State Of Washington, V Michael Ray Horn , 415 P.3d 1225 ( 2018 )

  •                                                          Filed
    Washington State
    Court of Appeals
    Division Two
    DIVISION II                                      April 24, 2018
    STATE OF WASHINGTON,                                               No. 48489-7-II
    Respondent,                     PUBLISHED OPINION
    BJORGEN, J. — Michael Ray Horn appeals his conviction of domestic violence felony
    harassment, arguing that his constitutional right to present a defense was violated. He also
    contends that the imposition of mandatory deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) collection and crime
    victim penalty assessment (VPA) fees violated his substantive due process rights, and he requests
    that appellate costs be waived. Finally, he raises additional claims in a statement of additional
    grounds (SAG).
    We hold that (1) Horn’s right to present a defense was not violated, (2) the mandatory
    imposition of DNA and VPA fees did not violate his substantive due process rights, (3) under
    RAP 14.2, Horn may challenge costs on appeal before our court commissioner if the State
    requests them and he objects to them, and (4) Horn’s SAG claims fail. Accordingly, we affirm.
    Horn and Suzy Oubre became romantically involved while Oubre was estranged from
    another man with whom she had had a relationship. Horn and Oubre began openly dating in
    January 2015.
    In January 2015, Horn and Oubre were at Oubre’s residence drinking alcoholic
    beverages. While Oubre was using her cellphone, Horn grew angry and accused her of texting
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    the man with whom she had been involved. According to Oubre, she had never seen him have
    “an episode like this before.” Report of Proceedings (RP) at 141. Horn grabbed Oubre’s night
    shirt and ripped it open, hitting her on the chest in the process.
    Scared that the downstairs neighbor would hear the scuffle, Oubre and Horn went to
    Horn’s home. Once they arrived and got out of the car, Oubre told Horn that she was going to
    leave, but Horn grabbed her. They began wrestling when Horn pushed her against a wall and
    down into a flower bed. He bit her multiple times. Oubre did not call the police. After this
    incident, when Horn would drink too much and get aggressive, she would refer to that facet of
    Horn’s personality as “Bo-Bo.” RP at 151. When “Bo-Bo” came out, Oubre was scared for her
    On August 7, 2015, Oubre texted Horn that she could no longer “worry about him” and
    that she had a fear of “Bo-Bo.” RP at 196-97. Horn later brought wine and dinner to her house.
    After dinner, Oubre was on her bed in the master bedroom playing a cellphone game when Horn
    asked who she was texting. Like the January incident, Horn became angry and accused her of
    texting the individual with whom she had been involved.
    Oubre told Horn that their relationship was “not going to work.” RP at 205. In response,
    Horn ripped off Oubre’s bra and told her she was not going anywhere. After Oubre struck Horn
    in the chest a couple of times, Horn punched her in the eye, knocking her across the bedroom
    floor. Horn demanded that Oubre retrieve her cellphone so that he could see the text messages.
    Oubre, who was now scared, complied and gave her cellphone to him.
    As Horn was looking through the text messages, Oubre tried to push past Horn and leave
    the master bathroom. Horn blocked her path to the door, and pushed, punched, and kicked her.
    Eventually, Oubre asked Horn if she could lie down on the bed and have some ice for her eye
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    injury, but he told her that she was not “going to need to worry about [her] eye.” RP at 213. He
    said that he had thought “about this a long time, and you and I are going to die tonight.” RP at
    213. Oubre believed him.
    Horn retrieved Oubre’s gun from under the mattress, and then straddled her, cocked the
    gun, and put it in his mouth. He asked her how she “was going to feel when he blew his brains
    out on the ceiling.” RP at 216. Horn subsequently took the gun out of his mouth and pointed it
    at Oubre’s head. He told her that she was “going to go to heaven or hell tonight, whichever one
    [she] deserve[s].” RP at 218-19. As Horn locked the door to the master bedroom, he repeatedly
    said that they were both going to die. Oubre believed Horn and felt like her life was going to end
    that night. Oubre got up and tried to leave, but Horn stopped her by pushing her onto the floor
    and by punching and kicking her. Eventually, Oubre was able to coax Horn to lay down and fall
    While Horn was asleep, Oubre left and went to the hospital where her extensive injuries
    were treated. She spoke with the police while at the hospital, and Horn was then arrested.
