Dean v. Morris ( 2014 )

  • PRESENT: All the Justices
    v.    Record No. 131512                JUSTICE CLEO E. POWELL
    April 17, 2014
    Joanne F. Alper, Judge Pro Tempore
    This appeal arises out of breach of contract suit brought
    against the estate of Marion Casey Dean (“Casey”).    In this
    case, we hold that the trial court’s finding that an oral
    contract existed between Casey and his wife, Shirley Gregg Dean
    (“Shirley”), is without clear and convincing evidence to support
    it.   Therefore, we will reverse the judgment of the trial court.
    Shirley married Casey on July 1, 1978.   Both had children
    from their previous marriages.   When Shirley and Casey married,
    they initially lived in Shirley’s townhouse until it became too
    small, at which time they sold it and used the proceeds to
    purchase a larger townhome in the same community.    After Casey
    sold his business to his son, Marion Casey Dean, Jr. (“Dean”),
    Casey and Shirley sold the townhome, remodeled Casey’s farmhouse
    in Orange County, and moved there.
    Shirley died in August 1999.    At the time, Barbara E.
    Morris (“Morris”), Linda D. Gregg (“Gregg”), and Joanne Sundell
    decided not to probate their mother’s estate.     Their decision
    was based on their belief that their mother had an oral contract
    with Casey for him to provide for them in his will.     Morris
    claimed that she and her sisters remained close to Casey after
    their mother died.
    After Casey’s death in 2010, Morris and her sisters
    unsuccessfully attempted to get Casey’s estate documents from
    Dean.    When Morris contacted the estate’s attorney, she was told
    that she should have her attorney contact him.     Morris then
    hired an attorney.    Subsequently, the sisters reported receiving
    a check for $200,000 accompanied by a release.     Morris indicated
    that they did not cash it because they still had not seen any of
    the estate paperwork.
    The sisters then sued Casey’s estate for breach of an oral
    contract between him and their mother.     At trial, Morris
    testified that she and her mother had discussed her mother’s
    estate planning desires.     Specifically, Morris testified that in
    1996 because of her ailing mother’s upcoming surgery, Shirley
    told Morris that “Casey and I have discussed . . . asking you
    all to wait until after something happens to him, before you all
    inherit anything from me, before you get anything from the
    estate.”    Morris stated that Shirley told her that she and Casey
    had agreed that Morris and her sisters would inherit more if
    they waited until after Casey’s death.     Morris further testified
    that in May 1997, Shirley “mention[ed] something about the
    widow’s third.”
    Morris also testified about a conversation that she had
    with Casey approximately a week and a half after her mother
    died.    She stated that Casey spoke privately with her and showed
    her a document that she did not read.     Casey told her that the
    document, which he kept in the safe, would not mean much to her
    then but that it would after he died, and that he was showing
    her because he wanted to be sure that his wishes regarding his
    estate were followed.
    On cross-examination, Morris admitted that her mother did
    not tell her how much they would inherit if they waited and that
    Casey never told her not to probate her mother’s will.     She also
    admitted that her mother gave her a copy of her will around the
    same time that she had the conversation about her agreement with
    Gregg testified that in December 1996 she spoke with her
    mother, who told her that she and Casey had made an agreement
    for her daughters to wait to inherit until after he died.
    Frank Andrew Thomas, III, an attorney who previously
    represented Casey, testified as to several letters he wrote to
    Casey regarding estate work he did for Casey and a note in his
    file memorializing a meeting with Casey and Dean.     In one letter
    dated December 31, 1996, Thomas wrote “I note that your current
    trust has a one third - two thirds division of assets between
    your family and your wife’s family.   The irrevocable trust I
    have drafted contemplates its asset will be distributed only to
    your family.   A modification can easily be made.”   Approximately
    one month later, Thomas wrote,
    [e]nclosed with this letter please find a
    new draft of your irrevocable trust
    incorporating the amendments we discussed by
    telephone. It now follows essentially the
    same scheme as your existing trust for the
    distribution of assets after your death.
    In a letter dated October 18, 1999, Thomas wrote
    I want to go back over with you in this
    letter our discussions and plans regarding
    the administration of your wife’s estate.
    Based on what you told me, I do not think
    there is anything that is needed to be done
    to administer your wife’s estate. It appears
    that what property you have together was
    joint and there was nothing in her name
    alone that requires the probate of her Will
    or qualification of an Executor. Should
    that turn out not to be the case, we can
    arrange for you to do so in a fairly simple
    The trial court held that Morris “carried [the] burden of
    clear and convincing evidence to prove that there was such an
    agreement that [Shirley’s] children be entitled to a third of
    the estate.”   This appeal follows.
