D.S. v. Secretary of Health and Human Services ( 2015 )

  • Cm Nmfiv “ I
    Fiflfid: May B9, 2mg
    BS“, gs
    * Special  Damay
    Pgfifimgrg ‘9?
    vga 33“ Entitlement; ‘llyllil'ils‘iilji papiflmmavfimg
    5% WV} vminfig Gardagfilfl; Guilflaina
    ‘6‘ 3m Syndrome (SIRS); Millera
    SECRETARY @IF Niall:  6‘ Fisher Variant; Siwifimm
    SERVICESE *3 Agmwfimu
    50mm Pam NJ, is: petfitfimer.
    USw Demimgm @f Justigeg
    fl. Katmaimfim
    an  11  12g 2m. fi, DES» (‘fpfiifimefifi filled a pefitim far mmmmmfilm mam film
    Mammal} Vamim Injury Cmpanwfifim  (“fine Pram” m‘ “Vamfine Am”)? aflflggimg
    that m mffemdl mm m MHerFfigfim vafimfi 0f Gmiflllafinw mmme (“6335”) in Aprfill
    2%? mg a result @fmcgivfimg mm mm  4. . @ffltm human papiflm‘mwims (“WV”) “gaming
    in”) (m  M a 2%?“ Pafitfim at 2,, Regpmdmt mmmmdfid agaimt awm’ding
    m Wfimm stating that pétitfiimgr had mt W  WWW that
    m Wham this decfisfiam wag @rfigfimflly flawed; “ma W65 were ncfifigd that Kim dmigfim woumd be
    WSW in mm:me with Elha Mawmmmt Am magma Pub, L. N09 MWESém § 2&5, 116 Stat
    2899?; 29113 (Mfied m mmded at 44 USwa § 35m mtg (2W6); Petifim‘m m aim maimed
    that she mum Wk Mamba pmuam m § EMm-IZEdXAXB); Vamfim Rum mm Pefitfianer
    made a timely mum far redmfiim and this dmfigian i3 being reigned in age/amasz wifln 3%
    Manama flan“  :i' mm
    :  Li“ mmpfims Pam: 2 9f the Nafiamafl @hfifidbmd Vamim Injury Am 9f flggég 42
    USgCn§§ EQQWEM @fit mm {mm  findivfiduafl Wfiifim mffimmmg Wm be m 42 UuSmC.
    Rehphhdhmgs Rule 4 thhfi (“Rhaph
    thh JHPV Whinth chum her injurfihse
    filed :2: M, 2&1 L at 1, 14a
    Th3 hawk hhhmihhd   mm hi supphh hf thhh“  whitith Phfifihhhh
    fiflhd Whmfl  ht rephm ham Davifl Axeflmhfl, W39 an imfihhhhlhght. Phtfihhher’s Exhfihim
    (“Pats Em”) 23% 4% 41119 43. Phthihheh film fillhdl  WWW flhm me @f hhr
    mfimlwmg Steven H.) Shhehhhh MD, Pet. Em 563 5% thphhdgh‘t fihfl whims fm
    fimmag Leigh MD”, a, hemmflhgiht ma hhmfimmmhlhgish Rasmhdhhfih  @Rhmst
    E359”) A, Ge
    A hearing was hhlh hm Ahwgh 239 ZhMg dmfihg whfihh “(ha parties”
    Petith filhd a phshhehfihg hfih‘f 0h  man 36, gm, thphhhght filed her ph
    hhfiihf QED  23, 2% M. Thh amen" as name him fhf adjudiehhhm
    Affirm a havihw hf hm hhtfiim mm; the umdmsimhd find that hammer has pmvified
    evidhhw that Shh devalhpeh hhh Mifliehthah variant hf 6B3 aha? her February
    219 2%? h vmhwhfihhs The hhdhhsfighhd aim finds that whithth has pmvihhh
    mphhdemm evidmm hm the  hill, aiming caused ha? ha demhp thc Mihhh—Fihhhr :1;
    hf GESSB whihh ShfiiSffieh hat h f pmf WE   w  ft“ H Human Shiva.
    418 F.3d 112745
     12% ghee?» Ch. 2&5). Amrdihgflyg pefifih @fl“ is mithd m 1; tihh.
    II.  ha Eh Ewidefi
    In itchhih jhihh pmhhhfihg smhmfisgfihh fiflefi ah  mhhr 1189 mm, flhh partihs pwmfi
    sawmfl hm hm hhphth Th dmidh the cath thh mums yygwf hm the hhdhn‘sfighhdl hm
    ah m whhthhh hhfitihhhr has pmmhefl pmphhdemfi @videhhh hhm Shh fin! hh ah
    hf thh Wharahisher Wham hf 633 ah ah humfimmhhefl’ dmyeflihhfiéhfi dismdm‘ m hm“
    Wipfl hf aha HPV thfihh hm  2L 2%?!  Ammflm Jhim Shhmihsihh h’fi 29 filed
    Sept. 11%, 2914.
    Samnflg the " eh mum mm the uhdm'sflwhgfl  whether phtifihher has
    WWW 1r 1; 31$de flhm She sufihred fihm ah idahtifihhhg hhdhhlyihg mhdiehi
    mhditfihh s   2L 2%?» .@
    While the Whigs haw magma  The hmflhmigmd hmmfim wheflmsr petith s
    hf (aha MifllhheFishhr whim hf GBSS” hm “wmhhmhhh  dihhzhlef’ m“
    an “idlm‘hfiahlhg mflerflyihg rhea] chhdfi‘tihh,” fihh uhdhhhighhdl @ hm hmfit hm“ analysis th just
    thhsh whdittihhs, hm aha mhsfldmhd WELth  shth  fhr my 3111th W
    &@ § 3Q®hfi~fl lihxmcmhm.
    ‘3 “Authfimmuhh” ms 6 m
    “by h hpmifih hhmhml hr whammth immune msphnhh
    s @Wflh fihsmm (self antigens m“   Dhrflahdlh
    .‘    ‘Dfiflhfldfig’fi 11831 (3261 ed. 29112).
    5 Demyhhhhhh is the “dasmfimhg remhval hr lhhs @fhhh myhhh
    hm hf a haw Q!” thhS.”
    Pethfiehet hemmed the e fettewmhp eeteehettee with De Rihtte eh thee 1159 mm, Pets
    Ex 2 at 11?» De Rihm meted thet whitteher hm  il‘tj heeh seen at the Univeth ef
    me fifteenter with w, htl ;::-::;;1I‘t Bethe peley with  et‘ the eeeehht emiefll nerve
    Gilly LA DE: Rhee else meted that Lyme dfieeeee ewelegtee had been hegeh‘eem Pet he. 2 et We
    11% She teeemmehded e feltewahp fer hepeet   ea: ehtdiee if heeflede IQ at 118..
    Petitiehee meetwettt ehefltet“  eh tithe E95 2%? Pets Ex, 1‘? at he The MRI
    ettditety emete; Pet, Ex. I? et he
    ehewed Wehefly meted ehheheetheht efthe diemfi
    the Jelly 2,65 299% petttiem had eh eeeleetteh with De Rehett Be Neeehhm, eh
    - the: e peeefihfle Lyme 2': eeh. Pet. Ex. 4e et 5?. he
    Neeelmm new the pefitietter hee e eemeflee filtheee. I em   m et‘ the etteteg. t em ehe
    meethtm whether it she he ever had Lyme   a e a t tt weetd he   unlikely the
    teeth Lyme  met he have e peeitive MEG Western hiet th eh] ether tin and
    flegte theth a a a s Veeehhtte ef eeme sent 1 te mehe the meet eenee as e teething
    “ a” Pet. Ex. 46 et 5?. Petitteher it e  , , ‘ Intth phhehhe eh August 99 233W»
    whieh ehewed heme} mete. Peta Ext 3 et 5e; Pet. Ex. 21 et wee
    a a
    hmt‘eetehe eh _ .teheh re
    Petitiehet“ hemmed te De Ghete eh Attghet 239 20W, the e fettewahp eeheefltetteh Pet
    Ex 1"? at: t 114-1?” De. Genie meted thet “eh   week—hp hes heeh eerie eeehtethg ehet
    hehmtegteet eehditiehe eliminating  eeterete end etepteell GhittethsBMte
    eyedteme) eemettmes  eteted with eeeehflt heave eehtee hhte teeeee when w  ee he
    likely   fer her eeeehth hehee pelefieee” Pet, Ex. W et the.
    Petitiehet seer  L  _ ..  M Khemflee e hetthelegfiet2 et the Ctevellehd Chete eh
    Qetehet 23 eeee the he eeehtetfieh fer feeiefl wemm, Pets Bee M; at “A De Khehelet meted that
    whfiehet teeeivee eh HPV eeeethetteh h   we, and thet petttieher wee \if'f"   that
    her symptom eeete e teeetteh te the vmthea Ml et e. De Kueheflet   °
    “hietety fie meet eemmtihfle with e Mtflfllafiiehet‘  ef Gttiflileihahme sendt‘eme. The CSF
    ehdl het ehew he whim ethhmtheeytelegie di’meetetfi’ehg hht eveelfll htie ie the heet fit. I he met
    eee e W t h ehtthedy hehig eeht.g This eehettteh eehlldl heee been related te her
    eeeeihetiem thehgh this  he preeeh exelheieety,” Pet Ext 12 at 83
    Petitieher else see D1: Steven R hehthtte eh infeetteue theeeee eeeeiehet at the
    Cleveland Cilhtieg eh flee heme deg:5 @etehet 2, eeee Pet Ex. 12 at 2szV Dt. Sehmm meted hm
    wettehet meefie'edi the WV eeeehte in hm 20mg end thet she had theta]! heme pehy with
    at: eehte eheet eherwerde gig He  thet the “[hfietefii and  22.3;  e dtegheets
    ef Geifleihahehe eyhdme WherQFteflheh vetteht,  Chmteefltyg [It] wehdet ehetmt.
    tjehmtea teetell   :h diemeeie a theheh we heee tithe ehppettthg teh emit
    teeth the date the this emth f”  at 45 Du“; Sehteitt htrther   wet he “reviewed
    phhheehy eeetlehty the   Thee am muted tS-Qh memes ef hemellegie eemeheettehe ef
    ELth eeeehte in adults eh the ee etteh e temtteh te eeeehte ih thte patient with e tempemhy-
    aerated veeeihetiehu”
    e eteeuge De. Kuehzllet he she he mflfi eee that the ee t e ehtihetttee Ileh ee
    thie teet wee etdleted ehd the results were   Ex. M at eeet .
    Om Qcmber M5 2am, Dr: Sghmhmr  mart flag physfiaims at m Clfiwflmd minim felt
    m WWW? had “pmsibflfi mammaan [MiflleraFishafl vawimt” Pat. Egg 3 art 19“ A. mama
    @phflmflmis am by  M. @9le, W5 an  225 mm  a remixing WWW
    nerve 9am! and]  @sia in ma 19$an 91? her Hefi fihfifik. Dre Calm mm that pefitfimsr hm
    her sympmmg in her maipt @f the HPV vaccine. Pet. Ex. 33 at Mall 5. Anaflmr m
    @f’ we brain was Named m pefifimm 0n Dambar 5?? 230% ahawi‘mg smblg Mammal
    the maxim Ingram gimme tha Jam 1% 2%? My, but the  alga
    what vi“  N‘ m a. My Mmed am May 3%, 209?. Pet. Ex. 2 at $8; Pat. Ex. 3 at
    34. smatmar umdle a; a SPECT mm scam 0n  23, mm: film did mt Shaw
    gignifiwm: interval dfimgeg when r  m a study pfirfmmgd m1 BMW 1155‘ 29%. Pain
    Ex; I? at 6%
    Hm a, mm; by Era. Rim flaked   2h 2m& ShE mated that  (1mm wnflifimm
    suggafiive @f an immmmifitemt fimmmg @mditiem mast mmisfifim wifl’m @hmnic infi
    dmysiimtfimg my 217% Pat, Ex» 2 at 11391115, During flm game visit, yin: mgr inquimd
    as m hm” initfiafl diagmgis @fi‘ @wifllafimafiamé gymdrmm Di: Rim mm 1m mg 6B8  ”
    5: by Dr” Laban whifle mimime was bagpimflizwl, and M @116 may   ° °
    3’] by Dim Rim wem mansigmm wifih NEW cmial game VII  E m 14.
    Pefififiamer aim  whefiha‘ ha  mmdfitiam walla [kg '1 m 1131? I-EPV vamfimfiim
    that she waived 42 days pfim ta her hmpfi'tafl mmm in April fiflflfi M; Di: Mum;  ‘éss‘fl mat
    pafifimmgg pmggmmflmm mat the ataxia fm an immmm m vmmmadfiamd   @
    (Em March 1% 2m, patifimer gaw Dr; Sahechm in a f®£fl®waup Wig-13m Pet, Ex“ 3 at 15“
    Dan Meghtw mmd that  ’ , i’   has mmw 3mm @f’ her sympmmgg” but
    31mm that her mptmms “@9de ha 2mm m hm prim" higtmfy 0f Lying d Shfi i3 an ma,
    which is helping? Mgbig and Lyfim” @
    fl Pfififimergg @mgyaflng  aw Magnum
    0m Apfifl 20,, 2m 19 pafim’m pregmoed m Rahal-t Cg Efickgzm, MD” an @phthflmehgigtg
    Whfl mm that mtfiiamer Wmimnad m have facial paraflysfis grime having GESB Pat F“ , 38 at 3.,
    Ha mm mm left Emiafl weakness; dmnbfle visiam vmaafll diplapfia, and mum: hypertgmgim. 11g
    Paflifiamr wag mmfimd by Steven Aw Teflim, MED; a mumbgist, an May 245 m E. Pet”
    Ex! 33 at 1L Dr. Tfifliflm mm mm: petitier had a mmal ear 6mm and that Em fagfial nerve
    fumme was mammal m we might and} Mg 356 an flm Raft wifin mfiduafl  and symmkimsisa
    @ It was mm that petitime rmeiwd the; HPV vmma 209% and firm Wig flmmpy had
    ham   in mm» m Dr. Taliam Lin Emit he ii};-:§;11§zfl m ’: 519m Gf  11mg» jig
    @m May 8, EMS; Warm“ a: v‘
    waakms an m left sfida @f Em
    axmafl [@gfiw @fi‘ihe Rafi fmiall mews wiflm @hmfic demawatflobm @351 4.
    fin July 3% 2m 33 D12 thmhtm inflated n   EMGiNCV hf mtitlnnnt’n hilntnrnl
    thetnl mntnt nntvas whtnh shnwnd nmln “ “  elm lntnnctnt and lnw ntnnlltndlen
    wanna nn thn lath @nnsintnnt with  facial mummthya Pet. Ex. 55 at 5—60
    At thn    tnntittnd  I“ : is   We at fin SEN 3mm
    with nnn slide nt‘ hnt mnnth ‘ Pntltinnnt nlnn
    and nyen Lt. Shn explntnnn that hat eyes “tn
    that the has pnttnnnnnt nerve   9f he?
    nnt hath in tandem nnytnnnns” 133; at ?, Pntttlnnnt  thm the  ring hing  her
    andfitnty names  ndt it; at h. ln 5; nntn hntn her twin nlnginh Dam Efiflkmm hated
    April 29% 2M3? he s that mtttfinnnr hm had an, inmmplntn tat;an ftnm hen Mtllnnh’lnhnn
    nt‘ GBS and tlmt lint tetldnnl injuring tnnlndle thctnl  (hill  f. wntnn cm the lntt
    ninth delnyntl nynfltn tlnsunn an the lam nhtnnln eye htttntlnn (wnm nn the lnh}, dnlnynd nyn
    maven“:an institth dnuhln visim and reduced  1554..
    by her tnjntinng pantinnnr twttt‘intt thnt the Mutated t‘tntn law nthnnl in Mny Zhlh, and
    thnlt the hm  in July 2MB at 22“
    V. Emrt Ttimnny and Annflynh
    As Stnnnnt‘ds nt’ Adjttfltnnttnn tan a Cnnsnfinn Claim
    tunnel” flan Vacating Ant pntinnnt mutt pmvn ether {11) that that
    =- in; an itth talth within thn Stamina htjnry Tnhln == nnnnmndlng
    lly mnnn by n tnnntnn (a
    Tn fictive chm
    nnfthtenl n “Tabla fining:
    tn we nfthn tanninntinnn in  nth n2? {2} that het tnjnty was
    “nnna’l‘nhln lnjntywts  §§ Shhnaelhfinttltthh llictilj; § 3 Min) an amnnttw by 42
    (ERR § lthm; it lltnttlxctfitm; sen nigh Mnhmlyfie hwy fifflfilflt & Human Snttn,
    £92 End 1315; 11321 (End. Cit. mm};  ,. l.  , n  I r    440 F.3d
    Eli l32© (Fed. Ch: 2M6}. Sincn nn tnhln nanny it nl egntt in nanny pennant: tnnnt ptnnn
    nnnnnttnn in tam.
