Nichole Poletti v. Overlake Hospital Medical Center ( 2013 )

  •                        V...
    NICHOLE POLETTI, as the Executor of
    the Estate of Sherri Poletti, Deceased,          No. 67821-3-1
    Respondent,                 ORDER GRANTING
    Non-party Kathy A. Cochran, attorney for Providence Health &Services-
    Washington, has filed a motion to publish the opinion filed April 1, 2013; Appellant
    Overlake Hospital Medical Center has filed a response to the motion to publish; and
    Respondent Nichole Poletti has notfiled a response. The hearing panel has
    considered its prior determination and finds that the opinion will be of precedential
    value; Now, therefore, it is hereby
    ORDERED that the written opinion shall be published and printed in the
    Washington Appellate Reports.
    DONE this ^ I day of May, 2013.
    NICHOLE POLETTI, as the Executor of
    the Estate of Sherri Poletti, Deceased,          No. 67821-3-1
    Respondent,                  DIVISION ONE
    OVERLAKE HOSPITAL MEDICAL                           PUBLISHED OPINION          S        —tc
    FILED: April 1,2013
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    KING COUNTY,                                                                       ro        S"S.
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    Becker, J. —We accepted discretionary review in this wrongful death
    case to determine the standard by which a fact finder should judge Overlake
    Hospital's decision to discharge, rather than detain, a voluntarily admitted
    psychiatric patient. We conclude Overlake's decision to discharge the patient
    implicated the involuntary treatment act, chapter 71.05 RCW, and the hospital
    cannot be liable if the decision was made in good faith and without gross
    Sherri Poletti, 58, suffered from bipolar disorder. Around Christmas Day
    2006, she stopped taking her medications and began to drive aimlessly
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    throughout Washington, Oregon, and Canada. Late at night on December 30,
    2006, she sought help at a hospital emergency room in Seattle, reporting
    sleeplessness, paranoia, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts. She was referred
    and transported to Overlake Hospital Medical Center. There, she agreed to be
    admitted voluntarily into the psychiatric unit. Eighteen hours later, she said she
    felt better and asked to be discharged. A nurse tried to dissuade Poletti from
    leaving, but after a telephone consultation with the county designated mental
    health professional, she granted Poletti's request to be discharged. Poletti went
    home in a taxi but then resumed driving. She died not long afterwards, miles
    away, in a single-car crash.
    In March 2008, Nichole Poletti, Sherri Poletti's daughter and the personal
    representative of her estate, filed a wrongful death suit against Overlake Hospital
    and King County. The estate claimed that Overlake was guilty of ordinary
    negligence for discharging Poletti without an in-person evaluation by a county
    designated mental health professional, and King County was guilty of gross
    negligence for failing to evaluate her in person, given their knowledge of her
    history of bipolar disorder. Overlake Hospital denied any negligence and
    asserted that it could be liable only for gross negligence as provided by the act,
    1Early in the case, the defendants obtained dismissal on summary judgment
    based on arguments not made here. This court reversed the judgment. Poletti v.
    Overlake Hosp. Med. Cntr. noted at 
    156 Wn. App. 1012
     (2010). King County
    subsequently settled with Poletti's estate.
    No. 67821-3-1/3
    On September 23, 2011, the trial court granted the estate's motion for
    partial summary judgment and ruled that Overlake was not entitled to be judged
    by the gross negligence standard of care. The court found that "Overlake did not
    detain Sherri Poletti and the Involuntary Treatment Act was not implicated at any
    time." The court also ruled that Overlake breached the standard of care as a
    matter of law because it had failed to refer Poletti to a King County designated
    mental health professional for assessment, which the court determined was
    required by one of the hospital's own policies. The court certified its order for
    discretionary review under RAP 2.3, and this court granted Overlake's motion for
    discretionary review.