    Dean argues that the trial court erred in finding clear and
    convincing evidence of an oral contract between Casey and
    Shirley to leave one-third of Casey’s estate to Shirley’s
    children if Shirley predeceased Casey.    To prove a breach of an
    oral contract, Morris must first prove that a valid oral
    contract existed.   To prove a contract’s existence, all of the
    essential elements must be proven.    “[T]here must be a complete
    agreement which requires acceptance of an offer, as well as
    valuable consideration.”    Montagna v. Holiday Inns, Inc., 
    221 Va. 336
    , 346, 
    269 S.E.2d 838
    , 844 (1980)(citation omitted).
    In reviewing the trial court’s finding that clear and
    convincing evidence of the contract existed, “[w]e must ‘accept
    with caution and examine with scrutiny’ the evidence proffered
    by [the proponent] in support of an alleged oral contract
    providing for the disposition of the decedent’s estate contrary
    to the directions of [his] probated will.”   Blincoe v. Blincoe,
    209 Va. 238
    , 244, 
    163 S.E.2d 139
    , 143 (1968) (citation omitted).
    Only if the proponent has sustained her burden of putting on
    “clear, definite and convincing evidence that with reasonable
    certainty established the making of the contract and proved its
    terms,” will we affirm the trial court’s determination that an
    oral contract existed.     
    Id. To determine
    whether the trial court correctly held that
    there was an oral contract between Shirley and Casey, we first
    look to whether there was an agreement.   In reviewing a trial
    court’s determination that an oral contract existed, we review
    the record for clear and convincing evidence, i.e., proof that
    is more than a mere preponderance but less than beyond a
    reasonable doubt.    Fred C. Walker Agency, Inc. v. Lucas, 
    215 Va. 535
    , 540-41, 
    211 S.E.2d 88
    , 92 (1975).
    “In testing the credibility and weight
    to be ascribed to the evidence, we must give
    trial courts and juries the wide discretion
    to which a living record, as distinguished
    from a printed record, logically entitles
    them. The living record contains many
    guideposts to the truth which are not in the
    printed record; not having seen [the
    witnesses] ourselves, we should give great
    weight to the conclusions of those who have
    seen and heard them.”
    Id. at 541,
    211 S.E.2d at 93 (quoting Bradley v. Commonwealth,
    196 Va. 1126
    , 1136, 
    86 S.E.2d 828
    , 834 (1955)).
    Gregg testified without objection that there was an
    agreement between her mother and Casey.    Morris further
    testified that her mother believed that there was an agreement
    between herself and Casey.    Thus, upon review, the record
    contains clear and convincing evidence to support the trial
    court’s determination that an agreement existed.
    Simply because the evidence is clear and convincing to
    prove that an oral agreement existed, however, does not mean
    that the evidence is sufficient to prove the terms of that
    agreement.    Without specificity of terms, there is no contract.
    [i]n Mullins v. Mingo Lime [& Lumber] Co.,
    176 Va. 44
    , 49, 
    10 S.E.2d 492
    [(1940)], we
    [explained] as follows: “It is a necessary
    requirement in the nature of things that an
    agreement in order to be binding must be
    sufficiently definite to enable a court to
    give it an exact meaning.”
    . . . .
    “Another essential element of a valid
    contract is certainty and completeness. The
    element of completeness denotes that the
    contract embraces all the material terms;
    that of certainty denotes that each one of
    those terms is expressed in a sufficiently
    exact and definite manner. An incomplete
    contract, therefore, is one from which one
    or more material terms have been entirely
    omitted. An uncertain contract is one which
    may, indeed, embrace all the material terms,
    but one of them is expressed in so inexact,
    indefinite or obscure language that the
    intent of the parties cannot be sufficiently
    ascertained to enable the court to carry it
    into effect.”
    “While a contract to be valid and
    enforceable must be so certain that each
    party may have an action upon it, reasonable
    certainty is all that is required. So where
    a contract is to some extent uncertain and
    ambiguous, it may be read in the light of
    surrounding circumstances, and if, reading
    it thus, its meaning may be gathered, the
    same will be enforced. But an agreement, in
    order to be binding, must be sufficiently
    definite to enable a court to give it an
    exact meaning, and must obligate the
    contracting parties to matters definitely
    ascertained or ascertainable.”
    . . . .
    “In order that there may be an agreement,
    the parties must have a distinct intention
    common to both and without doubt or
    difference. Until all understand alike,
    there can be no assent, and, therefore, no
    contract. Both parties must assent to the
    same thing in the same sense, and their
    minds must meet as to all the terms. If any
    portion of the proposed terms is not
    settled, or no mode is agreed on by which it
    may be settled, there is no agreement,
    . . . .”