    :mmi by n  ntthe
    592 Ffidl 113159 H321 (Finds Cit:
    2mm; § Ethnn-lhtntilh Tn dn nng mthtnnet mutt pgnvidn: “(1) n mndinal thnnny mnnlly
    cannentlng thn vnwlnhjnn and thn lnjttty (23 n lngienl sntytnnte {if  and nfi‘nnt thawing thm
    the nnnntnmtnn wnt tl‘n tnnnnn t‘nt hm injnty; and (3) n nhnwhng nf n pinnhnnte tampan
    mlttlnnnhfip hntwnen thn taminntlnn nndl lnjnt’ya” m M3 F.3d at 11‘389 The
    nt‘ thn Widnntn n, , ,7  mil tnqnttnn n pntitlnnet tn demnnsh’atn that it in “mate likely than n l” thnt
    the vnncflne mantel hen w jntyt Mnhntlxg 592 E36 at 1322 n2. Ptnnf nf mndtcnl  it nnt
    13$ande    Hlflt & H  93l Rfid 86?, 8?3 (End. Cir. 199B.) ln
    pnrtlnnlnrg pntltinnet must dntnnnntmtn that the twine m “tint nnly [[n} hut fnt haunt nfthn
    lnjlttty httt nlnn n 5n n] thntnt in httngng ahnnt thn injury? m 592 RM ht l32l
    (qnnfin Sh   thnnn  lnfi thd 11344g 11352-53 (Fed, Chm lhhgtt;
    f thnm 3% , g 451 F.3d l3§2a 135$ flint. Ch. 23%. Thn
    nndnmgtnd mnnt @nnntdnt thn man “an n Whnln” and may nnt rule ln nnthinnnth thvnr nnlely
    htttntl on Whitinnnntn nwn nlnitnn  tinth lay medical tnnnttln nt mntllnnl npfintonu” §
    l3 , ‘  QWEM 1135?,E 1362 wad. Ch: 2%)), Hfiwevefg
    _  @f an experfs cammgim  m exigtmg dam @mlly by the
    m M @f flm  , V, Weiafly i1me 315 simply m great an mailyfieafi gap
    dam and ma aphnicm :- ”  88 Fad. CB. at WE {gaming ..
    522 US” 1146 {11997)} Weighing the raflatfiive pmmivgmss Q? .':r‘ "
    bamd m a partimlm' e S mafibiflifiya is M @f we averaflll whammy
    s Maberllig $2 FEM at fl325=26
    mflmmy 9% Mm 911 meflfilbillfity
    ;:  Saws 663 F’de @423 125® @afls
    Emgmmfly explammd film 59mm
    msidfir we cmdlfibifllifiy @fexpefi Wimgssas in m :1 pmmms fm‘
    Vmimg Act”;
    Wham bath gideg Qfi‘ar @Xperfi
    @mdibiflfity 91? fine experts and the mflafive
    flastifiwi at ii
    quaiificaiimg and iggiimmy @f @3931 j .
    11.; Paritimer’ Expgrtg
    g: twa far pfififiififlfii‘ and mm far mspmciam The
    , we    beimw.
    Steven ii.  Mich is a mmbgisi and me if
    TL ai 3119 He is mam mmiiiigd in. memiggy and is @uri‘eiitiy in  ‘
    Eimmfigid, Miai‘nigam. Ti: at 32., Dr» Scinth  mi saiwai at m CMWQ Mimi
    Schmi in NQEfl‘i Chimgag mid  in i931. Mg He m mmpmii @ @myaar
    gimme 3i
    m Hmpiialg and mmpfleied his midfimy iii mumiagy at Henry Fwd
    Haspimi in Emit, & at 3%“ Di: @hwhtm than mmpigmd a feiflawship iii ciimicai
    mumphysiaiagy at fl‘m Univaivsiiy @i‘ Michigan, iii, Aflm‘ his feiiowsiiipg iig want Siam privaie
    @ Dim Sehmiite‘r i3 gummy mi  Emmi priial and an Li“. mfesmr
    @f“ mamiagy at iiakimd Beammi Madman SthL
    (2i Hismry ®f pai‘iimfiis iiime mmmm
    Dr, Sainmhifiia testified that im first saw paitimer @111 May Mg ZWE Wham sine  i
    6% him with wimpiaiiitg @f’ faciai  $53. Tr. git 325 34s it was big male iimt gamma?
    had a “31mm 33f   ‘ J wmisfing (if a i‘mial dipiegia ©i° bifaciai wgakmme Li;
    (Na ting 3mm Dr, gamma:- mm}, mm he mniimued to faiiaw peiiiimgr‘s madimi MSfiQEfyS,
    including liner claimed diagmsis ©f Lyme _ u He mm that he fail: fling diagmsig @i“ Lyim
    di  was unlikely, but pgii’iimer  8 :‘ix: ' :27 mm mmm Tm at 35“
    (3i Diawiisis @f peiiiimaiflg mindiiim
    @fpetifimam injury ‘I’  mi his
    m hisimy. Ewing his Warm
    @i‘ Gmiiflmiii-
    Dr. swam» mam an @pmim   ting _|
    @iimiwi   wim petiiifimm midi a twig“; @fiiei 'i' i,
    DI: Mae m miaimfid {that “$26 MillerelFiainai variam’i @i‘ GBS i3 “a Biiflifiafl
    Emé swimming whim Em distimt ciimicai Iii   areflexiafi“ and
    @phiimimamf’m Tr. $11 6i He  :‘i hawwm m it i8 mat aiwayg
    w haw fine
    magma @faii flaw fea 1:. iii a mi, Ti: at 3% Di: Siihegiiier @xpiaimw that: a patient may
    have “we at Ma Qf ';  i  fea ‘ him mt mssariiy have    in
    mgng m  @sifi peii‘iimer a mndifimg Dr. Sfihfifih’ifl“ inggiifiad Elm
    mmidemd a viral m m-vimi @iiabgy m a mmhmigm miaifid iii Lyme
    peiiiimarig gmpmm, Tm at 36., HQWWWQ after rawiiewimg ma wards and
    imfmiimas disme spmiaiists Di; Nadgimamy Wm Emmi aim mieiwd peiiiimei’g meflicai iiifime,
    Dr. Swimmer felt that wig fiiafigsig @i‘ Lyme iii  maid mi be mmiimmde Li, At itim mining
    Di: Sahegh‘ber 1% mm His was Ilefi; a pmbabig :93! @SiS @i‘ Gumflimnafimé syndmme m a
    m Mafia fiS defined m “faiiure 9f mmuflai mmflimiim; heng @f minimum Mame”
    "  at Hm.
    1“ @phMmpmsis is d©fin®d a3 8  mime eye Wiggles? if
    “2 Amflgxia i5 d©fii1®dl as am “ i,  iii mfigxes.” Dimide at 13%.
    nntinnt nf Gnillainulhnn‘é Willnt—thtt variant}. Q, Pnt Ex 56 nt l-Za Eln  that “givnn
    film [  hnd the  nntnn invnlvnntnnt thn hnd ninn nnntplnintna i think hint flan
    Millnnah‘inimn  nt" 638 n ntnhnhiy the mntt likely nnunn 5 a a f” Tn nt 3%
    Dr; thnthtnt  the hnnis Jinn his npininn thnt the hiillnnFinhnt vnrinnt nf GEE
    lihnly flit pmpnt dinwnnina at he ennlninnd that the nntnhtntpnnl fluid nnn ht nnnnnl with
    than MillnraFinhnt variant nt" 633 dittng thn flint inn dtyn ntthn illnnnne En. En 54 at 11. He
    hntthnt ntntnd thnt thn rnnnltn nt' nnt’nn nnndnntinn staining may nlnn inn nnnnnlg and Fawnvn
    remnant (Whinh ntn nnntntintnn n " 63%; TH“. at m) may nnt hn pmlnngnd, hi; Pets Ext
    56 nt 2. Di; thnnhtnt nnii‘inti  nnntinnnr hnnl n symptnm nnntplnn following tint Fnhtnny
    21p 2n)? vnnninntnn that wns nlnnnnt tn 3 clinical dnfinitinn int the Millntsliithnr variant nf @833.
    in at 659669 He nlnn tinted that hn hm ml  Wig  tint pntitinnnt and than the hat
    tntnn impnnnnmnnt with the therapy. Di: thenhtnt tnstifinn that “the intntnnntnnnt nhn had was
    mitten with thn [EMillnnsFinhnt] dinmnsin; mhnnninn, why wnnlt shn itnptnvn tintn it,” Tn nt
    Dre, thnnhtnt l ntl thin he helinnnti it was innit likely ninn nnt that than
    nanninn niggnwd nntittnnntin nymntnnts, In hi rennin, En, thnnhtnt  "  thn “it in mm
    ntnhnhln thnn nnt, tint [nannnnntin] fnninl diplngin and ntnnnintnti sytnptnnn hnvn  "  fintn
    GBS syndnnntna @t' nntinnt which  in With  Gnttinnil tanning?” Pet; Ex 56 n5:
    1ng tin t‘nnthnt ttntfi  “[ghvnn hit him nntnm at" tnnninn fnllnwnt hy the nnnnt nfhnt
    nlininnl   with nngning Ennian nymptnmntnlngg symntnm cnrnplnn ntny hn
    with n Millntet‘inhnt v ° t nt GBS syntmrnn”  nt 25 % he did  his  Eta
    thnnhtn tinsnrihed thn s   nntnplnn nfthn Millnrahinhnt waninnt nt 638 at including
    “nnthnltnnplnging ntnnin nndl mill  ii He nxplninnd thm “Eijlnnnnnpintn fntmn nt’ Millet] Fithn
    Syndtntnn cm he nnnn withnnt
    nt thin.” E, In  hing Whthan nymntnnn
    nntnpinnfl ht :. d thm them nm dnnnntnntntinn ht” nnfitinnnt having tight nppnt nnh’ntnity
    nintnninnn, l .  ity ninntninnnna h   Enliis phnnntnnnnn9 nsymmnny nfthn
    nynhmws hi1 ., t  ,, V.  nnnnnh. D12 thnnhtnn  , V at that thn dnnnntnntntinn “new
    nnnnntt finial dininging shnw nvintinn “with minimal, and nthnt nngnin nlininnl symntntnne
    [Pntitinnntin] initinl nntn did
    nintnninwn Rnflnm my tint nlwnyt he inst in this Winnie,” @ at 39
    t4) hintinnl ilhnnty
    Dr» thnnhtnt explained hnw  il nnnld hnvn ntnn nnifiifinnnt’n nnntiflnn at his
    temtt ntnnt, “tilt is  thm tin vnnninn niggan an nntntnnntnte tynn tnnpnnnn tnnnlting in n
    innit nf nnntn intl tnty ninnnynlinming  whinh hnn ninan pnnnnnnn
    nymptnnts nhinh hntn m ” Pnt. Eng 54 at 2; Pnt Ex. 56 at 2. Din
    thnnittnt  tint “with n A    t
    .sl nt innnnnn mndinted l which lint l her hit ngning tnnidnfl fnnnl
    nnntnlnginnl dntinitne” E?) He -   nn flhn nutth thn n‘nntnll time WW nnd thn
    nlininal nymptntnn thn we hnvn, which at‘n nnt nnplnined hy any nthnt tnnnhnninnf’ pntitinnnt’n
    nnnditinn m an hnntnnnstnndintnt inmtinn tn nun  -. . tannins, “in at 39$
    (S) hegieefl Sequmee ef Geese ehfi Effeeh
    hm hie  repem [he Seheehfier explained fleet the Geedeeh veeeihe “highered eh
    eutehhmhhe W reepehee reehhihg hm e fem efi‘  '  hiflemmetery demyehhefihg hempehhy,
    which hee predheed  eympheme Whieh have meshed he hails hme . q. . a” Feta Eyes 54 et
    2. Deg Seheehfm themed them Dr. heheh had 1th that pefiheher heel e elweie peemteflen ef
    GBS with faefie] @fiplegie and hihheeefll ermiefl nerve   delays. @ m: Seheehfiee  ,9
    hm hm heeumehfi emergehey meem eeeerde demented hm pehfieher hm “fight wpper
    ehmeiheeefi Heft lewee exhemhy ehhheihfiea h  Bellfl’e ehemememeh,
    effhe eyehm'eee‘e hileherehy email ell he”, E; He else stated '1::‘::  the medlfieefl reeehde
    meted they: paihehee hed   ,. .  efthe feeielfl my eeheery dehehe,
    weelmeees eflmee   elhmeiheee e‘f he fleh leeeer mh‘mfihg eight upper hem
    Based eh hmeee WSLQIIESQ Dru Seheehter stem in his  '  Whether  m have
    eeeteihed “an immune mediehei him ef when which hee heh heir Whh engemg reefiidhefl feeell
    hemlegiee] defiehe,” he. Exp 54 at 3“, He  theft hheee waging residual eympteme we “felt
    fefllewhng eh immune mediated eyhdmme ,,   he the 553:: \ « in VWfims fm’
    whieh we eehtimuee he suffer engeihg eimhhhy te “hie the; end felt he he peheehehhw E
    Regen‘dlihg Lyme '°  ee hehag ene efflhe 27:7?  2.; 0f Menage eymp , a
    that a number ef  emeee hawking phyeiehee heee epinee hm 1'
    was “queefiemhfle ht heeh“ 1h
    @h ems 1:: ihetieha De; Seheehter  ‘ hm jeehhehee hed e eempflex medieefl
    hietery ehdl ellihieel j  ehel hm “there was a : 1 time mm where ehe hed e
    eEeee  * ef eympheme e eemplee ef eympteme fehe _ , he veeehueg withhn m fiempemfi
    ' . "  helpful in temme ef Jawjareg ehem whm the :7“  eehee may he fer hem”
    eympteme” Tr. eh 5h Dru Sehmhter else heefified “chm where wee he k:  erfiiefie er m
    shady thm led hhh te hie ehhefieh eh eeueeheh hm thh 4 hut whim ‘hhere fie evidenee he the
    'iegaj-‘eLizure of”. peehveeehme ihdheedl 63$” finehidhmg i111,” Tr. eh 6h '
    (6) Thine
    Dr. Seheeh‘ter  "  that t9 e   "
    that the emet efpetfifiener’e f1an {a  _  ‘-
    1! week te e  99 Pets Ex. 5? eh II. He mstfifiee during the hearing hm the
    xiii: eeeumihg “within e few deye he eeeeeel weeheg” Tr. et 3h
    i?) Review effihe
    Pefifiehem‘ underwent a 1,.1:n:.:tfl,1;a;  eh We mien“ he and eeem. eher her
    The preaeeeefihetfieh We helludle an MRI eehehetefl eh hem 1h 29m (net helmeed in the
    reeeedh e hrefih W @9de en Oetehm 289 eeee (Pei; Ex; 11? e1: 9% end an  ,, V
    petieieherge heed 4.1  eh Qemher Ei 2393 (Pet. Ex 11? at 9%), The fine: MR1 hepe
    wee filed in this W9 eh Oeteheh 283 mm  :. eehdlwe‘fied en the  sheeeeds ee  in:
    with e emdy perfehmed em   '1: her I15S 2W1 (net eluded! hi the were), “[flhe intemefll
    eudheey  and erhihfl eememe are within hemmefl hmhe _ a . i There fie he evidehee fer
    ehhme leeiehe wh‘hhn the hmih ehhehmell grim '  :2; within the herein ehyme er
    White end the CS?  '   ‘  °   Be eveheheh ef fie
    main and whim withgvmt damgg sigma prim may.“ Fag Ex. W m 9% Dire Smmmw teafifiw film
    W msults @ffli’mfls m1  , ._.‘ .;:. ta bg mammal. Tr“ at 86., The    mudqu 931 megr 155
    amp aim yififlfiad mammal} madman Peri; Ex, B? at 96; mg. m 865%?