    Among other offenses, Horn was charged with domestic violence felony harassment
    based on the August incident. Horn posted bail on August 20, 2015. Oubre and Horn got
    engaged on September 5 and took a trip together. Horn was later charged with violating a no-
    contact order,1 to which he pled guilty in district court. As part of the events related to that
    charge, videotape evidence showed Horn naked while jumping on top of Oubre’s car.
    Before trial on the felony harassment charge, the State sought to introduce evidence of
    the January 2015 incident under ER 404(b) to show that Horn’s threat to kill Oubre in August
    Although the record does not make this clear, it appears that Oubre was the protected party in
    this no-contact order.
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    2015 placed her in reasonable fear that the threat would be carried out. One of the elements of
    felony harassment is that the victim be placed in reasonable fear that a threat will be carried out.
    RCW 9A.46.020(1)(a)(i), (b), (2)(b)(ii).
    The defense objected and in the alternative argued that if the State was permitted to
    introduce this evidence, the defense should be able to introduce evidence of Oubre and Horn’s
    engagement and trip after August 2015. In the defense’s view, this evidence showed that Oubre
    did not have a reasonable fear that Horn would carry out his threat to kill her on August 7.
    The State opposed the admission of evidence of their engagement and trip because “it
    triggers a bunch of things,” including Horn’s later violation of a no-contact order where he was
    naked and jumping on top of Oubre’s vehicle. RP at 72. The State also did not believe the
    evidence was relevant to whether Oubre was fearful in August, stating:
    The subsequent knowledge does not address the fear on the day of the crime.
    You can’t retroactively apply that fear. The fear has to be at that time, what the
    victim knew at that point in time.
    RP at 73. The defense responded that without this evidence, the jury is left
    with the false impression that Mr. Horn is this horrible abuser, and they can’t even
    hear about the fact that even though this allegedly happened, she’s going off with
    him . . ., knowing there’s a protective order, having a good time.
    RP at 75.
    The trial court first determined that evidence related to the January incident would be
    admitted because it would “help the jury to determine whether [Oubre] had . . . a reasonable fear
    or not.” RP at 79. However, it declined the defense’s request to admit the evidence of the
    engagement and vacation, stating:
    I understand where [the defense] is coming from. . . . [I]f we’re to ascertain or
    determine what her fear was on August 7th, what happened afterwards informs the
    jury to a certain extent of how fearful she was on August 7th. . . .
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    And I think but-for the complications and the muddying of waters that
    occurs with charges in another court, . . . I think I would be inclined to allow some
    of that information, if it was close in time of the assault. Because I think that does
    inform whether her fear was reasonable, you know, like a day or two afterwards. .
    [H]ere we’re talking he was out [on bail] by August 20th, they were engaged by
    September 5th, so we’re talking a month later. At that point I’m concerned because
    people do things to protect themselves.
    An alleged victim very well may say the best way I can protect myself is
    when he’s kind of on the ropes when the police are after him and he’s facing
    charges. Maybe now is a good time. I, quote-unquote, . . . can’t get rid of him now,
    but maybe if I can keep him at bay by placating him.
    I don’t know what’s going on in a person’s mind, but I think if I were to
    allow open what happened subsequent, especially a month, month and a half later,
    that muddies the water too much. And if I were to allow that, then I think the State
    would have an opportunity to say, look, you violated the no-contact order violation,
    and that goes to her fear.
    [I]f we didn’t have the complications of the muddied waters, of the violation of a
    no-contact order, allegations of climbing naked, entering into the home without
    permission, I think that goes too far afield, and I think that would confuse the jury
    as to the issues, and I think it actually could shed a very negative light on Mr. Horn,
    maybe even worse than allowing the January event, so that’s my rationale.
    RP at 80-83.
    During trial, Oubre, Horn, and the police officers testified. Horn’s statements given in an
    interview with police immediately after the August 7 incident were admitted into evidence. In
    that interview, he told the interviewing officer that he drank alcohol, “blacked out,” and did not
    remember what happened that night. RP at 558. When he testified in his own defense, Horn
    stated that he drank, and he did not remember the night of the August 7 incident because he
    “blacked out.” RP at 598-99, 602-03, 611.
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    The jury found Horn guilty of two counts of fourth degree assault, unlawful possession of
    a firearm, and domestic violence felony harassment. At sentencing, the court imposed
    mandatory DNA collection and VPA fees. Horn appeals.
