplined for attending court proceedings as observers.     In
    the case of In re: Perskie, 
    24 A.3d 277
     (N.J. 2011), the judge
    was charged with, among other things, failing to recuse himself
    when initially requested despite having a professional and
    social relationship with a central witness in the case, and
    appearing in the courtroom during the trial from which he had
    finally recused himself.   The judge appeared twice in the
    courtroom during trial and remained for an hour on each
    occasion, speaking with one of the plaintiff's attorneys during
    one of those occasions.    Id. at 283-84.   In Broadman v. Comm'n
    on Judicial Performance, 
    959 P.2d 715
     (Cal. 1998), the judge
    attended the malpractice trial of an attorney with whom he had
    an antagonistic relationship.    When a court employee asked the
    judge why he had come to the trial, the judge replied that he
    was "just being an asshole."     Id. at 730.   Several jurors knew
    the judge and noted and discussed his presence in the courtroom.
    The Commission also cites In re: Thwaits, 2003 Ann. Rep.
    171, 171-72, (N.Y. Comm'n on Judicial Conduct, Dec. 30, 2002). *
    In that case, a judge recused herself from a case because of her
    relationship to the defendant but then attended the trial and
    sat in the courtroom near members of the defendant's family.
    This judge, however, was not censured merely for attending the
    family member's trial.    Other egregious conduct was involved.
    The judge reduced that same defendant's bail and modified the
    protective order against him before recusing herself.
    Additionally, in two other cases, one involving a family member
    and one involving a social acquaintance, the judge granted
    "adjournment in contemplation of dismissal" without consent or
    notice to the prosecution as required by law.   In yet another
    case, she dismissed charges against a family member and did not
    disclose to the prosecution her familial relationship to that
    defendant.   Id.
    The Commission asserts that facts surrounding Judge
    Waymack's presence at the Brenzie hearing are comparable to the
    facts articulated in the cases above.   We disagree.   The facts
    in the cases discussed above are more troubling than the facts
    before us in this case.   Here, Judge Waymack attended the
    The opinion is a part of the 2003 Annual Report of the New
    York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. See
    alreport.pdf (last visited Sept. 19, 2012).
    hearing with her friend to observe as a member of the public.
    She sat in the back of the courtroom.   Until it was called to
    her attention, presiding Judge Shannon did not know who Judge
    Waymack was.   As soon as Judge Shannon asked her to leave, Judge
    Waymack did so.   Although Judge Waymack's decision to attend
    this hearing did not "exemplify the level of professionalism
    that judges in this Commonwealth should exhibit," we cannot say
    that Judge Waymack's actions and conduct violated the Canons,
    nor were they so egregious as to amount to judicial misconduct
    or conduct that was prejudicial to the proper administration of
    justice.   See Peatross, 269 Va. at 449-50, 611 S.E.2d at 404.
    C. Prior Misconduct
    Having determined that there is insufficient evidence of a
    violation of any of the Canons, we do not need to consider Judge
    Waymack's argument regarding prior history with the Commission.
    For these reasons, we hold that there is not clear and
    convincing evidence showing that Judge Waymack violated the
    specified Canons as charged.   Judge Waymack's actions were not
    so egregious as to amount to judicial misconduct or conduct that
    was prejudicial to the proper administration of justice
    warranting censure or removal from office.     Therefore, we will
    dismiss the complaint.