    Summary judgment is proper only ifthere are no genuine issues of
    material fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. CR
    The issues presented require statutory interpretation. The court reviews
    issues of statutory interpretation and orders granting summary judgment de
    novo. Cerrillo v. Esparza, 
    158 Wn.2d 194
    , 199, 
    142 P.3d 155
     (2006); In re Pet.
    of Danforth. 
    173 Wn.2d 59
    , 68, 
    264 P.3d 783
    Standard of Care
    The involuntary treatment act is primarily concerned with the procedures
    for involuntary mental health treatment of individuals who are at risk of harming
    themselves or others, or who are gravely disabled. Pertinent to this case, the act
    is also concerned with individuals who voluntarily seek inpatient mental health
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    treatment. Ordinarily, a person admitted voluntarily "shall be released
    immediately upon his or her request." RCW 71.05.050. If a hospital regards
    such a person as meeting the test provided in the act for involuntary
    commitment, the hospital "may detain such person for sufficient time" to allow the
    county designated mental health professional to assess the person:
    Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit the right of any
    person to apply voluntarily to any public or private agency or
    practitioner for treatment ofa mental disorder, either by direct
    application or by referral. Any person voluntarily admitted for
    inpatient treatment to any public or private agency shall be released
    immediately upon his or her request. Any person voluntarily
    admitted for inpatient treatment to any public or private agency
    shall orally be advised of the right to immediate discharge, and
    further advised of such rights in writing as are secured to them
    pursuant to this chapter and their rights of access to attorneys,
    courts, and other legal redress. Their condition and status shall be
    reviewed at least once each one hundred eighty days for evaluation
    as to the need for further treatment or possible discharge, at which
    time they shall again be advised oftheir right to discharge upon
    request: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That if the professional staff of
    any public or private agency or hospital regards a person voluntarily
    admitted who requests discharge as presenting, as a result ofa
    mental disorder, an imminent likelihood of serious harm, or is
    gravely disabled, they may detain such person for sufficient time to
    notify the county designated mental health professional of such
    person's condition to enable the [mental health professional] to
    authorize such person being further held in custody ortransported
    to an evaluation and treatment center pursuant to the provisions of
    this chapter, which shall in ordinary circumstances be no later than
    the next judicial day.
    RCW 71.05.050.
    Another section of the statute exempts decision makers from liability for
    ordinary negligence under certain circumstances, substituting a gross negligence
    standard for duties performed pursuant to the act with regard to decisions
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    whether to "admit, discharge, release, administer antipsychotic medications, or
    detain a person for evaluation and treatment."
    (1) No officer of a public or private agency, nor the superintendent,
    professional person in charge, his or her professional designee, or
    attending staff of any such agency,... nor any county designated
    mental health professional,... or an evaluation and treatment
    facility shall be civilly or criminally liable for performing duties
    pursuant to this chapter with regard to the decision of whether to
    admit, discharge, release, administer antipsychotic medications, or
    detain a person for evaluation and treatment: PROVIDED, That
    such duties were performed in good faith and without gross
    RCW 71.05.120(1).
    Overlake contends its decision to discharge Poletti instead of detaining
    her for a formal evaluation by a county designated mental health professional is
    exemptfrom liability under RCW 71.05.120(1) if performed in good faith and
    without gross negligence. The estate defends the trial court ruling and argues
    that the involuntary treatmentact does not apply at all because the hospital did
    not detain Poletti. The estate contends the ordinary medical negligence standard
    of RCW 7.70.040 should govern the case.
    "Our fundamental purpose in construing statutes is to ascertain and carry
    out the intent of the legislature. We determine the intent of the legislature
    primarily from the statutory language. In the absence ofambiguity, we will give
    effect to the plain meaning of the statutory language." In re Marriage of
    173 Wn.2d 353
    , 363, 
    268 P.3d 215
     (2011) (citations omitted).