    Pmsvaficimfim   were sandmch cm Aprifl 5 and ME, 2am: May 3135 2139?;
    Jam 1% 2m? and   E gm? Tm: m: SQ. A brain CT m was ammde an April 43
    ZQQ’E Whi©h Shfiwed mama] mums Pet EX; 1? at WE. TEE April M, 2%? m mfemcfig an
    ml» "  that W mm}.  an fiprifl 5, 2m? (Pm fie M3 at 1155), fm wmpmajtive pmmm.
    Tr; at 90, T116 MRI mm? diam April M, 29%; states mm “‘th% is mild;  lri'jm
    wmem 6f mg m! imfiaeamlmlm amuflifi nervfi wmpllfixgsg mg biflatemfll ggfinfimnflate
    M, and this MWfimg partial 0f the fmiafl warms  My; Thi is filflighfly mare
    H” J  than mum m   far physfidagfic vmuflm‘ @mhammmmfi Tm at 90; Pa Egg,
    m at 115$“ Dre Salim:th mfiw  Eh " ” ' ‘ cement am this him! i mmm
    wifilh his @pfimiem @131: flhm was mm mm 9 ' :: m1 owing mavmfimmm Try at
    924. Amrding t0 Dru Schefihterg an   @111 m m demanfimtes a newer “MW
    pmwgs” and “amive imflmmafiam” which Humans flm mate is a  affine blmdubmim
    War TEE at SE 9
    y 3% 2%? W cadeer am pefifiamr’s brain and
    Dir; 8&1th mmfied 1m fling
    n    m tfiw W flamed arm Ap 1133 299% shmwd a While
    ap  “  fmiall Emma is” Tim seventh gmmial mama Tm, at
    8&8]; Pet. EX. 1‘? at “Hg The   “i, 2%? MRI shawgd Wm "1 ,-LillU‘L:é‘IIli which
    awarding m Dr; Sweaha
    Peta Ex. 31? at 66g Mm
    i‘Wlf‘fi  a l“ m:
    11km tha   Wm WM “Ming dawn.” Tia m 82;
    63mm WWW
    vmmatfigm TE. at 8?
    the facial nerve    DE; Sshwhm testifiad that it is @ {mt that is
    “dam t0 ahwflg the finiagfity 0f film finial Kama” Tm at 'ng H® gxplafitmed flint   m
    affem aha amen: cmimg @f a mmeg whim m afl‘m‘ WW5 “the ammll mm m the wiring afflia nfifim
    is magmas” lg D12 Schwhfim temified firm in pfifimer’s  “she had “both damele
    and axmafl finvglwmem whfieh suggests a mm significant firijwy m the nerve with a W
    pmgmmis i111 mums @fi’mvmg” Mg, H6 :42;   whifig flifi EMG study sham flw
    m the mm WW6» it am mt  ta the Gauge offlm imjmyg @
    b) Dr. Axdlmd
    (111) Medficall Baakgmumd
    David Alliém Amman Mums ifi a, @fli’mficalll immummgfigt trained at MSGM Umivemfiy
    mefimfl) mad the Naflimalfl Eliminates @f Healths Pet. Ex. 89 at Ila Ha @Maimd his
    d : at the Univemfifly @f Mifihfigam Medfimll Salami. Tr? $6 Dun Axelde mined in internal
    m wing at the Umivgrsity of Emma Md than at William   amt Empimll. Tr. 9&9?“ Hg
    wmpleted a fellawghip in mam, immumfllggy and 1:27;; @337 at Mefififlfl Uniwmity and
    amflm” tam yam at th@ Natiamfl E: @f Emmi! Ilia He W aka & primipafl ifivagfigamr m
    the Walla? Kw  Imfifimm @f M . 7 @mhggda) and his  Wcipm’gfi in wwine
    devgfigpmem E at Eggs Dr, E;er cummfly hands a visiting famflty appafimfimmt at Pam
    Siam Emmy, Tm 112?=28.
    i2) Diuguusiu uf Peiiiiuuuuiu Cunditiuu
    Din, Aueimd upiuiuueul um pfiiiiu mi fium uitiiuu u Edge, m uuiuimmuuu
    muelug mm m" u muqu um ui‘ uni uuduuiyiug dumyeiiuuiimg uiuuiiiui.
    Put. Pie-aimequ Mumi'umlum at 1? 4; Fete Ex. 23 ai 35, During hiu minim he 1'
    um um 31 memiugiui and was miyiug mm the mudicui muuuuu uf mutiuuuriu mating phyuiuiuuu
    w.  imam“ diuguuuiu uf ma Miilui‘aiiiuhuu variqu uf GBS whuu iug iiiu upiuiuuu iu iiiiu
    r   Tu, at iiifisfii’.
    (3} Mediqu Timur}!
    D1: Axelmd pm  the flimry 9f muiuuuiur mimicry Eu explain how iiiu WV umiue
    wuid muse GES (iuuiudliug the Miiiui‘uiiiuiiuu variqu 01? 638). TE. at 1493 Muieuuiuu mimiuuy
    has bwu iiufiuufi Eu bu u “uequeucu uudi’ui‘ uuufuuuuuiuuui humuluw  h an uxuguuuuu
    ugeui {fumigi uuiiguu) mud uuii‘auuiiguu g m tine duveiupmuu‘i ui‘ tiusuu ‘
    diueam fium umtibuuiies and T @ulis filimuiudl imiiiuiiy against me @xugeuuus 7
    uguiuu uuifiuuiiguuam iu iiiu expert wepur’i, Di; Axuliudl exuiuiuedl film “[ijmmuuu mums
    vmiues dupeud upuu the indiuidluuiiu immune  uiuility iu mugiizu the umim as u
    imeigu  am Put Ex. 23 u: 3. Thu “iiumm pupiilumuuiuus uuu time   vuuuiuu
    uuuiuiu 33 iu wiiiuii tug human iimuuuu  mug iu pruiuut uucuiuuuud
    dividuuliul iuuiuuiiug the Li and L2 pm‘iuiuu. Simiiur suuumtuieu um pugsqu in ii myuiiu ui
    the uuruuus syme  “mu tau ihu myuiiu and   is a yummy finding in uuuuimmuuu
    dumyuiiuuiiug disuruuuu” Di: Muimd uxpiuiued fiiui “mine [[i-iPV] virus
    tu fluuue iii iiiu human being mud ii‘ yuu duuuiup an immune mpuuuu iu iiiuuu
    which iug, yuu kuuwg inuw the vmiuu wurim a m w ., umu u chmuu iim it @uu utiuuk ilie
    " iiuuues” “ii: ui 1%,, As a remit, fliu uuiibuuies um   dwellqu uu urn immune
    iuupuim iu time usuuiue begin mu damuge film uuumui ii:  " “ ' s
    puusibie dumgu iu mu mwuuu 337me Lil um i113; Put. Ex. 43.
    his iiiuui'yg Du Axulmd ruiiuu uu um miiuiu by Wuuhurpiuuuigm winiuii
    durum ,  ,
    ui‘ ihu myuiiu buuiu puuieim Arid um purifiuu uf flue myuiiu busiu pmiuiu euqu mum uuiiu fium
    1:  buiugu iu mupoud when timy     with that gumui , a . a in uiiiw wuudug iiiu
    cuiiu =- uuii mum's mid uu’iibuuy Ti’ ' flu mugiiuu the WWW um mye uu may
    time mumms um flue  vacuiuu” and. same dumuge wuiuii may iuud flu uauiuuu iuj‘uiiuu uuu
    TEE u‘t iii?»
    @u crusuumuiuiuutiuug Du Axuiiud um aukud whether there wuiu any mimui muduiu iu
    suppuui hi3 iheury iim the m‘i’ umiuu ur my wmpuueui uf tins HF? uuuuiue uuuidl
    eith @133 m time Milieu-Fisher  uf GBS, Tu, ui 143‘ Due Axum  tiiui Emu wuuld
    it the imam in risk wuqu
    uui em: Eu 5% any animal muieu um. iiuuuu upeuiiiu iuuuuu
    bs “imsssdiisiy smsil” and it wssfld “be my hard is hsss smsugii mph sisss sf aiming ts sssi
    that mm, which i a, w a 3 why ms spidmisflsgis sflstiiss fissgi; Essip my
    {4) Lsgissi  sf Cssss mid Eifssi
    Dr: Axsimd ismifisd Hist Esssd ms the iiming sf psiiiiswis sssst sf sympisms and hes
    ssssipi sf tbs fissdssii vsssins‘iism “it   ssiiss” fism as iimmmsisgis sisnflpsim aim iiis
    ssssims mambst is pssitisrmssis injuries as has bwn rspsrtsd is this msdissi :na.  Tr, sit
    ass-s95 Andi  “there were sniigsms m     st: “ms ssssims that were similar is
    masses sin flis hum Wye And if tins m ysu
    smmm ihsi sis mamas is befits yam may @fiffld up Wm
    humus bsiiiga” ii si W99 Di: fissilde iss‘tifisd aim; is siss
    ssssss sf " isnssss sssditism, stasis as Lyme
    tests libs   said bssissisg Em  miss suns Ti: st 15s.
    s‘bsm; wiiss W sf isssfisn His wsuii sspws is sss» as as immunslsgisi,
    isth s. rssstisii ssswss iii isspssss is s vsssiinsg DES Assimd tssiiiisd slim line ssst 5: is ms
    the dsssispmsm sf s pigskist sssh as sin iiii’f!    mass, and than ins issuid sxpsst that
    pmbism is “ispsr sf?” swims ihs whims ssussd   1'.  Tia st i§®~5i 5 Ms ' ‘
    hswsvssfi that tinsss wss ins my is grammars sissii’nss pssitisiisr 31% mm  f:  :
    fins  vsssims in this sass. gs; Di: Assimd tssiiiisd film as me mm: in isms time was
    an impm‘ssmsm is psiiiismss’s slimissi mm flisi   iii tins ‘   -‘ °
    13s; @ as 1152
    pmvislsd svidssss sfpstitisnss”s sflimissfl ssmss that was ssnsisis twitii sh
    thm gusstisssd sbsst pssifisnsris miss   whiin imsvs isdissisd tissi issss m
    psssibiy s prim immune pmssss assuming Di: iser tssiiiisdl that the pmssnss sfiim if ..
    wsuld inst shame his spimisin, Tr. si 356., His spiiiism minis be first we vsssiims
    any  itisii. E
    (5} Timing
    WI sisisd that “Mi; lsssi M dsys my be ssqsiisdl isr s
    @E‘ ssssndm‘y stimulus issjpsnssg which may be
    In M Guiilsime Syndmms my mum up is m
    :i  J” Psi. Ex” 89 st 2%. DI: Asst simiisriy
    in his sspss‘i  Dr! in"
    swine ts pmdsss s. msssuissbflls f; "
    by iiis dsvsispmsms sf d
    isstifisd that is wsuid isks st  . ,  is lssk as as immsms ssspsmss is s.
    Ti; st isms. His isstifissi that st isssit sins sfiiss ssfisiss ins siiss
    vsssimiism suin ss ‘
    in his mm mm dissusssd vsssiiis  sisisd ihsi tine ' 'ssi msm‘sd sis wssks Estes Ts.
    ssssins {fisi‘is did mi remiss iiis
    si i469 And Pssss‘sss fliiis W paitismsris first midi silly G
    ‘fisiiii miss hinges” Tr. at Main Di: Axsirssi sisissi ism
    is mush muss tiara; Est s  isssfisii. Tr: s1:
    Third], fie pinks wk mat fine mindemignedl amine whe’ihm psfifiamef has Wanted
    pmmmdlami avidlgme far emit facim linden?  418 Kid at 112789 i9 ShQW Tim: the WV
    wagging she Eagein an  2i, 2%? W839 mime iikglly imam mm, a subsiafitiai faimi in
    gaming ihfi 0mm @fim‘ sympiiims an April 39 mm, as aiiagad by pgtitimer % the Milierfiigiiei‘
    variant mi 6B8 M an mimimmme demyeiimiimg dimrder. @
    Finaiiyfi the pafieg fewest that the umdgmiwfi amide Milan“
    ‘  ‘   8i Fwy CL 1359 M4 (2%); ' * '  a
    m4 m 13529 mm fied. can 2m; (imiaiimg iim @ Law me pmvideg the met
    figmewmig far   @fimbie Signiflmi angaiim dams”), Whethm petiiimflr hag
    mm ii . :‘i avidmm flaw: m6 WV Wing sigmifimiiy  an mfleflying
    imdlimi ' ii @i‘ am 3; 2m. @
    ism-1:: the inmate @fmiiiimeii$ injury
    P@iifi@m@r film hen? pgiiiiem fm’ gammma‘tiam gm  i2” 2am, Feiiiimn {ESP Nm
    11}, fiver the maxi: yam; Miami fiifid tine miavmi medin Imam and ©$fiifi®d wmpieiimi @f
    the maid mm 3mm 283 gm 1L ECF Na 30” @nm    fiifid he? Rule
    4(6) Rama “(Remit Reptgfi stating mat tilig mg was mi Wmaie far campemsaiim ‘ '
    miiiimai hm mi mam sufiicimi evideinw mi Within, mdar iii if  pram @f
    4H8 Rm at 12%, Ragsin Rem. at L i? (ESE Nam 311). 131%anth  7 ed m in addiiim i0
    pmmfimg immifiicigm evidence m Simian; pgiiiimfir‘s diagnasis mi GBS m the Millinfihgr
    was higiiiy miikgiy. E; at i546
    Tim  iiis  pmaeedledl mm a dial litigatimfiwiilmfim mk Wham tbs mi
    with filing WW mfim, Wiifig at {aim 3mm iimg memng m inffimiiy remi‘ve m
    me On "Navembei 29$ 2M1a pgiitimei flied am  NW fifim David Axeimdg MD,” and
    :1}: nwdieai  _   mg 2312’ mspmdmt film a mspansive
    6W Wit fimm Thaw Pi Mist, W, Mum aim’ng with his mmiwiinm vim and the madlicai
    fliwmmm reimmces Mm Dry Leisi’g @xperi mpmflis EfiF Na 4?? (in Api‘ii 129 gm mid May 8,
    231% pgiiiimner fiiadl midliiimai swppllemmml @Xpfim minis fmm Dr. Aer BC]? Mm 495 52.