    Smith v. Farrell, 
    199 Va. 121
    , 127-28, 
    98 S.E.2d 3
    , 7-8
    (1957)(citations omitted).
    In fact, in a prior case considering an oral contract as to
    how to dispose of an estate, this Court reversed the trial
    court’s determination that there was sufficient evidence to
    prove the essential terms of an oral contract.   
    Blincoe, 209 Va. at 244-45
    , 163 S.E.2d at 144.   The record in that case contained
    clear and convincing evidence that the defendant promised to
    compensate the plaintiff but fell short of proving by clear and
    convincing evidence “that there was [a] meeting of the minds
    respecting essential terms--the amount to be paid or bequeathed
    by [the defendant] and the persons to whom the payment or
    bequest would be made.”   
    Id. Here, although
    Thomas’ letters to Casey tend to indicate
    that Casey initially intended before and around the time of
    Shirley’s death to leave one-third of the trust assets to her
    daughters and two-thirds to his own children, these letters are
    not clear and convincing evidence of the terms of the agreement.
    Indeed, although the trial court found there was sufficient
    evidence that the daughters were entitled to “one-third of the
    estate,” its very ruling indicates that the agreement was not
    sufficient as to the terms.   Specifically, during the liability
    portion of the bifurcated trial, the trial court stated:
    I think . . . that the plaintiff has carried
    its burden of clear and convincing evidence
    to prove that there was such an agreement
    that [Shirley’s] children be entitled to a
    third of the estate.
    The question that hasn’t been answered yet
    is: What is the estate? And I think that’s
    . . . the next issue. Was it a third of
    what was put in that trust, which
    vacillated, and maybe nothing? Was it a
    third of his entire estate, regardless of
    the provisions of the trust? I’m not sure
    we have the answer to that.
    (Emphasis added.)
    The trial court’s uncertainty is borne out by the documents
    themselves.   In 1996, Casey drafted a will and accompanying
    trust.   That will left all of his tangible personal property to
    his children and left the “residuary estate” to be passed
    through the trust, which was to be divided two-thirds to his
    children and one-third to Shirley’s children.   The trust itself
    was unfunded at that time.    Therefore, clearly in 1996, when
    Shirley told her children about the agreement, there was no
    evidence of an agreement that they would receive one-third of
    the estate because certain items had been specifically devised
    to Casey’s children.
    The fact that there was no evidence of a specific agreement
    as to terms is also borne out by the fact that even during
    Shirley’s lifetime, the assets shuffled.    In 1997, three parcels
    of property were placed into the previously unfunded revocable
    Adding to the confusion as to what corpus Shirley’s
    children would receive one-third of is the fact that an
    irrevocable trust was also established.    That trust was
    originally drafted by Thomas to pass all of its assets to
    Casey’s children.   It appears from correspondence that this
    trust was later drafted to provide a one-third/two-thirds
    division but this trust was funded with only $1.
    However, any evidence about a one-third/two-thirds division
    simply sheds light on what Casey may have been thinking when he
    initially drafted his trusts. *   It does not provide any evidence
    that Shirley and Casey agreed with each other that there would
    be a one-third/two-thirds division.    There simply is not clear
    and convincing evidence of what Shirley meant by “more.”
    Indeed, Morris admitted on cross-examination that her mother
    The trial court considered Casey’s actions to initially
    give one-third of the revocable trust to Shirley’s children as
    corroboration of what Shirley and he intended to leave to
    Shirley’s children. His actions, however, only shed light as to
    his intent. They provide no evidence as to what Shirley thought
    that the agreement was and therefore cannot be considered clear
    and convincing evidence of the terms of the agreement between
    Shirley and Casey.
    never told her that Casey would divide his estate such that one-
    third went to her and her sisters and two-thirds went to his
    children, and Gregg indicated that her mother never discussed a
    one-third “widow’s share” with her.    Therefore, the evidence of
    a statement referring to a “widow’s third” even when combined
    with Casey’s actions does not establish an agreement between
    Casey and Shirley that her children would receive one-third of
    the estate.   Thus, as in Blincoe, it cannot be said that there
    is clear and convincing evidence of the specific terms of what
    Casey and Shirley contracted to leave to Shirley’s children and,
    as such, the trial court’s decision is without sufficient
    evidence to support it.   See Code § 8.01-680.
    Because the record lacks clear and convincing evidence as
    to the terms of the agreement between Casey and Shirley, we will
    reverse the judgment of the trial court holding that a contract
    existed between Shirley and Casey.     We will also vacate the
    damages awarded to Morris.
    Reversed and final judgment.