    2 In a 1974 amendment, the legislature inserted the term "gross" before
    "negligence" in this proviso, indicating a decision to change the standard of care. RCWA
    No. 67821-3-1/6
    The plain language of the act shows it applies to voluntary admissions for
    psychiatric treatment. How to deal with patients who voluntarily seek inpatient
    treatment is the subject matter of RCW 71.05.150. Poletti's estate cannot hold
    Overlake Hospital liable for failing to detain Sherri Poletti without invoking the
    immunity provision of RCW 71.05.120 because the only authority under which
    Overlake could have detained Poletti was under the involuntary treatment act.
    See Estate of Davis v. Dep't of Corr.. 
    127 Wn. App. 833
    , 840-41, 113P.3d487
    (2005). The trial court erred in concluding that Overlake's decision to discharge
    Poletti did not implicate the act.
    The gross negligence standard provided by the act applies to a hospital's
    performance of "duties pursuant to this chapter." RCW 71.105.120(1). The
    estate argues that the only duty a hospital has under RCW 71.05.150 is to
    "detain" a patient. This is manifestly inaccurate. A person voluntarily admitted
    "shall be released immediately upon his or her request." The proviso makes an
    exception to this rule by authorizing a hospital to detain ("they may detain") if staff
    regard the person as presenting "an imminent likelihood of serious harm" or as
    "gravely disabled." "Shall" is mandatory while "may" is permissive. Thus,
    releasing a voluntarily admitted patient "immediately" upon request is the primary
    duty, and arguably the only duty, specified by this section of the act.
    Moreover, application of the gross negligence standard provided by RCW
    71.05.120(1) is not limited only to decisions to detain a person against her will. It
    covers decisions whether or not "to admit, discharge, release, administer
    No. 67821-3-1/7
    antipsychotic medications, or detain a person for evaluation and treatment." The
    act defines "admit" as a decision by a physician or psychiatric advanced
    registered nurse practitioner that a person should be examined or treated as a
    patient in a hospital. RCW 71.05.020(1). The act defines "discharge"3 as the
    termination of hospital medical authority. RCW 71.05.020(15). The act defines
    "release" as the legal termination of a court-ordered commitment, and "detain" as
    the lawful confinement of a person under the provisions of the act, among other
    terms. RCW 71.05.020(37),(12). It is clear the legislature intended to provide
    limited immunity for a range of decisions that a hospital can make when a patient
    arrives, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, for evaluation and treatment.
    Overlake made a decision to discharge Poletti, pursuant to its duty under RCW
    71.05.050 to release her immediately upon her request. Overlake cannot be held
    liable for this decision if it performed this duty in good faith and without gross
    The estate argues that under this interpretation of the act, hospitals could
    immunize their entire course of treatment of a psychiatric patient merely by
    considering whether to have the patient evaluated for involuntary commitment.
    This scenario is overblown. The act's limited exemption from liability does not
    apply to all damages a psychiatric patient might suffer as a result of treatment
    decisions. The act applies in the present case to the extent the estate is claiming
    3 In 2000, the legislature amended RCW 71.05.120(1) to include the term
    "discharge" in the list of covered decisions. See RCWA 71.05.120.
    No. 67821-3-1/8
    that Poletti's death was caused by Overlake's decision to discharge her, a
    decision expressly mentioned in and covered by RCW 71.05.120(1).
    "Statutes involving a deprivation of liberty are to be construed strictly." In
    115 Wn.2d 21
    , 27, 
    793 P.2d 962
    804 P.2d 1
    Detaining a patient against her will under the involuntary treatment act is a
    "'massive curtailment of liberty.'" In re LaBelle, 
    107 Wn.2d 196
    , 201, 
    728 P.2d 138
     (1986), quoting Humphrey v. Cadv. 
    405 U.S. 504
    , 509, 
    92 S. Ct. 1048
    31 L. Ed. 2d 394
     (1972). The trial court's ruling would have the incongruous result of
    holding a hospital to the higher standard of ordinary negligence when discharging
    a voluntarily admitted psychiatric patient, while holding the hospital to the lower
    standard of gross negligence when releasing an involuntarily committed patient.