    Tim spmiai  previmusly respamiiaie fan” “sizing  ggi a liming fm’    14, 2mg
    EC}? Mm 589
    Mspwdlfim film mailman? mmmiw  rapm‘i: imam Dig Mist m Maw 3.33 mm
    Rapmt Ex. 6' (ECJF N9. fié} A iaw dayg {in i3 Miiamrgs gimme}! filled a matim i9
    withdraw a3 camsei due m his temiflmiflm by psiiiimer. ESE Na» 6?“, N®W mumei far
    petiiieimr mm a mum maiim to subsiimie as mammal mi Ailiuiiii 2]., 2m Tim maxim wag
    mi. ECF N0“ 69, A3 a Emmi @f Witiamfig  fif new WWL mg imaging
    previmsiy wt far Sfipfifli‘flfif 114,, mm wag mminm and new deadiimg  get far tima filling
    0i” addifimfl mm me ECF N08 “iii The  wmimd m remiw mitiiimeiig amiieaiimm
    «:7 ‘ =  ..  Wmeygi i‘m and] casts is hm prim mmig mi a amisim @i‘i
    Q® Rwfiew @f’ firm MS and EMGS
    mm 51mm W fifllmsm T2: at 1530 He Smdflmm if
    D2: Axeflmd mifiafl am he
    1% EMS Ma and W   shawad demyefl” ii: wmld bfi camfigtem with hi3 Emmy
    that m immune 5%me mums @ at 31545.
    2a mmmdmm Expert «=- Dra Thaw Lem
    (I) Mefimm Emkgmmd
    Dr; mamas Lgfigfi: fig a mamimmmemagim and is cummtflly @mpmyed at the flaw
    Jeffwswm University in Fhfifladeflphiai, Pamsyflvamfia. T111 16% Resp”: Eggs 0. H8 Emilds @ 2§:a:r:‘;:¢-
    in bimflmmsfl‘y and Emlmummggy m the Umwmity figurith Jig Di“. mist mmpfleted
    fgflawghfips in fimmumflag and vimflogy; bath at mg Umfivamity m? Zwmfim and at UCLA T3: at
    16% H6 ragng his medical d8  mm mm Umivemiw @f Miami fl, DIR Lam wmpflleted ME
    mgfidemy in mamflagy at Cmmfll Medimfl Cammg Sflm Katmaing Memafiam Came? Csmm H3
    316% a pmfifim 51$ Swim“ CMfimfieall Smffmmcim with the Nmfimall Enstufimfie @f‘Naulegiea]
    Diwrdgm and Stmflm at the Ngfimafl mgtimas @fHeaflfiha Dre mast i3 an Wading phygfiefim and]
    wafiks with MBng and m§demsg Tm 11155 H6 is Mardmmfifiad Em pweflafia‘u‘y and mdufli
    mmmlflgy and germs as am @di’rfm and Wamvfiemw fm medicafljmmaflga Tr. 1167!; Ram Ex. Q
    at 11.; u fly at Thsmmas Jaffiémm Unifiwmity, Dr. Leist is a r @fmmflag arm dfirmm
    fiw @flfimiwfi and cflfinfieafllflyabwed  @fihm Fm muflfifipflg scflewgfism Tr. mum DE. mm
    mm that he has mm patimfis Mflm GEE am pafimfis wfifl’n flhe WflaraFfisher vafiam @f @383
    Tr: m; 116L629
    {2) Diamafis @f Pafitimer’g Qmmdlihiem
    Du: Lgfigt fipimad that paliiifimafi‘ did mt wife? Mm GRSQ SJ, vamm W? @333 m a
    dfimyeflimfimg imjum mad. that an appmpflafig diagmgig m WWW mmfmefil Em her was Tm m
    flfifiaéfia DE. Lagfi mm that ha mm m {the medficafl mm m mmh MS @pfimnfiaam imflmmdimg flag
    mnfiempamy maximal mm m D12 swashme Tm m 1164. DL Lefigt mflmd that mama
    had evidenge @fmmmall (hep temdm lififlmififi and m wwme @f  9p m}: and
    mflmfiag @ D122. Last stated in big mm film Dr. Sahwhfiw fim saw petifimar @1111 May ML;
    2mg m mm mam fbMQWMg PM April] 2%? haspifiaflizafims 1:17.? that rim with Dan
    Saheehmr, gamma“ mad mama! g ' “ty ,  “ ' * '11?! and aim mmdm mfléxeg. DE.
    mm feflt mm pefiemefis facial W 13? pastavimll @r mlafisd m L.me mam.
    my: Ex A at 115m
    Mtfimfinfis Emmy Of mifimflm mimfiam Du: Lem mm that “fit is always
    msgfibflg w find mummies. hamflagfiesg 31me mquemg Smmallsagigs Maweem Wfieflsa ., . a ma mere
    msmsmce af mam hflmglagmieg wasn’t? in itself; inflame that sum & 31mm Mfigy will] give rise m
    a mgsammtfim immune regpansaa” I41“; DE Exist @xplafimd, firm the  papiflbmvimg i3 mi
    as a mum on? demygflfimimg fime @r a5 a game m?“ damyeflfimfing mummy Tn at £31.,
    Affidg “flaw fig 1% evfidgme that human papfilflflfimavfimsg as am Emmet finfiéfitifim vfim3§ amuseg
    damycllfimmfimg dism” @r “is mmfiafied wfi‘fl‘n demyeflfimfiimg dfimsée” @ In mvfia‘wfimg mg
    Kmhhhlg with, Dr: tht sththtt that he authhth hfthh httihh dh hat “gh hhyhhd dhhhrthihg
    hem]:th hhttthflhghh Sh; thh hrtitlh haemat: h: ihhh‘;  heyhhhh dhhhhfihthg thh fhflt that, ht;
    Wh ahhhdy hthhthmhh » . v that hhvihhth’ fityhh Ilhhh hmhgh thh ththfl hf gettth hf ah the
    :3thth @h this gflhhh, th with firth hhthhlhgtht.” Th at 11338 Rhgmttfihg the hhmhh
    witthth hphhthhhlhg Dr. heist  thh t;th Khhhhm mph: “hills hde the hththhh as
    hhttthhdl ht he tflht mhhrt hat h hhqhhheh hhthhflhwB ht itshh'; hhhh hht phmtidh hthhf at h
    hththgfichflfly impm’mm watthh ah h thth @fthh 3%th hQMQIGgye” Iii,
    DH: tht hehhdhhthh hh hxthhhihrh mitihhh ht the @thhr mhdlihh]!
    phfifhfimtet’g  thhhh h: his View; hhhh @‘f the meditth fliththhhh hhpphrts phtttfihhhth thth
    that thh tth vhhhthh chm gauge GEE @fi' the httflflmshhhht Vhfihflt ht (Shh huh thhhhhhh mhhfihty.
    gag  gt Eh, A at Math
    (4) phhhh th Petthhht’t thfihhfl Shqttflhfih hf Chum and
    ht: Lhfiht hlhh ttttfihhd that he hellfith thm the ihjhhthh thm hetitfiaet hhlhghh were mm
    hy hat hhhthhty 2h 2m?  it ththth hit hthathtte hat vmhnhtthha Th ht thh hie hthhh
    that thh thth thhm‘dh dhhhmhht Witihhetgs heatthg flhhht‘hhpathhhht ht hath? ah 2mm a, TI. ht
    flhhhh Dr; tht hhh thhihhhl that the thhhihhl math hhhhtheht @Eflfifihfi’gh thahfl Whhhhhhs ht
    hhrfly ah 20% with Whthhhfihg in 2M3 and! @049 fig Andi he hlhh hhtm that Wfihiflmfifgh
    mmplhihtt @fhhwht htshtthhhhm hflt t:  '   hhthlitthti.hhw @g, It is DE... tht’t
    hphtihh that ths tymhthrhh hhh thh  ht flhd th phtitthhht’t thth whhhmm hhht hm
    .  vaccfiheg them thh me that Ehd th hm theta]! Whhtlhhhhh hfiht th the
    Vflfighfl’tafimh Th ht I’m He aha hyphflthhhhh that phtttthhht’ may have had] h thh V  fithhhs
    hhhttlly that“ thh thttthty 2th}? thmtthhy whthh may have mmh‘ihhthd 1h hie the @t‘
    Sympmmh Shhttly whet hhhhihhtthn, Lh
    (S) Ragwhse th Phfififlhfigh Thhfihg Arghhwht
    Rhwdihg the tthmhtg hathg DE; tht hhhthh hm h timh ihthtthl hf @Vhf 4h thyh hhttthett
    the hhhtihh at h
    vmthe hhhththhhtthh hath he hhchhtmhh hf symptth hhther weighs ;:
    hf hhtttthhht‘h hthihzhll mhhhthtihh Rhspgh Eh, A at H39 HhWhhhh hh hhhhitthh hth‘thg hh
    tehthhehy that fifthe throat? hf ah hppmprthth  t  hhtmihtihh h hxhhhhflhthd ftom hhtdthh
    thhhhtttg thh hwhth thn hhhhhth hhhhhgh mm the @1th thhfithy ha 41 thy ttmh perhtdl hhtWhhh
    @htdhsfilfl whhhthhtihh hind hhhht ht hyhtpthmh ht Whtthhhfis cage Whhd thlfl within thh hppthprthte
    tithe hamlet Th. ht thhm Dr. hhih hhtthhhg hhwehhh that the hhhhhhhd hftthhhthh thumfihh
    gheh dawn thhm thh fhmtth ta sixth wehh htthr thhihe hhmfihhhhtihh. 112%; h: at EMMA
    ht  DE heist smthdl thm thh hwet thr hh hpihthh am; it) thm mtfitfihher hhd h
    hhthty ht stmthh medfihhl events htth pfiht th hht  fil ththfihhtihh, (2) tth thtthh hfthh
    huttthh phpthhmhvtmh hte hht mhhghhhd as mmhwhty atthhththd with Gutthih—Emé
    hyhthhmh (3) that phtfitihhhras negatth hhtt hhtthh mtthhdfihh hm] hat hetehmptmhfl humid
    fihhthgh were hht supphrtihe ht” Ghilhihslhhtté syhdhhthh ht thh Mtlhrahthhht hhtfihhtg and it»)
    w Phh Eh 44 (Bath   _ °__fi -_ 7 __ o
    .  8 J Emfimahml Thwapeutfihh hhh @hhhhégy hSfihchfigfi
    that the time intewat httwmh Wmm’tm‘gs thhtfihhtthh hhd tht might hf pefitifirwt‘gS Sympthmh
    W @6399 thth & Rhtptt Ex: A at 16. ’
    {6t Rapist: @f‘thh  ,,
    and EMG Pfihhthgt
    ht hit 2: mm Dr, Lhiht tththd that petifihhhrgs m fihtth did mt thhw evidehth
    hf h demyhthtafihg fihjm‘y pmtttthci‘hhtthhp and hm hm pm: and postsvmcfihhfihh hm film he
    mvththl thawed mphthhih, mhatphttffih thmtimgsa  Ext G at 2:. t, hhfist sthttd that ht
    thwtewthg witthhht’s Mhth the ‘hhtmhh ht“th htthht hm the twin phthhthymh and the 7!th
    hfhththt hhd tensmy fihhthgt hhflhw thh hhth hhthhtthllly mile @tlt dthghhmt @f h thithytlthatthg
    cenh‘at hhtmht systhm dithftfltr ththtdthg ADEM, ‘h‘ténft myehtttg and MS.” Rhtph Etta A. at
    Ewing his tattithhhy, hQthm Dara Lettt hffemd a slightly Wham @gtthihh. DE; Mitt
    mmfhi’mtd that ha high  t that httttpthhh the MRI films ht hdditihh th the MRI With:
    Sphhtticaltyy ht mvtewthg hhhh MRI, D1: Lhist thtttttad that ht pttttthhht’t Aptt’fl 1g mm hhath
    hthh he thhhd mm “mm  whtte 1mm  whthh m indicative at “small tattth
    5mm?” hht tth mt “hmhhhtfitttfly imdtcattva ht gt;thth ht [petitthhhr’s] them httth Tn
    at W2. Wt‘h thh @hthhht 28; 2mg MRI Shadyg Dr? Lettt tettfifthd that he fhtlh “thhtphmhh
    ahhhtxmtttfiet ht sighhfltf Tm ht MB, This @hthhht 15$ 2am MR. math that h ‘hhtthhlfl MIR
    3" «tit PM” the pflhteh’hfidt’th‘hifln Ms, Dr. Lhitt testthhd thmhth Apttt 59 2th”? MEL
    hhith that mmphtett hi) tWh alder smattth Sthhd tht tame “gm! hhhhtmaflitht.” Th at W45
    Ht tthted that ht did mm the thy sighttthhmt thhhgh th the httm‘ tthdfiht. fl, Hmwwah DE“. tht
    hflhtit‘fitd that this ththy éhh’tth hht a study darts hmpttty thr cthhthi httthtn” Ht   that that
    was “thh pmhhtt ht” ththe vmcuththth ; . . . ht has Shims ehhhhcemhht hammse hthhd Vhttth ate
    there 9 a a a E that Shh : mt th may t® my wet, thth dfihtf’t thhh Ethh higtifichht mhmwmtht” Th
    ht 175,; Dh Lts‘t thttihhd  thh April My 2%? hth, that ifthh “hhtdfitt th hh truth thm
    there it  " want that thth he @htthhsty hm hthhhtihm thm them is a wry flhhgihtdihhll
    thtlamma‘ttw  hhghhtg in thaw Emmet.” Th at £789 ht htt  “
    the ham 11.9s hhh‘? hfltl watt Whtth  thh MIKE “at shhwht
    auditth  amending th the gmtthflhth   ant thh  ‘
    fhhiall mamas” Retpgt Ex. A at 3; Pet» Ext 11?” ht Wt.
    Co Analysts hf the Chhthtfihm Clatm
    A thmshhld ttthh hm this hash ts whhthet Whitman: had] GBSt A d  ~  htwhht
    hffithhd mtttihhet “is t ptemqhhtth th  [a mutmiht‘t] matythf” h ht t Pith at
    13%.. hat the magmas dimmed hhflhwg hm mdfiihfiflhd fihflt hy a prepamthmmh @f the
    that pttttthhet hid hath the thhtehhhhr variant ht 633.!