    Horn argues that his Sixth Amendment right to present his defense was violated because
    the trial court did not admit evidence of Oubre and Horn’s engagement and trip taken after the
    August 7 incident. For the reasons below, we hold that Horn fails to show a Sixth Amendment
    A.      Standard of Review
    We review a Sixth Amendment right to present a defense claim under a three-step test.
    First, the evidence that a defendant desires to introduce “‘must be of at least minimal
    relevance.’” State v. Jones, 
    168 Wash. 2d 713
    , 720, 
    230 P.3d 576
    (2010) (quoting State v. Darden,
    145 Wash. 2d 612
    , 622, 
    41 P.3d 1189
    (2002)). A defendant only has a right to present evidence
    that is relevant. Id.; ER 401. Second, if relevant, the burden shifts to the State to show that the
    relevant evidence “‘is so prejudicial as to disrupt the fairness of the fact-finding process at trial.’”
    Jones, 168 Wash. 2d at 720
    Darden, 145 Wash. 2d at 622
    ). Third, the State’s interest in
    excluding prejudicial evidence must also be balanced against the defendant’s need for the
    information sought, and relevant information can be withheld only if the State’s interest
    outweighs the defendant’s need. 
    Id. The same
    test is used to review claims that the right to
    confront witnesses was violated. State v. Lee, 
    188 Wash. 2d 473
    , 488, 
    396 P.3d 316
    We review constitutional issues de novo. State v. Armstrong, 
    188 Wash. 2d 333
    , 339, 
    394 P.3d 373
    (2017). Consistently with that principle, our Supreme Court has held that we review de
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    novo a defendant’s claim that his Sixth Amendment right to present a defense was violated.
    Jones, 168 Wash. 2d at 719
    . On the other hand, we generally review a trial court’s evidentiary
    rulings for an abuse of discretion. State v. Strizheus, 
    163 Wash. App. 820
    , 829, 
    262 P.3d 100
    (2011). For example, in 
    Lee, 188 Wash. 2d at 486-88
    , our Supreme Court held that we review for
    an abuse of discretion a trial court’s ruling limiting cross-examination of a witness that
    implicated the defendant’s constitutional right of confrontation. In 
    Darden, 145 Wash. 2d at 619
    our Supreme Court, in a confrontation clause challenge, also held that a trial court’s ruling on the
    admissibility of evidence is reviewed for an abuse of discretion.
    To preserve the rule in Jones that we review a Sixth Amendment right to present a
    defense claim de novo, some element of the three-step Jones test must be reviewed de novo. The
    first prong of the Jones test, the inquiry into minimal relevance, see 
    Jones, 168 Wash. 2d at 720
    , is
    the one most directly involving the admission of evidence and most directly demanding ample
    breathing room for the trial court. Therefore, to preserve both our de novo review of
    constitutional claims and the review of evidentiary rulings for an abuse of discretion, we review
    the first prong of the test above, whether the evidence of Oubre and Horn’s engagement and trip
    is minimally relevant, for an abuse of discretion. To ensure de novo review of the Sixth
    Amendment claim itself, the second and third prongs of the test would be reviewed de novo.
    This approach preserves each standard of review in a way fitting the type of determination under
    This approach also tracks the Supreme Court’s rulings in State v. Clark, 
    187 Wash. 2d 641
    389 P.3d 462
    (2017), which held:
    We review the trial court’s evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion and
    defer to those rulings unless “‘no reasonable person would take the view adopted
    by the trial court.’” State v. Atsbeha, 
    142 Wash. 2d 904
    , 914, 
    16 P.3d 626
    (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting State v. Ellis, 
    136 Wash. 2d 498
    , 504, 963
    No. 48489-7-II
    P.2d 843 (1998)). If the court excluded relevant defense evidence, we determine
    as a matter of law whether the exclusion violated the constitutional right to present
    a defense. State v. Jones, 
    168 Wash. 2d 713
    , 719, 
    230 P.3d 576
    As in Clark, we review the first step of the Jones test, whether the excluded evidence was
    minimally relevant, for an abuse of discretion. Consistently with Clark, if the first step is met,
    we would review the remaining two steps de novo.
    The concurrence in this case would first determine whether the trial court abused its
    discretion in excluding the evidence at issue and then examine the constitutional claim de novo.
