Brian & Karen Handlin v. On-site Manager, Inc. ( 2015 )

    No. 71954-8-1
    FILED: May 26, 2015
    Becker, J. — The element of injury to business or property in a consumer
    protection action is sufficiently pleaded when a consumer reporting agency
    unlawfully withholds information from a person who is entitled to receive it. The
    plaintiffs' complaint in this matter was improperly dismissed and must be
    The plaintiffs, appellants in this matter, are Brian and Karen Handlin. Their
    complaint alleges that respondent On-Site Manager Inc., a consumer reporting
    agency, violated the Washington Fair Credit Reporting Act, chapter 19.182 RCW,
    and that On-Site's violations are actionable under the Consumer Protection Act,
    chapter 19.86 RCW. On-Site successfully moved to dismiss under CR 12(b)(6).
    The Handlins appeal.
    Whether a complaint was properly dismissed under CR 12(b)(6) is a
    question of law this court reviews de novo. Tenore v. AT&T Wireless Servs., 136
    No. 71954-8-1/2
    Wn.2d 322, 329-30, 
    962 P.2d 104
    (1998), cert denied, 
    525 U.S. 1171
    On-Site incorrectly presents its argument under the standard set for Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), which requires dismissal of a complaint when
    plaintiffs "have not nudged their claims across the line from conceivable to
    plausible." BellAtl. Corp. v. Twomblv. 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 570, 
    127 S. Ct. 1955
    , 167 L.
    Ed. 2d 929 (2007): see also Ashcroft v. Iqbal. 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 677-79, 
    129 S. Ct. 1937
    173 L. Ed. 2d 868
    (2009). Our Supreme Court does not follow Twomblv
    and Iqbal. McCurrv v. Chew Chase Bank. FSB. 
    169 Wash. 2d 96
    , 101-02, 233 P3d
    861 (2010). Under CR 12(b)(6), dismissal is appropriate only if it appears
    beyond doubt that the plaintiffs cannot prove any set of facts which would justify
    Tenore. 136 Wash. 2d at 329-30
    McCurrv. 169 Wash. 2d at 101
    . The
    Handlins' allegations must be accepted as true, and a court may consider
    hypothetical facts not included in the record. 
    Tenore. 136 Wash. 2d at 330
    . CR
    12(b)(6) motions should be granted sparingly and with care. Bravo v. Dolsen
    125 Wash. 2d 745
    , 750, 
    888 P.2d 147
    According to the complaint, the Handlins applied for tenancy at the
    Forestview apartment complex in Renton on August 5, 2013. Forestview
    collected a tenant screening fee from the Handlins and purchased consumer
    reports about them from On-Site. The On-Site reports gave the Handlins a low
    rental score (4.5 out of 10) and recommended that their application be denied.
    Forestview told the Handlins their application was being denied based on On-
    Site's recommendation.
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    Karen Handlin telephoned On-Site and was told that a 2008 eviction
    lawsuit was the main reason for the low rental score. She informed On-Site that
    the 2008 lawsuit had been resolved in favor of the Handlins. On-Site told her the
    litigation appeared to still be pending.
    On August 9, 2013, Karen Handlin provided Forestview with documents
    showing that the 2008 eviction lawsuit had been resolved in the Handlins' favor.
    Forestview faxed these documents to On-Site. On-Site corrected its report to
    reflect that the lawsuit had been dismissed and advised Forestview of this
    change. However, Forestview continued to tell the Handlins that their application
    would not be approved, citing negative information from On-Site.
    On August 13, 2013, the Handlins requested copies of their screening
    reports through On-Site's web site. They hoped to find out what additional
    negative information was responsible for Forestview's continued rejection of their
    application. On-Site did not respond. Three days later, the Handlins sent the
    request through counsel by e-mail, fax, and certified mail, accompanied by
    signed release-of-information forms.
    Meanwhile, the Handlins began to search for another apartment. They
    found one on August 21, 2013, that was not as suitable for them as Forestview
    would have been. But with less than two weeks remaining on their then-current
    lease, time was of the essence. They signed a lease, paid a $250 deposit, and
    began moving that same day. The next day, the Handlins learned that
    Forestview would accept their application if they agreed to pay an increased
    security deposit.
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    On August 24, 2013, the Handlins' attorney received a letter from On-Site
    stating that the requested reports would not be produced until the Handlins
    submitted identification. Although the Handlins were no longer in a position to
    pursue housing at Forestview, they were still interested in seeing their tenant
    screening reports. On August 26, 2013, they faxed copies of their driver's
    licenses to On-Site. The next day, On-Site sent copies of the screening reports
    to the Handlins by mail, which they received on August 30, 2013. The material
    sent to the Handlins did not include their rental scores or On-Site's tenancy
    recommendation. Certain mandatory disclosures about the Handlins' Fair Credit
    Reporting Act rights and remedies were also omitted.