    The  “
    MfilflhtaFfiShhf variant at“ $38 @t’ ah huthhhmtme dhmyeltnhtthg dithtdtt W hat math: hf the
    G I: :2: thatth on thmhty 21
    madmflythg medical whdttthh :- g , -'  , t
    thfi‘et‘efi  tht Wham-hither Vhflmt 9t BS that hat mam at he
    fihht that Whififihht‘
    vmhih hh
    31, 2%. Tim mdmigmd filmhgr   m Wigner mm mm an flflmm m
    injury prim m F®bmary 2L Eflmg ammugh that iflflmegs gm imjmy was mt cfimfly identified and
    9,:  film he  Liza and fisfimfi: fimm hat dwalapmem 9f MifllmeFishar @383 Further, the
    mdersigfigd funds m m 552;:31L
    “g @r idemfificafim @‘E petifiimer’a prim fifllflmm fig mt
    my in finig emitfllfimm‘i: digeisimm
    fm the WWW @f film W
    E '1
    In detemfimfing maififimf’s  agisg the undersigned  and mfliad an stafimmmg
    im flflw madman awards, as medimfl mm m gmemllfly  as mmmhy magma Shaw
    115% are @mamd mmempamwusly wifla the :': 9f the patient .,  ‘ " "‘
    7 A 
    993 F.2d 115259
     1528 (Fad, Cirallggfi). 1m additfimmg the mini,ng @fmfifimer’s
    'Mfiffim physiciéms m “gum pmbmive” as Mug physfisians am firm the “15mm Wsifim” t0
    gfliagmae ma dammim Em mm afpgfifimgflg mmdlifiame  443 RM at 132$;
    Hewevm, madicafi wards  "“  fm‘fih a,  “ "  physicimk mews gm mt m ,& bind. me v
    master m @th the wmcllusims @f smh an indivfidmk awn ifthey mm be amuside and
    filmy svaflmfied. § 3011mm] 3mm);   88 Fed. CB. at 39%
    phygfigimg shamfld aim ha weighed aghast when
    "' " mmflfictfing apfimimm ammg Elm flaming physicamg mama]va  f a,
    11.00 Fed” C11. mg $49 (Fad, Cl. mm fig 69% Ffid 1
    v» SW3? @f‘ '5   Selma 11m Fed. CL M9a 336 (Fed; {2}], 2m 1% m
    463 E. App‘x 932 {Fm mm, mm; $4. I .  ,
    2&11 WI; lgfifigwg at $11? @gdlu C11, 8pm
    mm film @fpe’ti’timam rmdfmfl mm the landming was that
    Wfimefs Mating physfigfim @1161 mi: mam & mmmms in gambling a diagmsfi far Wiflimem
    Hawwm Em umdfirsigmd fimdg mm mg medieafl remmls and flag tit-*vtnuxm @fthe  ::
    @xpafis suggegt that patfitfioner 1mm Mikelfly than mt smfiamd fimm 1m mnmmsm variant @f
    (it) Gmifllaimafiamé Symmmg and the MMEE’EFEW Vafiam
    A brief  ' 5  (G'ng iS hgflpflnl m (2517:". m3
    MfilflfireFfishm van ~'   by me mute m“ Submuta
    m mflaxiaa and a
    ‘t Em N at 4a Pafifimg typimfly
    in @ legs and  mg m {the
    WW @fvawying
    " is: pmfifla m 73% wmbrfigpimfl fluids. Si 1-
    ‘ mm pmgasgfivg limb  mast @fim begfii ,.
    am and bulbar mmllegm  “The _ V. _  is mmiawd WI 6::  gd GE @3ng dew madam
    reflexes, and wads m ha mlfiiveflly gmmfic. Id The   3 .  in an mate it;
    Wing its @flifiifiml madfir @f * 5;;  n Wm 19 mm mm. althmgm in
    5mm SW3 mpiaflly  wakmws maan nadir mflim several Mum may be mg mg
    Cmiall mama pauses, fimlmdfimg immivemmi @fif’flm facial HW@ remflicifimg fafifia’fl
    mam name immlvwmt m buflbar palsy may bfi $811.. In a; mall  ,,  H
    Lil. fif
    may pafligwflmly if CS}? is @bmfimed emfly in ting mm 9:? films9 CSF mmin may be mammal,
    The hiiiihraFihher varihhi hi” GEE is h “clinith Mdmmh   hy a triad hi"
    hm hphihahhhpiegihg and arei‘iexih a a a a” 9
    . i t Ex“ N at i Whiie fihh ‘imic hihh ih hfim
    hiimimliy   and  xi:  in ihh hhhhhhe hf iimh w _ h  them i5 hiihichi
    merihp with GBSQ wiih iimh   ' “   th'he GBSlEMiiihia
    Fihhhlf Smdnmhhj Whi'ihp Symmmssfi Ch
    MllithiShhh swimming” imihdihg hm
    me hf   humihhihgih
    .iawwfilfi findings are hhhhhh 0f
    gmmhl immimi   might and alihihhi Mir d
    digmeflafimgm m gimiihr Eh thm for GBS‘. in general? hie  .-
    hhhhhmliiiieh m iimiihd to   nerves,
    (2) Phiiiimmh Evidhhhh
    A haview hfphiiiihhei’h  hammghaieh hm ihh mge hf 1"
    chmidlemd by hhr heating physihiam inc 5, thh hiliiihraFihhhr  w
    hhihhih   demyhiihhting phi phihys and a viral heuriiiha Wile .. ,.
    hhi WWI with ihh himic hind hf    i‘hr the Milwahihher vaiihhh hit  five his“
    Mfimfii’as mating physihihm gamith her hihihi'y and hiihihai  hf sympihmh hhd
    either  ihh Miiieiahishgh Vhrihhi hf GBS as h dihghhsih hi: hhhhaiiy dihghhmi phhhhhhr
    with ihm hhhdiiihh, ha a cansuitaiihh an April 1119 2mm Dr.  h hemihghi, hangith a
    Whihie   hf MiiflthiShhfi‘ hr  as h flwwisg Phi. Ex. m hi ifiafiéa Oh Apiifl ifig
    2W9 Di; Wham Mahdi ihhi Wiitihher 11% a “hihssih  thiihh hf GuiliamuBmé mimme
    hf  hi  ihhihi Whigs” Phi Ex. 4 hi 3%. hi Qhwhhr Nah after mvi '° pefiiihheris
    medihai .. ,. fdh amid histhryfi Di; Khhhzihi hi ihh Cihmihhi Ciihih  ‘
    “hisimy i3 magi mmmfihih with a. Milihrufihhm variant of Ghiiihihafimé syhdmmhy” Pa: Ex.
    12 at he Aim in Gemher 2am Di: Schmiii hhihd hm Mfihharih “[Ehjihtm'y am ihsting dim
    suggth a dimhsis hf“ @hilihihuihmé syhdmma Miiihquiflher variant” Pet Ex. 12 at 255! @111
    acmth 159 Efifi’h Di:  hhihd that ihh phyihiahh hi high Cihwiahd Ciihih fhit: that
    Wiifimei‘ had “phwihlle Ghiilmihshmé [MiiifieFiShfiifll variant” Phi. Ex; 3 at 190
    Eh addi‘iihh m ihh medical  x  and mmhig hemihgish Di
    Shhmhifig tfihfifihd at the hwihg and «z :: -  @f  ihh mhsi
    "  wiih phiiiihhhiis swipimms was ihe Miii aFih hi varith hf 6385. Th at
    m. in humming his  is, Dirw   that peiitihher had mhrdihhiihh hifiihhhihh
    Visihn wmpihihih mid. iimihie visihh, whim houid hh mlh‘ihd ih him  mm hut
    he   that petitith did mi ham hmhhm Th hi We‘i’h“ DES Shhehhm high hidhrhd Mg
    hammth ihr hhhhhhhr hm ham that She had Shim  with the
    Shimth mtifihd that “m@ impmvmmt she had wag mmifim‘i with the Miinishhr]
    dimhih; hiharwish why Whhid hhe impth fihh‘u i W Th hi: Maize
    1—7 7
    ‘ ah “ah hihwiiihh hf CSF pmiein Ileveig {ahth
    w Cyihhilhuhiihhlggih dimhihiihh is
    hhm'mai wafeth Vfliilfih ihr ihh  dhihg ihh fishing) in thh reihiivg hhsmch hf
    pie  (elevaiihh hf CS? “W3C [[Whiig hflhhd mil mummy thhd hphh the hast whith
    whimth ihs Warming @mhp has Jihad a CSF   hhthif’mime @f<§@ WBC ! hi ihr what
    “ ' “H a Sh @iihihhilly iypihhi
    Whhld he @hhhisihhi with GEES it ih  that in game @533 ©f©
    @333 CS? may hh °hhmiaifi paiiiwiai'ig if hhihihhd Within the first Whek hi” iiiflfifigim prii EKG
    Na‘i 9a
    Oh cums @hhmhmhm Dr. Selmth   “hat Mona did mt   wfiflh all @f the
    @hsgic features hf hm Miflflerahihher variant. Tm at $6., thevms ha ham mummde that
    pathihhgr summed h new inhuh  has  fill vmfihhhhh and feh that th@  dz @h‘ih fer
    pathfihherh wmdfih’iah was Mfiflflehuhisher  “* ‘ °   @fmfifihher and heir
    cam“ & at 60; 66,,
    d ahhha Dun Axehhd mfififid that ha was hat a magazth and  relying an
    " °  physihiam m aging hhg “3.. @his @fthe Miners»
    . T3“, at 115:3?»
    thh mhdlfichfl mamas hfpafifihham’  “In  1:
    Fihher variant hf GBS whhh Whiting his @ph’mhms in thfih hm
    {3) Rfispfifldmt’ Evidehhh
    Dr. heist @pilfi‘md that pathfith dial mt hhff‘er fmm 633% a variant M” @389 or a
    demyehnahmg injuryg hand fihhh an hppmprfihhe diagrams was never mmfirmw in her mag Tr. at
    1&35659 DE; Leigh Shah hm he reflihd ah the medlimfl mam m yeahh thh opihfimg ihhflhdihg thh
    mmfiemhhmry mhmds ham That; Shhhhhthr that hmumam findings uhdhmimfihg a diagmhhh @f thh
    MilleraFihhm Wham of GES. Th at M64; D1; Leigh mm that pefifihher had mgahfiva huh?—
    gamghhgfide mhhhdies and unhhppemive CSF findings She him m1 Widem‘sfi hf hmmhll dew
    tehdm mfilexw and him hhhhmce 0f hmihg @phfihhflmhplegfih wad mfiexfih. DE: Lfiihfi mags hm hi5
    WU”: hm Dr S©h®®hh$f hm saw Whitith am May My mm; at me mhmh fhfilll wihg hat“ W‘BH
    At that whit, Dr. Shhth made m mehfihh hf hympthms hf {fiiI‘V‘FiLVI‘iI'Vi -a
    He mm thm Wififimm’  mammal whammy huh}
    mama Ha ifhh hm hm facial wealmm was hashith max?th or filmed m L;me
    ‘ the Bach hf evfidm “Eh summt a hwyhhhmihg fihjm'yg Dr: heist mfihdl that
    militiamth W films dfifi mt Shaw datum hf h demyhflhhhhg h1qu phhtvahchmhhh, and
    that the pm; and stmihhtihn fihhg he he? t,   , r I"; _|  hehasmific fihdhflgh
    During the ham-huge, hewevhrfi Dun, heist :21; I that Eightith did thW @viflhhhe hf "
    mm hmjmy m her fmhfl harm (a 11mg @f name Wills) and hemyehhhhgm ahmfi the he 9
    2m?  wagging as ShQWh by DH; Sehmhfimh ENG. Tm at lhhhh DE: heist gem ah ha
    mat? hm “hhvihhgfly thaw  s and that itth wag ah  hhhthhh hr  Whh h
    hf ihh fhhfihl  hm there is no way $6 date whhh that hnjury
    'i'Z! hi? thh facial fame itiqu  ii‘n April
    Ehh'h @fi 11935949
    (4) Evaflhatim hf Ehfi Evidth
    The midwing mush wmsidlm‘ the mam am a whale in evaflhating Wflhfif’s injuryy §
    flfiflhm), Here, the mmrd and  sh parts ntha mmflhgifim that Whitimnfi” mam hkefly iflhm
    mt gufihmd ham Mithishhh hyhdmme  :3  x; '-  2119 2%? Thih finding is mmeh by
    hm mgdihhl words and ihh @phfims afpetihhhhr’s hhafihg physfihfiahh a 11th hit“ whhm
    diagmhhd pafifihhm with the MifleE=Ffihh©f variant 0? GBS, E  Mh Ffid ah 1326.
    It is aha 1mm Mama by he mhdficall hmmm summed by h  ,h Mth mppem
    pefifihhefh dihgmsisu
    hm  hue 11mm mamflh the  mm that hhhhhgh m hhgflhsh was
    u,an at the timeg thhm h m qwegfihh hm pefifihher sufimed a Signfifimt Emmy whim hm“
    fit vmfim‘tim which test to a 12-day haspttafltzatime The mm mm doc-umemttd
    90mpth @f pattttomgm vigilant dfi'iwtttetg tmtdimatim difftgmlttegg and  twig]!
    Eiiiitt‘ii‘fl attat her  7,  vmtmtim.  Pet, Eggs 3 at 25; Pet Etta m at 58; Pet EX. M at 6;
    Pét. Etta “E? m 1566?; Pet. Ext 19 at 64?? 11%] 8E Petitimtet” W diagmtad with fatiafl nerve;
    affine Seventh @nmfiall mammal whim temfltad it: fatiafl weaflmass. Peta Ex; m at Etta At least five
    at“ ptttttmtt’g 'th  her history and elimiml presentatiam t“ symptmmg
    and tithtt sawtde tht MmfibFfigfilfit’ variant at“ GBS as a  at gammy diagmttd
    thttmtet wttl ttmt mmditimt, fiflt ©t" thew factt, in additim ta titt Mummy and tepmts @f tits
    WW '1". Suppm‘t a finding that petitimngt mm fmm the MilletaFtttmt variant at $33»
    Pet Ex! I? at $2536.
    BEWG flue mdmstgned has famd that tflm evidetme St;me the canelmgfimm that
    mattith stfiemdl tmm fiat Mittem-Ffishm variant @f GES  7 1:;  219 mm the gamma
    mg in disputes wmeflm petitimtet Sufi“ ’ "I an aumaimmtmc demyel t dfimtfim
    Gmdattl vmmatim is   '
    m the @
    The pantie ask the spam mattet m fiatermime Whether patitfimet sufiettd fimn an
    “identifiabltg mdttlying mfidiml mmditfitm befm  21% 2M???” Rated m the a mvfiew @f
    tht mama film in thfig cm, the  ‘ finds thm petitfiamr did sufi‘et tram smut
    Symptfimfi and imij prim“ ta Ftbmaty 219 Ema aflthwgt the amt dtagmsts ttf he? mnditim
    was mater  d mm by aflt 9f Mfith’S  m physittm and WES mataatt Hmwetttg
    the mdemignedl 3 mt required ta diagmfie petttimer’s mnditimne Itt Lmrttbatdfi tbs Fedgmfl
    Circuit Stated “Witt fimctfifim @f a metal! m  i3 mt t9 sfliagmmg vmfimwtfiflattd injm'iggg but
    ta fittermitm ‘  mt tht  extitfltmt as a whale and tht tattltty (3f the tam
    whettmr tt 111% t  $11?me by a premmdemm @f ttm @vfidetttt tram a timing  ,.  the
    [Wtititmetfig] mm? 99 hard   r:    656 Ffid 1343g ESE wade
    Cit: 2m II.) {fitting Andwu 1?, S6333 @fHetflth Hum Sawsga 569 RM 11365?S MS? {Pfitflu Cit;
    await; the Atttlan  is mulld be applied even ifMfiQflfif did mt have a
    " " ., them is tt Vt 1b zit! mt pattttmttt m   a specific
    .  t.  . 7 E r gill” "tr  63 Fad. CL 34, mm (mm) (“The
    Vamtme Att flats mt mum “timers wmmg under tint mtmsTtbflt intij pmvistm m
    catagtttize their injury; they am memfly tequimdl t0 SEQ“? that the timim in Wm  L1
    " '  ltss mt“ the uttth diagmsifl)
    Em twitm petttitmgtgs medical mamas just prim“ "it he? vmttmatimt @t’ Febmry 211es
    WW, the mdfimfigmd mm that petfittmm’  m ht thing watt wtflt wily mttmt
    meted. at": an exam mutde at the Michigan Em Intfittm mt  % 2®®6Q it W n
    that pttfitfiemt did haw same flight twig]! . t  at her right Stats Pat.  III? at t6.