    Here, the trial court excluded evidence of the engagement and trip out of an apparent concern
    that it was irrelevant and confusing. Adding a preliminary step to the Jones test to review that
    decision under abuse of discretion would be superfluous, since minimal relevance is already
    reviewed under the first prong of that test. The most economical method of proceeding is to
    recognize, as the majority opinion does, that minimal relevance is reviewed for abuse of
    discretion under the first prong of Jones.
    An abuse of discretion is present only if there is a clear showing that the exercise of
    discretion was manifestly unreasonable, based on untenable grounds, or based on untenable
    reasons. State v. Dye, 
    178 Wash. 2d 541
    , 548, 
    309 P.3d 1192
    (2013). A decision is based on
    untenable grounds or made for untenable reasons if it rests on facts unsupported in the record or
    was reached by applying the wrong legal standard. 
    Id. A decision
    is manifestly unreasonable if
    it falls outside the range of acceptable choices, given the facts and the applicable legal standard.
    Id. B. The
    Trial Court Did Not Deprive Horn of His Right to Present a Defense
    A defendant is guilty of felony harassment if without lawful authority, the person (1)
    knowingly threatens to kill an individual and (2) his words or conduct places the threatened
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    individual in reasonable fear that the threat to kill will be carried out. RCW 9A.46.020(1)(a)(i),
    (b), (2)(b)(ii); State v. C.G., 
    150 Wash. 2d 604
    , 612, 
    80 P.3d 594
    To show a violation of the right to present a defense, the excluded evidence, that of Horn
    and Oubre’s engagement and trip, must first be of at least minimal relevance. 
    Jones, 168 Wash. 2d at 720
    . Evidence is relevant if it has “any tendency to make the existence of any fact that is of
    consequence to the determination of the action more probable or less probable than it would be
    without the evidence.” ER 401. The threshold to admit relevant evidence is very low.
    Darden, 145 Wash. 2d at 621
    . Impeachment evidence is relevant if: (1) it tends to cast doubt on
    the credibility of the person being impeached and (2) the credibility of the person
    being impeached is a fact of consequence to the action. State v. Allen S., 
    98 Wash. App. 452
    , 459-
    989 P.2d 1222
    Oubre testified that she feared that Horn would carry out his threat to kill her during the
    August 7 incident. Her testimony provided evidence to support an essential element of Horn’s
    felony harassment conviction. Oubre’s subsequent engagement and trip with Horn thus would
    be relevant, if at all, to impeach her testimony that she feared Horn at the time he threatened to
    kill her.
    Turning to the first of the requirements for impeachment evidence above, Horn was
    released on bail on August 20, and he and Oubre were engaged on September 5. The charged
    felony harassment occurred on August 7. With the frightening nature of the threats and violence
    against Oubre on August 7 and the passage of nearly a month until their engagement, Oubre’s
    change of heart casts little doubt on her testimony that on August 7, in the face of repeated
    violence and death threats, she feared for her life.
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    More importantly, we note that expert testimony on the battered person syndrome is
    admissible in Washington, State v. Allery, 
    101 Wash. 2d 591
    , 597, 
    682 P.2d 312
    (1984), and that an
    element of that syndrome is a recognition of the cycles of domestic violence.2 Specifically,
    Allery recognized the presence of temporary lulls in the physical abuse inflicted on the battered
    partner, in which “she forgives her assailant, hoping that the abuse will not 
    reoccur.” 101 Wash. 2d at 597
    . More recently, in a dissent, now Chief Justice Fairhurst of our Supreme Court
    characterized Allery as recognizing “the general acceptance in the scientific community of the
    theory of battered person syndrome and the cycles of domestic violence.” State v. Schultz, 
    170 Wash. 2d 746
    , 764, 
    248 P.3d 484
    (2011) (Fairhurst, dissenting). In Schultz, the majority did not
    question the battered person syndrome or the presence of cycles of violence, but held that under
    the circumstances the possibility of domestic violence did not justify a warrantless entry into a
    dwelling. 170 Wash. 2d at 750
    For these reasons, especially the judicial recognition of the cycles of violence and
    reconciliation in relationships involving domestic violence, the evidence of Oubre’s engagement
    to and trip with Horn was not minimally relevant. The trial court’s exclusion of that evidence
    was neither manifestly unreasonable, based on untenable grounds, nor based on untenable
    reasons. Thus, under the abuse of discretion standard, the exclusion of this evidence did not
    deprive Horn of his right to present a defense under the first prong of the Jones test. Because
    Horn does not meet the first requirement of the three step test in 
    Jones, 168 Wash. 2d at 720
    , his
    claim that the trial court deprived him of the right to present a defense fails.