    The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires a consumer reporting agency to
    make certain disclosures upon request from a consumer. Ifa reporting agency
    receives a request from a consumer, it must disclose all information in its files on
    that consumer, identify the sources of that information, and identify all persons
    who sought or obtained a consumer report about that consumer within the
    preceding six months. See RCW 19.182.070. If the consumer reporting agency
    calculates a credit score, then it must also provide an explanation of the meaning
    of the credit score. RCW 19.182.080(5). The disclosures must be provided "on
    reasonable notice," and by any "reasonable means that are available to the
    consumer reporting agency ifthat means is authorized by the consumer." RCW
    19.182.080(1), (2)(c). With each written disclosure, the consumer reporting
    agency must provide the consumer with "a written summary of all rights and
    remedies the consumer has under this chapter." RCW 19.182.080(7)(a).
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    The complaint alleges that On-Site violated the provisions cited above by
    unreasonably delaying the disclosure of the requested information and omitting
    some of the materials the Handlins were entitled to receive. These acts are
    alleged to be actionable as per se violations of the Consumer Protection Act.
    RCW 19.86.020, .090: see also RCW 19.182.150. The complaint states the
    Handlins are entitled to damages and injunctive relief due to the "economic and
    non-economic injuries" they suffered "as a direct and proximate result" of On-
    Site's violations of the Consumer Protection Act.
    The Consumer Protection Act provides a private right of action for litigants
    to redress unfair or deceptive acts or practices that occur in trade or commerce.
    RCW 19.86.020. To prevail, consumer protection plaintiffs must establish five
    distinct elements: (1) an unfair or deceptive act or practice, (2) occurring in trade
    or commerce, (3) that impacts the public interest, (4) causes injury to the plaintiff
    in his or her business or property, and (5) causation. Hangman Ridge Training
    Stables. Inc. v. Safeco Title Ins. Co.. 
    105 Wash. 2d 778
    , 780, 
    719 P.2d 531
    The first two elements may be established by showing that the alleged act
    constitutes a per se unfair trade practice. A per se unfair trade practice exists
    when the defendant has violated a statute which has been declared by the
    legislature to constitute an unfair or deceptive act in trade or commerce.
    Ridge. 105 Wash. 2d at 785-87
    . The public interest element may also be
    satisfied per se by "showing that a statute has been violated which contains a
    specific legislative declaration of public interest impact." Hangman Ridge. 105
    Wn.2dat791. Washington's Fair Credit Reporting Act is such a statute. It
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    contains a legislative finding "that the practices covered by this chapter are
    matters vitally affecting the public interest for the purpose of applying the
    consumer protection act, chapter 19.86 RCW," and it declares that a violation is
    an unfair and deceptive act or practice in trade or commerce:
    Violations of this chapter are not reasonable in relation to the
    development and preservation of business. A violation of this
    chapter is an unfair or deceptive act in trade or commerce and an
    unfair method of competition for the purpose of applying the
    consumer protection act, chapter 19.86 RCW. The burden of proof
    in an action alleging a violation of this chapter shall be by a
    preponderance of the evidence, and the applicable statute of
    limitation shall be as set forth in RCW 19.182.120. For purposes of
    a judgment awarded pursuant to an action by a consumer under
    chapter 19.86 RCW, the consumer shall be awarded actual
    damages and costs of the action together with reasonable
    attorney's fees as determined by the court. However, where there
    has been willful failure to comply with any requirement imposed
    under this chapter, the consumer shall be awarded actual
    damages, a monetary penalty of one thousand dollars, and the
    costs of the action together with reasonable attorneys' fees as
    determined by the court.
    RCW 19.182.150.
    On-Site does not dispute that the Handlins' complaint sufficiently pleads
    the first three elements of a consumer protection cause of action. On-Site's
    argument is directed at the last two elements, injury and causation.
    At the outset, we reject On-Site's argument that the complaint was
    insufficient because it did not specifically allege "actual damages," a term used in
    RCW 19.182.150, the section quoted above. The Fair Credit Reporting Act is
    designed so that violations can be enforced as a consumer protection violation.
    There are five elements to a consumer protection act claim. Actual damages is
    not one of them. Under the Consumer Protection Act, "injury" is broader than
    No. 71954-8-1/7
    "damages." Panag v. Farmers Ins. Co. of Wash., 
    166 Wash. 2d 27
    , 58, 
    204 P.3d 885
    (2009). "Monetary damages need not be proved; unquantifiable damages
    may suffice." 
    Panag, 166 Wash. 2d at 58
    ; accord Mason v. Mortg. Am.. Inc., 
    114 Wash. 2d 842
    , 854, 
    792 P.2d 142
    (1990). "The failure to show actual monetary
    damages only precludes the recovery of treble damages. It does not act as a
    complete bar to a recovery." St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Updeqrave, 
    33 Wash. App. 653
    , 660, 656 P2d 1130 (1983).
    The central question here is whether the complaint sufficiently alleges an
    injury to business or property caused by On-Site's violations. The trial court
    recognized that On-Site's report to Forestview caused Forestview to delay
    offering the Handlins tenancy until it was too late for them to accept it. As a
    result of Forestview's initial decision to deny their application, the Handlins did
    not get the apartment they wanted and they incurred expense and inconvenience
    finding another apartment before their lease ran out. But as the trial courtsaw it,
    their complaint did not allege that the situation with Forestview would have been
    resolved differently if On-Site had responded more promptly and completely to
    the request for tenant screening information. The court dismissed "on the basis
    that the plaintiffs have not alleged an actual injury."