    Petittamtsg physfitai am wag @tht mammal} wiflt the emepttm Qt“ smite slight inmthtty
    now an bet Mamet teat, . g, m ' titan @fpttittmttt‘t eyes wetlad G‘gflabts maximal;
    @mmmflm‘ muttkt imam."  An “in, mm @mbet 3% mm at ttjfi Mittttg Eat“ Imam
    mated ttm iii; tiafl a “team  _ ca,” that the was “alert and Mama? and that hat
    thaw fitmtictn was fifimlfls M3, at 16,, Same alt   .,  EQSS in bath m wag alga matadg
    and tfimet  wewtng t, hmtimg mid mm mm tidttg Peta Ex £9 at 16; Pet Ext 1@ at 223-24”
    "l‘ht hm madlital teem-d iilhd prim ta pthitimttlg  2h 20m VfiQSfilflfllQflg is a mfi~Mm
    he: gynmlagitt clattti Nwemhtt Elia 20%., me Ext ll LIME tth
    Although thh uhdmigmd finds that Willimml' did titfi’et hmh shim sympwms hind
    ihjtities prim“ ta th   219 mm the:- tmdtrsigmd it mt attigtihg a specific  ta that
    chmditihm a reg heeatite the mdmiwfid that that petitimtet mfimd ham a $3 am
    What @f the Millet-Fer Vttihht hf   afier her Fehmhty 2h 2%? Gmthsil thetimtihm
    petitimtet has suhficimtly pmth a camahhhaihmfhm @lhima and the malysis iht flit altematith
    tigttificaht    thmty plml by petitihhef itt her g htihi" l3 mammye
    dim am withth Demyhlitthtihg Dim
    pmttg @htg mtitimet must pmvidh h Wimblre mhdichl thmt‘y”
    that the vattihe me typfi hf injury illegal,   451 PM at l35§=
    56 ititttihm   Ta sati‘fy this gift petitihhhrh meaty mutt he "  @h a “WC! and
    reliable matiiml Qt" itimtiiis mphhhtiah.” i1; 35 FQSd ht MSW Th6 mtditai thtmy min
    mead b6 “1  pmhhhlyg mt mmiwlly m» mitifimlly  lie, at $49,, A petitimm my
    Satisfy ' ' 1!, gang me wiflmmt  ta am  epidemihlhgical Wiles,
    ‘ m it: fit@ medital m“
    44G Ffid at HZSEZfiit
    it 0f a sptttfic mhthmnsm, Qt” a. thth that has gmem
    56? F.3d at Wig??? flitting
    mimtifit whimmitya
    As dimmed abmFfig phtitimet mentgdl a them? @fmalmtltr mimitry ta explain haw
    that  ill taming maid muse 63S iimludihg flit Millersiiishat v t @f GES). Petitieher’s
    @xptrt, Dr“ Axthm explained thm file 1 ‘ " vamhme maintain
    structung 1th whish tint human immum , t g Wdihgifflflfllgq Ag
    Dr. Mlmd @Xplfilnfitlg the  ptflllhmms and the    Whit wit;th  ._ .:_;n
    m whith thg human immmt mpmtsg system If"??? ; t9 pmtgtt vast individual , ingltltliimg
    Ll captd withing limit individual develhpt ahtthhdieh ham the twine t9 thwh tame
    shuttttmesfi that may he Wage ta hit mammal   within tint  system» Peta Ex 23
    at 39 Dr, Sthtthtet pmtenthtl a lilflm gmmi 1tth smihg that “with a
    mfiithl mimhg Milena] m;-
    ;;   m immum mediawfl typt at that
    WhiGh hat lefi her with hugging mammal fmal nemlagital dfiififli‘lg.” Peta Ext 54 at 2; Ptt Ex.
    56 at 2.1
    EDI: Mitt ditl mt tpmihcally my; : fine malhmilht mimifity themy at a plausihlh thmty
    hthtt thm m that hm math is m @tidme t6 TEL  that mlmmlht mimicry plhyg a title iii
    @xpltihihg haw the  stamina Wifitaliy hm mm GES til" Millatahishtt mitigates Din
    Leih‘i explained that althhugh that may its hfimhlhgy Lt:- the mmhentt hi“ the vamim
    and W at the human  .  theta it m altitth t9 diam  that an mimimmime thmditith is
    highly th mam;
    The undmfigmd finds that pfififiimfifi” has pmvided   ..
    G ‘   an aiming can mum @BS (m M Mflflmthm vwimtfi via ma walla? mfimimy.
    Ammdfinglyg winifimer hag wfisfiw   art Pmng Gm.
    flm pmumg mum pmf m“ a magical gmmw a? gauge and effm usually
    a.- “  by EMS dafivfi fmm a petitimefg medigafll mamas? Althgg M3 F.3d at 12%;
    "   ‘ 956 PM at Mfiga In
    4% F.3d at 1326
    my are fawwd in warm e  .,  a3
    phfiiciam am Eikgfly m be in mg mm pasmm m d :m. whemer a 6EQchal wquemg @f cam
    effect shawlfs] that fine vmimafim was the .: g 9”) {mm Ailthm 4118
    Had at 123%). Mgdieafll   are gmgmflfly waved a3 imwtwamhy @vfidmceg since they are
    created  with Tim treafimmt affine patient  9% ma at 11528
    Pgti‘tiamr 2mm mt mmke a spwfific W @f avid   smwfimgg Law pgtfitimer is met mum t0
    @fi‘er “epfidgmiaflfigfig gmdiesg reshaflamgeg flag p 7  markers m gmctfic
    pmdfismsfitfim m general awepmnw in the wfiemtific @E mama] mmmfiiieg m @gtabflish a,
    lagfimll sgqunence @f 8mm and @fificfi” Ca :1 44a F3131 at 1325” Mmdg pgfitfimm may
    may Em Mama by pmmflmg , ma eviderm and mflabfla mmdjtw] @piniams % fig;
    at: 1325-3250
    phym‘iam am @mtfifllw m mime might
    (“medical 13%de and medical @pimm‘m
    In his @xpefi: Wm Dr. 3%th mm film “Miami mg @336 mm@ @fthe “gaming
    fafllllgwefl by the misfit @f her @flfimfimfl  ‘  a with mugging miduafl sympwma’mflgyg
    [petitimer’sfl   mmpflex my be mnsiimm with a MiflmmaFisher  GEE synflmmes”
    Pm. Bags 54 at 2., 3% @xpflaimd that petitimar had a mmplfix madical mm: and @Efinfimfll
    and that “there was a mmmfl m3 mm where shag had a dam 0m @f
    W Emng in m ©fflni’1
    He afllm mfified film W ‘ m @fenhmmammt 6m pfimflmer’s W and EGM sflmdigs past
    vmafinatfim is emsfigfimt wifln his minim mat there was an 9mm j   52-17"  V ,.
    the    vmhafim. TE. at 8% 9 . Dr, Sfihmhmr also
    manning fa .
    tasfifiefl that them W m pmfiwflm amide 9? W y that lad him m his @pfimtim ma caman
    aft. M pagisvamim maimed GBS,
    in this m@,, but rather “fiwra is evidence in the
    imlmdimg £1]  Tm at 6@. In @ddiflime Dr“, Meghmf mgfified firm pefiitiamgg cfliflmicall
    came and symmmm maid mt: ha explained by any @thfir mmhmim Tm: at 39.
    Dr: Amhafi, whm migfid by th@ mmflmigmd haw, by Em  9f mglgcwflm mimfimyg
    fihfi vmim mum mse mm]!  m film myeflimfi DEG Axalmfi expliained film ma ways
    >   wanna mm mfigems film am hamflmgamg mad men attan Em W393
    myelim Waugh fihg antigens @fi‘ amfibamflas¢ DEB Amflmd figstfified 111W t wag the firm interval
    the weeimfim and fig dewbpmmt @fpctitfiamergs  ii that fimhm led him 39 his
    @pmmm that flag 9mimtim was mam Hikefly than mt file  x @f petitimefis  Tm at
    11495508 6:111, my maker expflamfiim @f Emw the vmim Gould have camd ‘
    pafimelfis myeilfim Dr. mm stamd flmfi [hm wmfld have m defer m the
    mammgigg but he expflafimed 13m peflfimgfis mating phygficflans flanked Em @fl’m passable
    wuseg @fher symptom ma! we Wig ta find ma. 3% m E55,,
    s 7 physimiamw fig  m
    369mm Dun Sefiimhftw wag ens @f pefiifiamer’s i
    44@ RE at 11326 (mating
    given Dim Swmhwg @pimfim mm mmfidefins
    phygiciam “am Efiflwfly m be in the best whim m Wham? ‘a lfig’mfil sequeme 9f gauge
    and @fimfl shawls] that the vmfinatfim was film   far fine injury? “:3 (gaming Althfl 41$
    E32361 m 12?? mg md®migned find, pmumsfive the @pimiem @fmtitimer’s  Dre
    Sehefihfler and IDES Axeflmdg that flw Gardmil vamimte 8am pefifimm‘ t9 devalap flhe Ming?
    Fisher varimu: @f @339 and findg that mar has gamfiedl her Baum-den mm m Wang
    The third pmmg mgmfims mfibflishfimg a “pmximate tempmmll relatfimmsflim
    flfim vmimatim and] the infirm: aflilegedm   4118 F.3d at £2810 "Hm mm Em  ,V . ,,
    “' ’     mmpm-afl mflafiamhip.” g A WEQEEE mum @fim
    139:; ‘ u pme the 0m @f WWW  Wiflfiin a
    mefiieafl mdemsmndmg @‘f flag dismdew @fiamggyy it fig medically amepmbflg m infer
    dfi Em v S@@ 0.7V ,__  539 REM 134‘?% 11352 Wad“ Cir, mm). The;
    expflmafiim 1%!“ what fig a WWW}; .. bflfi  must aim mimidg wfi‘flh firm W  9f
    knew the relevant vmfim can mum an 111111qu film pmng amass Wimmt) Lois; Kmhm g;
    3mg @3me & Human Saws” W3 F.3d B2393 £243 (Fng Cim 20M}  °  '
    '  EM Fed. C11“ 532, 542 (Feds Cl. 2m 1].),S
    ad CL 353 (2911235 am mm? 2313 WL 11mm {Fm Cir; 2mg}
    r '\‘l'
    mm; that an appmpfia’fie tempgmfl mmiafiimm  ,
    anywhm fmm mm m six wwkga Dr. Schwhfifir @pfimed 12m file
    mm @fpétitimam hiqu 9mm during an appmprfim time pefim, “that hang beiwsm m
    wmk m 6 wmksa” Pet Ex. 5? @112 Ill. Dry Melted @pimd that 633 “may meme“ up 129 at Beast 6
    Wm ffifllawing aémfimfliqm Wm Waging” Pets Ex, 23 at 2., Dr. Law @965 mm dispm: that a
    vmime mfim can mm“ as far as six wmks afier vmimfim. Thw, film  fimdg film
    Bmmuae petitimer has embfisw a prim We cm; ska is emiflad m campgmaiim
    mflgss mpmdmt mm put m pm = w @vfidgme “mm [111%] injury was in fact camd by
    l'  .  .ealth &    I? ma 3%”
    3% (Fm Gigs 1199433, men an 9th mm m mmng :22:
    (119%); m   a?
    was entemd @nt Nmmter t6, 2m. Eat Nat E» This
    dietsi  thflt mm mt January tt 203,39
    Tht tundmtgmad tpmtal mattat mnde a mutt  L ’
    12,, 2&13. The Wes watt @tdettd t9 ditcust Whtthtr an fmfmmal temltttimt affirm
    tppmpttattt Ptfitimtfirgt panting atim ta file an aflditimat  1'3me was
    ECF Na 85.
    On May ‘115 26mg and May 2% 2&3, Mamet“ filed  .