    Nothing in the statutory language evinces such an intent. A hospital
    presumptively must discharge a voluntary patient "immediately upon his or her
    request." RCW 71.05.050. While a hospital does have authority under the
    statute to detain a patient briefly to obtain a formal evaluation, the hospital will
    not face liability for discharging the patient without an evaluation as long as the
    decision is made in good faith and without gross negligence.
    The estate contends that even if the decision to discharge Poletti
    implicates the act, the act's gross negligence standard applies only to the
    decision to discharge, while other acts of negligence are to be evaluated under
    the ordinary medical negligence standard. The estate points to a number of
    mistakes the hospital allegedly made in caring for Poletti during the eighteen
    No. 67821-3-1/9
    hours between her voluntary admission and discharge. For example, taken in
    the light most favorable to the estate, the record indicates the hospital did not
    monitor Poletti as it should have and as a result was unaware that she still was
    not getting much sleep. Also, there is evidence the charge nurse did not follow
    the attending physician's orders.
    The estate's primary wrongful death theory is that the hospital's act of
    discharging Poletti caused her death. We leave for the trial court to consider on
    remand whether any hospital employees' acts that preceded or followed the
    decision to discharge may have caused Poletti's death, and what jury instructions
    would be appropriate to allow the estate to develop such a theory.
    At the time of the court's certification for discretionary review, the estate
    had just moved to amend the complaint by adding a theory of lack of informed
    consent. The parties agreed at oral argument before this court that the motion
    was denied without prejudice because the parties had agreed to a stay. We
    express no opinion as to this motion.
    Breach As a Matter of Law
    The trial court ruled that the hospital's failure to follow its own policy
    requiring referral for a formal evaluation "constituted a breach of the standard of
    care as a matter of law." This second ruling is also before this court on
    discretionary review.
    Overlake's policy No. 12548, entitled "Emergency Psychiatric Treatment
    and Transfers," provides as follows:
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    Policy: Individuals seeking care will be provided emergency
    establishing psychiatric treatment, within the capacity of the
    Emergency Department and Psychiatric Services. When additional
    specialized psychiatric inpatient services are clinically indicated, the
    patient will be offered admission to Overlake Hospital Medical
    Center Inpatient Psychiatric Unit or will be offered referral to
    another appropriate facility. Any arrangements for transfer of
    stabilized patients will provide for safe transport.
    C. Patients in need of furtherpsychiatric (inpatient) treatment, but
    who are either not accepted for further treatment by other facilities,
    or who do not consent to treatment, will be referred to the County
    Designated Mental Health Professional, for immediate evaluation.
    1. Patients evaluated by CDMHP will either be released or
    transferred, as directed by CDMHP
    2. Rationale: Treatment Planning/Patient Safety14'
    The estate is free to argue to the finder of fact that Overlake's failure to
    refer Poletti for immediate evaluation by the county designated mental health
    professional was a breach of the standard of care established by the hospital's
    own policy. Detaining a voluntary patient to make such a referral is expressly
    permitted by RCW 71.05.050. The estate contends, however, that the hospital's
    breach has already been conclusively established because it was unrebutted that
    the hospital failed to refer Poletti for evaluation by the county designated mental
    health professional. What the estate overlooks is that the requirement for referral
    in policy No. 12548 (C.) applies only to patients who are "in need of further
    psychiatric (inpatient) treatment." Whether Poletti, at the time of her discharge,
    Clerk's Papers at 627 (emphasis added).
    No. 67821-3-1/11
    was in need of further inpatient psychiatric treatment was disputed in the record
    below5 and therefore it is a factual question that must be left for trial.
    The trial court did not reach the issue of whether the evidence of gross
    negligence was so abundant that Overlake should be held grossly negligent as a
    matter of law. The estate invites the court to dispose of the case on this basis.
    We decline the invitation. There are factual issues that cannot be resolved on
    the limited record before us.
    The rulings before us on discretionary review are both reversed.
    5 E.g.. Clerk's Papers at 771, Deposition of Dr. John Chiles at 72.