    We express no opinion as to whether such evidence must be from an expert.
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    Horn argues that the mandatory DNA collection and VPA fees are unconstitutional as
    applied to defendants who do not have the ability, or the likely ability, to pay them. In State v.
    196 Wash. App. 579
    , 584-86, 
    384 P.3d 620
    (2016),3 review denied, 
    188 Wash. 2d 1015
    (2017), we rejected this argument and held that the DNA collection and VPA fees are rationally
    related to legitimate state interests and therefore do not violate a defendant’s right to substantive
    due process. Under Seward, we uphold the imposition of these fees on Horn.
    III. SAG
    Horn’s first SAG claim is not an argument, but a question: “I want to know if my speedy
    trial rights were violated?” SAG at 1. This generalized question is not particularized enough to
    permit appellate review. We are “not obligated to search [the] record in support of claims made
    in [the SAG].” RAP 10.10(c); State v. Thompson, 
    169 Wash. App. 436
    , 493 n.195, 
    290 P.3d 996
    (2012). Although Horn questions whether his speedy trial rights might have been violated, we
    cannot assume the role of an advocate and comb the record to determine whether he has a
    meritorious speedy trial right claim. Therefore, we decline to address this claim any further.
    Horn’s second SAG claim states that he “was not allowed to complete [his] mental health
    evaluation for . . . [(post-traumatic stress disorder)] PTSD.” SAG at 1. Assuming this to be true,
    Horn fails to articulate how this prejudiced his trial. The record shows that his defense counsel
    elicited evidence regarding his PTSD, and his PTSD diagnosis was brought out during closing
    argument. For these reasons, this claim fails.
    Horn’s final SAG claim is that he “didn’t have any witnesses! I had 0—the State had
    18.” SAG at 1. First, Horn did have a witness testify in his defense—himself. To the extent he
    (Bjorgen, C.J., dissenting).
    No. 48489-7-II
    is arguing that he received ineffective assistance of counsel4 because his attorney failed to call
    more witnesses, nothing in the appellate record indicates that Horn had any other favorable
    witnesses that would have testified on his behalf. If Horn believes otherwise, he should
    supplement the record and make this claim in a personal restraint petition. See State v.
    127 Wash. 2d 322
    , 338, 
    899 P.2d 1251
    For these reasons, Horn’s SAG claims fail.
    Horn asks that we exercise our discretion to deny any appellate costs the State requests.
    Under RAP 14.2, a commissioner of this court will determine whether to award appellate costs if
    the State decides to file a cost bill and if Horn objects to that cost bill.
    Horn’s right to present a defense was not violated, and his other claims fail. Therefore,
    we affirm his conviction.
    Bjorgen, P.J.
    I concur:
    Sutton, J.
    Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 669-70, 
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    No. 48489-7-II
    MELNICK, J. (concurring) — I agree with the majority’s opinion that the trial court did not
    abuse its discretion in excluding evidence relating to the engagement and vacation. However, I
    disagree with the majority equating a review for “minimal relevance” with the “abuse of
    discretion” standard of review. See Majority at 6-9; see also ER 401, ER 402, ER 403. I think the
    minimal relevance test5 should only be utilized when an appellate court determines the trial court
    abused its discretion in excluding evidence and it then examines the constitutional claim de novo.
    Rather than using the majority’s analysis, I instead believe that the correct analytical framework
    is contained in State v. Blair, No. 50037-0-II (Wash. Ct. App. Apr. 24, 2018).
    As Blair states, when a defendant alleges a violation of the right to trial or confrontation
    based on the trial court’s exclusion of evidence, the standard of review is abuse of discretion. If
    there is no abuse of discretion, there is no error, and the inquiry ends. If the trial court does abuse
    its discretion, then we take the next step and review de novo the claim that a constitutional right
    has been violated.
    Because neither the majority nor I concludes the trial court abused its discretion in
    excluding the challenged evidence, I concur with the majority result to affirm.
    Melnick, J.
    State v. Jones, 
    168 Wash. 2d 713
    , 720, 
    230 P.3d 576