    memtmgist Di: Stewn Sehtthttn ECF Na 39% 92° Pttttiamt 311% fith that awn afidavtt itl
    suppmt of tar tlatm am June 6, ENE. ECF Na, 93., At a 3mm mnt’ettmw twtt mu Jimt 13,
    2mm magmatth wtmset ind  ttm mpmdtmt was mt tttttttm tit muting tmfttmat
    mmttttim 9mm mtg and]  " that the case be tat fttt "  g. Detdttttet went set fm‘ the
    filtttg @f mpdatad madman wards mfi my additimmt "*1 mm ECF Nam 94.. A hearing m
    tat for  19%, 29M“ EC? N95 95.}
    :1"; repatts fi‘fim her
    Atttr tittth mm matimns tat mlmgemttttt at“ ttmt9 petttttrttt fit& a supptetttmtal
    ' ’ fitsm DEL Sthtcltttt mt mm 3L 2MB. EQF Nth mtg m Member 99 EMSa
    mtmt filed a, tuppfitmttat temtt tram m: Ltttt addrwsimg the meat tease filed medical
    fitmrdls mdl Dr. Schmhtttt watt  repmt. ECIF Na. M2“
    tram ptttttetttt’t munsell’t tt‘fitt
    x ‘ = ttw mutt t3 Emmett that tilfi  19520g 2&14 htmtmg  be wnttmwde
    Ramdmt Pm m @tjtttm EC]? Na, 11 149 m titafimg W mttdtm fm-  2t? wt
    anti p :1}! at sehtdutfit Mitith 1" on tel? @wm bthflt‘; tilting Wm Dr. Axelmtt attl
    Dr. »- ehtm During the  péfittm‘tgt‘gs muntet pttsmted t Watt fttm D1: Mam
    (titted August @112) that had mt Wm fittd ttttt tttt mm, Because :38mede cantata and,
    @ttdétttfit at Dr. Lgfitt had mt hat}, ttw tppmttmfity tt review tttt @921 @t‘ the
    cite turn that T _ l  3mm t© the heating the mtdttsigttttt atlawfid rattanth the @ppmttmity ta
    tint a supptgmtntafl @xttttt mpm‘t afitt flit  'r   “  '
    A... a
    my hard at tltt  mug patttfimtt was
    mw    in putsttttg a stgtifiemt ;; vatitn tittmn mg unfilttttmed ardent tttt patties
    t0 tite at; matted jttnt submittth Hitting the simtfimt V Vtttitn ctaittt at an ittttt in
    tittwte, Ttw pmtiet were that  ..  t9 mvittt stuttmtnt dittttsstms and a deadline @f
    tntlitfltng that a demand 1m
    tam Wt m testament ESP N99 11 1118. The pattitt fifltdl tha  jaimt tubmfittim mt
    ttg 2M4. ECF Nt. 1124. Pattttgmw alga titttt t1 tttttt remit an Septemba 22, NM
    smiling mat t tittde had tam teat tat mmndetmt ECF N0» BESS
    Mtttmrgs mutttt
    @tl  93; mt mmmidem titled a  mitt ttating that mmmdmt wautd not ht
    fitfimg a tmppltmtmtal emit WW, fifim Dr. Lefist at mtmmdemt belliewdl that Dre Ltfittgt prim
    reparts and taming mflittmny   tint tssu mittd in Eta Mttmdgt August 2mg Emma
    1m big  Dun Lafisfi @pimfl “dim; the gympmmfi and the pmss thm flfid m pafitfimmefs
    facfiafl maknms after Em meary 2m? Gardmi 11 wading was mg same Emma that lad m Bier
    facial]  Wm M the vaccimaflmme Tm at m. Hie aim hypathesimd that paitfimm may
    have had a fmdbmfle ifllmeas ghastly mm tha PE 3%; 2m? vascfimfiam whim may haw
    mnmibuied m aw  @f Syme 3mm}? afim vmcfimmfim’na lg, In additiqu “mm
    mspgndgmm pmhwimg mmwmndlmm, Hammade mgueg that at flmt mm ©fpgtifi®mr®
    treating neumflagim (Ema Mmh Emmm and Graig) “53% mm mmfimm‘sg sympmrm WW mm
    (Em m G33 or Miflflwaefigher variant GBgy but m mare likfily due 39 @ vim! maxim m
    mad mmeefivg tfiggme  anti mags mmmwgfists did mt ammute @augatim m the
    WV vamimfim» Rem”: theming Mama at 24c
    Ewes @r a fmdamme infirm as Dr. mist sum Sm In addifiam while several ©fp®tfifi®m$s
    iran physicians Speculamfl abmm   cam ofpetfifiimmfir’s mndifiiam mm a)? the
    physizsims  w any we mum a8 a mare Eikgly  asisfi as was dame fan- fl‘ne diagmsiis @f
    we WNW-Fisher variant @f 633. At fleagt fiva @fpmitimer’g mating phyflcimg @fifinm
    mmsidgmd a diamgsfig affine MEIEme vafimm‘t @f 633 m gu..¢;:g1ly dimmed pgfitimer with
    that mnflfiiimnw Whflé item was mm wmmug as m the when: Mable magma Amrdlinglys
    msmmdmt has failed m gmvida pmndemm widmm £31? an altean mm @f pfifiamn’s
    MilfleraFfighw variant @f GBSB
    A gigziflcmt  1
    mfidififm which mum in mkfily disabflifiya pains 9r iflflflmgg
    detefimtifin in mum” 4? USE. g 33(4)“ As mnfimed in  7m. F236,! at BS?” mg
    filaments at?“ an @ffaTable simifmmfi agmvatim ease 1mm stated in liming; Them flha Gaunt
    Mmme me “Emit fifam m 4E3 F361 m 121% which defims @fifl‘ablle mm a mm a
    tag: Mm Wme9 81 F .361 at 1mg whieh invaflwg Gui-Twig Si.me afim
    Thus, m pmail under a simficam:   magma mm W ‘ High: “(1) film
    Egg-ii egmdifim may m mm @f tlhfi vmm, (2) the pemm‘s ‘2: m A {$31 @mdfitim {Gr $6
    mmdlfifiim fallmwimg the vamimfim i1me is alga  (3) mi: film pemmk GWE
    mmdfitim mnstfiflum a “fignfificm’;  W H 39mm” affine ‘  mmfififim prim m vmmy
    m a madimfl thwry malfly mmecgimg such a  1%de mmflitfim m ma
    vmeimmim, 6) @ Wfigigafl swam fif muse and effem ghawing that the vamimtim was the
    magma far the gigmifigam ;, mifieng, and (6) a mafia?ng @f a pmx   mmmfl mlafi©mhip
    m8 vmfimfifin and m sigmfifimm  vafimnw”  86 Ffidw C11“ at M48
    Hm her pastahming bfiefl pefitfiamer addmfl a dam: @f Signifimfi aggravaflim @Eajimilmg thafi
    flue G  vmfim mammal a “gsubmmfial  -‘ vafimnimmrbwm 6f mm umdeflyimg
    dfimgmflimfimg dismcfler.” Peiifimefls Pagfiaflemimg Email fillng Dec, flé» 2015 (“Pat PH Brief”),
    In 51mme @fthfig @Ilafimg pafitianm simply mm mm; {1) “Mn   incidemg @f‘ GBS 11%
    been @bSmfid am? nm:  affine  1.35:: vmimf” (2} WWW “swer GBS” mad
    that the “met 9mm mm the fififi time Mg and her 6,6QO ha g m  and
    (3) fine “magi @fpfifitifimnefig inmss  ’  wwfimfim Whifih is
    when an illness @r vamimtim msw GEES}? Pet PH Brief 223” Regpmdgm fined a
    ' maker 23, ZQM'Q
    % PH Brief; Respmflgm
    2;: went} R®gfl PH Brig at 5.
    9 V V mem- fafiibd m presmt premmflsmt
    widema film Sm swam firm: G33? flaw MillmaFfiSEmer VMiam @fGBS, @ d3 mm demyefli r;
    imjum m" a giwifigam swim 9f an mndeflyimg demygmfimfimg my ' ” a
    at ‘1
    B   flag mdemfigmefl has fawmd that pafifimgf Warm a flaw want  "
    Law a deveflfipmfim @f fine Milfler-Ffimr m: @f 638% and hm @IISQ fmmd that [is
    ‘ Ed  Widaifim m dammsmafie ma MESH mim gauged hm m dwehp this
    mm; were is m mwd Em an  s signifimm  ° “
    anginafmfi; claim hm :s
    VL Cwflmmsfim
    Rfiflpfifldfifi alga mated that sha wwld fiflé a brief 2311 111% gignifiamm aggmgatim 2.21am: @111}! if
    Emmianer eflficteii tQ- gamma that Emma and filed a brigf;  N0, 133%
    {3:1 Defiember E653. Ema pgfitifinér filed a pgggtwheafing 'Etariiaf and a gupplamémml axpert,
    mmr’t mm 31m fixflmd in Enigma i311? patitianefias: Sigfiififitmfi aggrayafian claim  Nam 13%
    Rfifififidfim filfifd hm" fist-Emirng bréfif  Dewmbfir 23* 23142.,  Na. 13%.
    11W. Factual Raekgmmnd 21ml, Madiml Hixmryfi
    2%.» Petitimmfis Feramimmiim Mfidiml Higfifirg
    131336 fimmndfitd him, Submimim {Héfiifififififia Its
    vii“  madiaafl mmrdg film: pfieadlate 1131;173:192?
    that petrifigmr‘ had! a lfimgfiigg and
    E‘etilzifiner wag Wham min‘
    afaczaimtim dam: ' '
    mm : Ram-xi gm???
    as: @awgfimgy
    {313  3-, 2:31:11} petititmer FTfifiEflfifid f9- fiiiflfliam MI, mehmn M113" @mmflagisi}, with
    mmgflfmimg fi‘f Emma: her Ems; arid migrainfi haadafiheis, Pest  I? at 2:39-1:73, alga ii: May
    2%]!  peiifiarwr pfigemmd “(:3 9“ Martin Lemar?! MD, {5133 infagtimm disema spwialist} with
    Sympmmg {if right, fmiafl numbmtm HIKE"? fiyfifiigfim ziwraassd maxing, {mud diang-azg af
    t‘haumatfiid arthriifis and fibmmgalgia  at 23663. Pfiififlfiifif 15-13131 DIE; Lemar 13mm; Shfi had
    ‘Mefiiem dimmfi? witl1fim ‘tiimgi afbilatfiral  rfi'
    In a Warm}; primde  pfififimlfif mm Mm 135 2:31:13 Mid, takan by Jfi‘ffi‘fl? E}? Bani Mfiu
    magma infamous: flismga [:hfiicim, petiriamr mated EM”; 511% had ham in gmad Mama prim m
    11".?31’fix but 233%: ‘wmmfmr dfl-‘Vfilfipfid fatigue; ambmlgiaga, myallgiafifi mid intfimifiemt wrleng 23f E'Ifl‘
    glamda  lymph mam Pan  ‘1? at Zfififialg P‘etifimer gxp'flaimzzsii that: in mam mwm wars?
    Sh??? dfiVfilOpfifd right Manning 1035; and right visual! atllmngw.  Du: Baflfi mmd in hi3: rapier: that":
    ha fauna Mitch afldmma itif Lying digsage as 113% Serum magi diifi 1'th mesa: fi‘it’éh’ifi ffir pagifixgiig
    a: Zfih {int Jam 22; 21:31:11 3 pfiifiémx‘ had as: 3131191111211  wakfzd patantial team ghawi'mg 1731in
    33pm mwe dysfum‘tifin bilatflrallyj but mém swam 9n flifi Heft, Iii. at El (3m $113213: 1:33 Eififilj
    "mfg mama! Baekgmund  Medieal flimsy Sfififitifln ammgim a reviaw an}? (if the magi
    31316va @1333, almhmgh fl’léfi urudargigmgd hag {siizimidewd ‘tha mega}. as a whfila m feaiahmg her
    flwiaigm A, mere dafafilad meimtim £3? 11% fm may he fmméi in mfipgmfiism’fi Rule 4i}:sz rapafi
    arid in this parfisfi rfigpfietim pastafiwaring brifitfs.
    ‘5 WMemieré disaase” is definsfl 31% “hearing E333, ‘fiflfli‘tug, afld *gfizrtigfi mgul‘ting {mm 11:31::
    suppumtiw digfiaga effing flakywinth with warm.” DQ4112de at $39
    aiming E161“ animal 3mm, if: wag nmed by jpesfifimwgg gyrmfimflagist fhm; petitimfir had 1:15amng mm
    mm mag] name: dygfilmzfifim as? wail as difi’fimfifig wagging her Eflmider, E’fit. Ext 116 at: ’3
    A11 MR1 iafggeti‘timmfis Mair: amd whim was; wmiluated £31111 {Ember 233 3:12:22, ’bemuga iLfif
    E1??? wmfinuing wmfiain‘tfi:  right; ays pain Pai  TH E at! Q?» Th6 mmltg  mammal @111
    figfifl 11!. $3133; pfiiiimm‘ mpm‘tszfil aware fimfimiaehsg and right mating km;  Ex. H at  An
    Mfié (:fpafitififlflr’g hmd Cm Qcmbm 11$? 2M3; was; negative  ahmmmfifliéa Pat,  1 '5’ at
    Gm: Jammy ’3; 213134, petfifiiimfir mpiarméi that: 3131:: wag
    mnfiimuimg hm“ mtibiafiifi imam-tam: far Lymi: dififiéfififi and,
    mg: {m Mama 1:3 26134, again did, mm meat miteriia 3:)?
    "Pat,  M at 51k é
    Pet, EX, I? at
    {Em February 24; fififieig gleam-mgr MW Kéfijfifi  Ilka,  a rhe‘mnaialmgigg wlflm had
    mgmlml}? mama has? far  ‘  Egg-a» 3’? 22:11:11. H  Dr» Ike mm} mm ha had main man
    ~" fii-iémr in.
    figfihfii  ‘
    amibimiw; it’sm‘tmem £317" Lyme dfigéfififiét; ‘31: 33mm; Kim. 1% fmmfl m eyifi'flmae @fmgaing
    isyfimfitis, but did rim: that paiitimw mammal  haw mpmfimmd flaming 1mg;  $111312» In:
    summwizing biz; findinga Dr: Ikfi :5de mm péiitifi-nm had bésfin “a: diaggmgfie mafia:ng ii} ‘ihf:
    marl}; phyafifiiam Wm:- lmd Sean her @3561? the: yaam with m“: mflgf‘afimrg fixpl‘amfiimfls fir trfimneflig
    ffif hm Effiffifiufi Sympwmm which magefl fmm {imaging m déizilimfingfi’ lg;
    {Em @ifliflbfir  Eififléi mama Emma, at  Miahigsm Em“ Imfifimte far mmpkfinm mi?
    warsenmg hearing 11:55:, 1%ka baking-£2 @3131 geyfiml fang; in, the 13%: yam fafiim pmagig and
    raumhnesem amid a hfigfimy {if Lynm diseasaa Pat  1'39 at $433, mil  ’I‘ha mam fihéWfid flight
    fmififl  am 1113:." right Sidiifig  Pe‘fiiimem @h‘iffiififéfil exam was time-Wm mammal wifln the
    amaptim 23%" same: flight: fimgmbiliiy mmd an Ear balanw  An gxm‘m {m {fizzmbw 3Q 2E§£3§§ at
    tbs? Mimi Ear “lizgtimts named thai petifistmer had a $311113? appsmamg, mm: 231%  “Mm? and
    warmed,” and 1:113:th faciai fungifiam was mammal @ m: If}; 3mm: dagt‘sa if bizarng 11335 in
    mm mm was flamed  {Era Nfiyember 2i}, fiffiffié pfiifimmm“ wag seam by hm gymmlfigfistg Mm
    mam that. wiiizimfir wag  yell” and mat $11§Ei§£i€1 “1m fiflw medim] :mblema.” Pei; Ex, 11
    _ pggmrmm 1 £111?
    “I ' “gag   H??? mum: magnum it was:
    WQmmf’ Tmfimript STE}?! 3:: 33* Elm rméiwdl we dage $35 the HP? imaging at ht?!“ 1mg:
    gymmlagfml vigil aim Februaui’y 21,; 2:34:12 511*: fig:  yam‘ Pet;  [1 at 2* Therm were: tint“:
    mpmried igmmégiiaw 3M3 gfif‘fism.
    Pfiifim‘msu’ fififififlfid that the autism @‘f he: sympmmg began am April! 13. 2%? {39 day afifir
    vaégzcinmifinj; what: She Emmid haying a Mimhfimg mmmim in he, fame mad @xpgrivmegd gxmmés
    fatiguing Tr” nit 95 Sine nxpininnfi nn iiie   gni  ivniy Winn” we? iiin eni
    wnpin nfdny and nine fei‘i iike 31in was “king ili‘i wiiin n inn nf brinkn” fin 9am,
    0n Aprii i, 299’? (42 dings after nanninniinni3 miiiinnni pinnnnini in tin Wiiiinnn
    Bnninnnni Hmnimi (“Wm ER with  ninin flint begin in any inan nf a
    dimeuiiy ,‘ swaiifigg inikings and 3. iii“ ET}. and n Emmy @f  2:3
    ,. and migminn. Pei. En. ii ni fig—i4. @n nxnminniinn9 pefiiinnnn ind fan“
    implicating tin right manin ninnini newnm ig at i9. Tim rennin nf in]; inning   nnrnmi, and,
    ' ' “   mm mm day fining flan ER niti‘n n diamnnin nanii”n pninyw Size W
    physininng Winn W nnnnnlinii
    in fniinnp with Di”. Lerner, Him infwiinnn fli
    inning inn ER visit. @
    Pn‘iiiinnni minimum in the ER inni- iiim nnnin day nn Anni 49 2%?5 with mmpininin nf
    fnnini numan and iyninw an inability in swalinw, and  n which  .- .  nan
    mini“ day. She was
    tied in tile iinnpimi niiiiis time. Pni. En. iQ mi3a149i6siig e
    impinnninn at ndn’minninn wan  nnrvn paging. @ n: ii 549 579 32 A ininnci m
    pnni‘iivn iiymn igfiiigiii  g» n at 15% A lumbar plane,me  nnnnni inf and sniig
    whim neiin, prninins Lyme PCE minvimsen, and neeifininniinen‘inmnn. iii; ni iéfinéfim
    Aniigmglinnide nniibng inninciing GQibfi warn nnwiivne Pen En i i at 2962i,
    ’  Snmmnry nnins iwiainim snnnnnrinni each inn ni‘ Wiiiinnnfin
    i f n Annii 59 mi? Mpiiniinnfinn fining tim pniitinnnr was waiving n
    "“i ‘ ' '   Lyme
    Jul,  I115.