    An injury to property occurs when one's right to possess, use, or enjoy a
    determinate thing has been affected in the slightest degree. Ambach v. French.
    167 Wash. 2d 167
    , 172, 
    216 P.3d 405
    (2009). A sufficient injury is therefore pleaded
    if a plaintiff alleges that she was deprived of the use of her property for even a
    short amount of time. Sorrel v. Eagle Healthcare. Inc.. 
    110 Wash. App. 290
    , 298-
    No. 71954-8-1/8
    38 P.3d 1024
    . review denied. 
    147 Wash. 2d 1016
    (2002). The Handlins argue
    that the consumer disclosures mandated by the act are a form of property.
    On-Site points out that the Washington Fair Credit Reporting Act does not
    say that the consumer reporting agency must disclose copies of actual reports; it
    commands disclosure of all "items of information" in the agency's files on that
    consumer. RCW 19.182.070(2) ("Disclosures to consumer"). According to On-
    Site, the complaint is fatally defective because the violation alleged by the
    Handlins was a failure to send them copies of their tenant screening reports, their
    tenant scores, and On-Site's recommendation to Forestview. On-Site claims
    these reports are not property because they are not physically stored in the
    Handlins' file. This hypertechnical argument cannot sustain dismissal given
    Washington's liberal standard under CR 12(b)(6) and the mandate for liberal
    construction of the Consumer Protection Act. When a consumer reporting
    agency assembles information about a consumer's creditworthiness to sell to
    landlords like Forestview, the information has commercial utility for the consumer
    as well as for landlords. See RCW 19.182.005 (legislature declares "that
    consumers have a vital interest in establishing and maintaining
    creditworthiness.") The Fair Credit Reporting Act is designed to benefit
    consumers by giving them the same right of access to their credit information as
    is available to landlords, employers, or others who are evaluating their
    creditworthiness. The format in which the information is stored and disclosed is
    not material to the plaintiffs' pleading obligations under CR 12(b)(6).
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    The Handlins had a right to use and possess information in On-Site's files.
    On-Site's alleged violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act deprived the
    Handlins of their right to obtain information that has commercial utility for them.
    Their complaint sufficiently alleges that On-Site's unfair trade practice caused
    them an actionable "injury" to "property" in the sense that those terms are used in
    the Consumer Protection Act. See 
    Ambach. 167 Wash. 2d at 172-77
    In addition to damages and an award of attorney fees and costs, the
    complaint requested several forms of injunctive relief against On-Site under RCW
    19.182.150 and RCW 19.86.090:
    a. An order commanding On-Site to produce complete
    copies of the Handlins' screening reports, including all rental
    scores, recommendations, and all other disclosures required by
    b. An order commanding On-Site to cease and desist from
    violating RCW 19.182.070 and .080 by failing to provide full and
    complete consumer disclosures when requested by a consumer;
    c. An order commanding On-Site to cease and desist from
    violating RCW 19.182.080 by failing to provide consumer
    disclosures by e-mail or fax when requested by e-mail or fax;
    d. An order commanding On-Site to cease and desist from
    violating RCW 19.182.080 by failing to make consumer disclosures
    promptly upon receiving a consumer's request for disclosures;
    e. An order commanding On-Site to cease and desist from
    violating RCW 19.182.090 by failing to make all required
    disclosures promptly upon completing a reinvestigation of disputed
    On-Site contends that the requests for injunctive relief must be dismissed
    because the Washington Fair Credit Reporting Act does not expressly list
    injunctive relief as a remedy. This argument lacks merit. The statute states that
    violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act are to be pleaded under the Consumer
    Protection Act. RCW 19.182.150. And the Consumer Protection Act does
    No. 71954-8-1/10
    authorize injunctive relief. Scott v. Cinqular Wireless. 
    160 Wash. 2d 843
    , 853, 
    161 P.3d 1000
    (2007) ("Consumers bringing actions under the CPAdo not merely
    vindicate their own rights; they represent the public interest and may seek
    injunctive relief even when the injunction would not directly affect their own
    private interests.")
    On-Site also argues that the authority to grant injunctive relief against a
    credit reporting agency belongs exclusively to the Federal Trade Commission. If
    the Handlins prevail, their request for an order commanding On-Site to produce
    information concerning them could not possibly interfere with federal law. It is
    also difficult to see how the simple cease and desist orders requested by the
    Handlins would subvert federal regulatory interests either as a matter of federal
    preemption or under RCW 19.86.170. More likely, such orders would
    complement federal regulation. We decline to hold that the injunctive relief
    requested should be dismissed as a matter of law. The trial court can decide     o
    issues related to injunctive relief in due course.
    On-Site's request for an award of attorney fees is denied.
    Reversed and remanded for reinstatement of the complaint.
    CO    Cr —
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