    «1|. Li .I.».
    iinnlpfi‘iniilznizinri}g  " ‘~
    innaiing aid nn bmh nudwi and iiini niin
    farm in hen rigin 3m Innnn Singnifyi
    243 In iiin physician nfiminninn  i?
    in 2®®?§ and inn: niin nan n iiinini'y iii in "
    nninbnnsng vnry diifiimsn  '
    I si --
    inner 3mm pniiiinnnr and nnind nn inn ind nni nnen Wifiiimfii‘ in inane yams, Li, irin
    n1  imi n iiiii manninan nxnininminn ni‘ pniiiinner niinwnd n0  nn Rimming and nn
    mnnini nerve Sign D11: Lnrnnr nisn fnnnd Inn firm nnnmlngic nbnnminiitinn Hn mind
    pniiiinnnr’n iiininm'y ni’ wiggling  and] newnegniivn Lyme dinnnsn. n at 588
    .i  Am Miami” MIDW a; nwmingni mnnniinni in mininnin peiiiinnei‘ inn cranial we
    ins5y mind that pniiiinnni  1?": of ear pain mini iiwiniiity in ninne imam“ nyen fnlinwnnl
    by inns nfinsin inn tiny befnin mining in tin iingpinni {Anni 39 nnnn. Pen Ens m ni 321
    i’niiiinnniis vimi Sign and phyninni nm were nnnnni with nn inan  ni senme
    changes in im fling, no nimin9 and nnnnni inndnin min Her m inndnn infinnn wnin
    nnnmni at 2n biintemiiyw Dix Mnnni mmtinnnd ihnt nine was awaiting inn rennin nf an m ni“
    the brain.  Pniiiinnnr saw Din Mniini nnvemi mm times in mnnniiniinns dining iini
    inspiiaiimiinn. Di. Miami 1:. ' ‘ ‘ '. 9 2%? tin pniiiinnnn‘s bii  fnnini
    mafinnn wan innit iiigniy dun in   SHE ntnind nm pniiiinnnr
    an apfimiaa fiam Dr. Laaahfcer at anathaa 110% Pm“ EX” m at mafia Lari A, Sm;
    haw wifl’n emu?
    MDW aa aphflaaflmallagfiafis alga saw  am April] 53 299?; and CH
    axpaama karatapathy madary m Bangs may, Pea. Ea 1a at 853
    a Gamma
    .  ,
    impfingiag laaiaaa, Pet Ea, 11a at 1413 Ga Apfifll mg 2am;  and name madmfiiaa
    amaiaa   ahewad aaidaaaa af’ biflaaamfll savaafln cranial aaraa am with ma
    whammy fanatiaa af maaafla maps  my: Mad by the aaaamth ammiafl Human It was J am
    tam GBS be rallaa can Pat Rae m at 110%, Ma a aaaaalaafiaa an April My? 29%; with Rama Ma
    1: MD“ a aam‘alaig alifieamftfiafl diagaaaaa af  graaiag Milflarslf‘iahw
    ayadlaamag aad maltipfla aalamaia wara aataflaiaade Pate Ex, M) at 1135256. Am MRI aftae
    Mama] aaaiaaay   an Apfifi 14$ 2%?   mad as showing anhaaaamaat afaha diam
    3.:  partiaaa aftha mm a a and cf tha damaadiag mfial amass lg”
    Pafiifiianar was  an flangutam W anfibiatfiaa, Para Ex 11a at 34?,
    @a Aprill 12.; 2am, Mfiaaar was  by Myraa Laban, MD”, a phyafiaaaiat, aha Imam
    pafifiaaaaga biflafiamfl faaiafl  with Waving famfiaa aa mime fight but absent fimatfiaa an
    tha Rafi Pat Exam a a5; 339:4!” DE“;    mat them waa mm aaidama af ataxia and
    pafianaa’a prapaiaaap’ifian was Mas-t, Pefitfiaaer had Ina Mawar   ity  a hen” daap
    mandala maflaaas ware mat  Dr,   mated mat patfiflianar’a JEMG sandy 1am aaggesfiiaa af’
    bilaaarafl m it: af aha aaa mania Dr. Mam fella that patifiaam had a “Mafia pmaaatfiaa
    @f Gawain-Em [I]  af aaata bflammfl aaaa Ilia.” 1i. at aaa
    '   am April nag 2am by Dan Lamar” Pat, Ext 110 at
    34'; In the aiaaaarga summary; Ba, Lamar  aha patfifiamar waa amain ta aha haapifi‘all
    with a sudden inability aa a *‘ ”
    patiaiaaef”a “abnaamaflifiea : real and aaumflagiag” afl‘thaugh the CT and :T  a
    head waaa namala 41$ Baaaaaa Wfiaaaa’a Lyme aaaalafi wag pasitiaag a diagaaa
    Lyma dimaaa waa mafia, alfihaagh it waa named mat a number of diagaafia aamdiaa  .‘
    baiting  @ Dr. Lamar aa‘tad am
    Eaagaafia aamfiafiaa'aafiaa affine aabiafica was aaatampfll
    aaar was an ia'aaaaaaaa anfibfiafiiaa and firm
    Pafifianar   ENG and NCV aimifias an April 1199 2%? which ahawad
    dyafimafiaa in hat bfimatarafl fifih and aaaaaah martian mamas“ Pat. Ex I? at aaaaam The My
    '   Gmfiay MD” a namlagfiaam aha stated Elam "  mammal
    apfiaafl fluid (“QSF”) aaaflyaaa and! CSF Lama a?an Mat mama “  an iafaafiaaa
    gamma 0? damyafiaafiag palyaawapaflmy mama” Pea Ex 1? at 33%, Dr. Gmia mated aha
    fiafiapafifia aaaafiafl aempaflaiaa an? aafiaiamaaa caflflagansaaaauflaa diaaaa mammal axpflaia aha
    multipfla amaial maaanaummhiaa.
    “Mligmgmjw Vaaagfiphy
    In :51 Sfipfil‘afiffi  mm (lama! Ag:in 19, 2%; Dim (huh; mwnmfiefi pfifii’ififfifil‘fis mammal
    hifimfi? ifluizluding hat“ lfifigfi‘fimdifig Mam? afflmumamlfigia gympmmg jaii’infi: Sweilingg
    imirmfmi‘ttfim sharp gain. in bar right eye gimme the: Em Igf-fiifigp, ganmty neural matting [mm aims:
    213m , and chmnie Bmadaahas.   1'? s11 1%»53 Rim", Swis- mted that {swim £311 épt’il]. I,
    2131?}? {Elm [flay m? (25253: @f' petitimm‘g rgtyrngtmm}, pfiifigmr was at a gardan  and an: 2.531,:an
    mad Spifiafiih film-ii bagm dwelfiping neurfilflgit; gympwmg later in mm may; Féififimm? mEd 13m
    {Erufifi that her gympmmg bfigz‘m aim in Sanmtim an film Ref? Sidé «:33? ME? £21m“: aftwimhimg wimfim
    any azmxaiatfid mmmkmegs m‘ tingling, Q ‘gflm‘n She awkzz‘; 11111:: mama? warming? pestitiamr sa‘tata-d film
    the fight": flick of hél‘ farm. wag mmifinlfig, 31$ Gazer  mumg 0f fihe mgr: $33; petitifimr flfflfifi
    that 311%; bfigam ht; dwaflap itizwizal parallysig am, 131:: Daft 3mg 1321i?” hm“   Graig I‘lififid that
    :3’ wag 1313mm 1: EH thre 3% wag; mm: haw bilatfiml faiafl nemw >.,Ji§é ~
    1:; mng mflwfiiém- mudfig garffims:
    3§fli3fi€§fi§i§fi§§§§f¢ifl mm ~ msmfia * . y petitimm mam: iikaly had fmal Harm pamng E. at
    11%" 9:1: exam‘timmimu, Dr; {3111313 mad that petitigner had 3mm: $1,ij wfifi: waakmgg 61': bar Eight
    fiyfi digging, but Them 352%; rm Balms; phvemmafifim flfiffiifi.  Pfiiififir‘lfif W213 £13k: ta: Slighfly $215585?
    her 16%? figebraw but W33: untafiflé m @1636 her Heft egg“  in hm wgemmam, Du: Cfmis mama mat
    iihe Q3}? findifigfs mafia “mfeéctiwg affidang a5» walk 33 mime inflammnmmy demyefimfing
    paglyraifliwllmmmpathy {AIDE i311ilflain~Bwré windmma: wry unlikefiy mama {if [pgtitizmérgsl
    asympmmsf‘  at 1:39,, Em Graig mm tfmt i‘tha rmulitg 43f petitimmr’g “limb  1.39mi: a: hm
    flmal hmpiml haw: mammal F—waw ffifipfiflfié‘éfii arguing agaimst: Guillaimfiarré symfimme: as: $343113”
    Dz: Gmis fiasfli ihai: the mast likely @tifilfigy £31" pafit‘imer’g mare siymggmm mmplex {if
    bilataml armiafl nfiWfi: inv@l¥§3£fi1§fifii likfifl? reprefianmd a gaggtemia ammimmmm digiwifler fir
    wllagm mmflm gifiémm.
    (in giprfl 2‘33 Eififi? patfifiamrr gjrssmtad ta 13h Lemar far 21, mnsull‘cmim, 111mm
    examimmflng Dr; Mme-r mmmémeifl that petitimmw was “flammany batman” Pal,  21 at 9,
    Hated mm pfiiiifififlwfig ammeiatim wag agar and that 5111:: mum whim her right we,  Em
    Lama“ alga rmtafitii that fit: saw  little wcakmégg (2-31 Elm right Skis» @f‘ patti‘tianam Ema  12:}
    awakmss i1: hm arms mnflafi and mtadl that hm mumlfigie exam was fimsmfise mammal, DJ;
    Lama mixed iiijgimgf» mvéigiisé fif' “midmm  5% digaase” and hit? impmggim
    113:: UK: (a rimumamlegiffi: saw patii‘fimnér m fiprifl 3333 mg mating that it 35% patifitiamfa
    firm Efifijt m him in tam years, Wt  11;g at 136~3$ DE: 119% mmd that gatitimfir Emmi a
    sfinmlmfigm and gxmminatim with Dr. (Zirmis Wm: mama; that pefifimer did have faaial nanyi:
    paw}? but Mai he did 11m 8% evidatwe gf‘Lyme; digfiam M m: 13?. Dr. Ike flat-ad that Wtitienar
    “mama; ta: haw a, sllmvly $313Mng Mm milafiim Qf‘eranfial name @aflfiiag, The walruatigfl 1::
    mm fififiis nan: pain: iawmda a Spfiiiififi explaining diagmsiasg Calling this: ‘zmtizimmumf {slaw new:
    man}; shed any [fight {:11 Tim mus-E: 3f  gimmigm but suppmm a wag}! Earth with suppmmiw
    cmfimfiemids A * y In the rm gmm 13191: $21115: hag; been gaming 11mm  a pawn]; II have ffiiifid m
    tum up mythng m @u‘pggmt a defim‘bflé rhsumatim digeasg pragegsf’ E; at 13%‘334
    0n May 1, EQQR petitigmm‘ was seen by Jugtim €22 Eiufifi, Mia 23 phyaaiatrigg Wm :mmtfid
    mat pastfit‘immri‘g pie-whim emiumigng m fine Umiyémity af‘hiiéthigm: did rim; Euppfiffi a: diagnwsfig 9f
    Lyme fiifiéam Pat. EX; 2 at 1§~2fig  mum’s impfifimim was: hilfiteml ammfial newa VIII palgy‘x
    @ 0m May ’39 29mg petifiimgm‘ mummle Dr. Efi‘nsmfi’  Wm Wamafil a mmpflete
    rummng examinatima Pet. Ex; M m 6. EL   @19de flmfi pafifiamr W a, WWII m
    gxcfipt far inmmplm bilammfi @mmal mfflexgg with inmmplfie Mink bilatemll 361195
    phemmemp and  9f hat righ at 66?. D11 Emsmfi'  mat
    fagfial flaws Mg @m [ha seem in Viral Meemmg Pat Em 14 at 6:?
    Pefitfimier next mum m 1131-. Swan Sahwhmr fm mamlflgfia evalmfiian mi May Mg
    2%? Pfit. E& 3 at 24. Pmifi mar mid DEB Mame? that ghe beflifived She defilpr Lyme
    digem whine mm a «wigs in  55 Britain at aga 36, and mi; 333% was dimmed eight yams 11m.
    fig Pfitfifilmer stated mm 31w initially flwugh’t her WWW wem a  m a diphfim’ia
    vmimtfim, £1“, Petitfimm“ mm mm Ffm mm  3 included kw.
    flirty m drive fagiafl numbnegsg and hmdashas. @ On gm gm hm b . .
    . $8 and m facial sensatims @at 25. Pefii‘fiimergs  my
    and daep temde raflmeg wem ail mama E Dr. Sghechm @313in that mg facial diplagfla wand
    be mm vim]! m rem
    to her @imgmsig of Lyme
    @n May 239 20mg petitimer cammflmadl with Dr. Smdm 1K. Siam, an infectfiams diseaw
    physfigfiam, Pet. Egg I? M M?§=§& Dr. Cimfi Emmi flm he hm prevfiaugfly cade wifl’m
    petifiamr in 2mm '“ ~  @f a emu,me Wane: had await  dimmea M at: ES. Dr? Cfimfii
    named that pfiififim had @mly we hmd an an EgM Wemm Mat in mm and that thaw m
    twang did mt fit the CDC cfifiefia far Lyme    Dr Cfimi flamed mat “an emmfive
    waflmpfl @vm meemfillyg shawgd n9 Sig? @f’ mmme  f” Lg, at MS; In his impmggfigm
    Dz; Cimi  am it was mm mm cigar m ms Mt flnfig fig Lynn dfi .” Q; at 1755 E3
    that pefifignfir Seek addifiemafl @vaflmtims m hdp  film dimming (9f mmleyme
    Patian mflamém a brain W mad an MRI 6f her imaml auditmy cm (with and
    withmt 9mm} an May 33, Zfifi‘i which mm an “filmmme [@f fikm]  fmiall mama
    at  33mm and genimlmg ganglia pgmiam. Thaw findings are Mk}? Pet. Exp 11‘?
    fmfiafl mm .9
    3’ ES The mdfigmgst 11mm that b  .  9 “flatly 1% @f’
    331% palm: pmmfied bifllammflflly. Bmflmmfl Befllpg pallgy mm Egg gm mm flimtad m; in gmfiamg
    with Malkfimm  gyndmmeg Mabius symdmm@g [Guiflflainfl-Em'é, Mywmemia gawk?”
    Petitimw   m DIE: Grmfis am June My 290?. Dr. mm ml: imam mmidewflm
    petfifimgm prawfiws Visfitg Mme there was mt gunman abjemfiva mater is  a Lyme
    d iagmmiis. Pete Ex“, I? at 151, Due in militimer’s mm?an mums; Dan Gmis stated
    mat  @mr wag Wing mfémd m Dr. Nadsllmam 9; Lym@ di  Speeiaflist in New Yam whg
    wmflld emde a What Wflluafim fm mmLyme d'  1; Dr“. s  :11 in 1161” Summaw
    that aim  72-:ts’: that mfifimer did mt haw nemLyme  mm an hm CSJF Lymg PQR
    as wigflfi as a mgatiw flgM 1L,me ME mum mg D1: Gmis mm mm that Mfimer “dam mm
    have a Mil Guillaimané Symdmmg @m EMS 01' mm CSF  The mm
    , s“ facial Emma  fig a viral mum mm passiblly vafiwflflas

Document Info

Docket Number: 10-77

Judges: Nora Beth Dorsey

Filed Date: 12/9/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/5/2016