Mohamud v. State , 297 Ga. 532 ( 2015 )

  • In the Supreme Court of Georgia
    Decided: June 15, 2015
    S15A0586. MOHAMUD v. THE STATE.
    MELTON, Justice.
    Following a jury trial, Faud Abdulaziz Mohamud was found guilty of
    malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm
    during the commission of a felony. On appeal, Mohamud contends, among other
    things, that he received ineffective assistance of counsel and that the trial court
    made evidentiary errors.1 For the reasons set forth below, we affirm in part and
    vacate in part.
    On November 18, 2010, Mohamud was indicted in Gwinnett County for
    malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm
    during the commission of a crime. Following a jury trial, Mohamud was found
    guilty of all charges, and, on October 22, 2013, he was sentenced to life
    imprisonment for malice murder, 20 consecutive years for aggravated assault,
    and five consecutive years for possession of a firearm. The verdict for felony
    murder was vacated by operation of law. Malcolm v. State, 
    263 Ga. 369
     (4) (434
    SE2d 479) (1993). Mohamud filed a motion for new trial on October 31, 2013,
    and an amended motion on April 28, 2014. The motion was denied on
    September 18, 2014, and Mohamud filed a timely notice of appeal. His case was
    thereafter docketed to the January 2015 Term of this Court, and it was orally
    argued on March 3, 2015.
    1. In the light most favorable to the verdict, the record shows that, on the
    afternoon of July 21, 2010, Mohamud, Airis Evans-Ingram, Brandi Arden, and
    Mohamud’s brother, Liban, traveled to a gas station located in Lawrenceville,
    Georgia. Arden drove her car, and she chose a parking spot adjacent to a gas
    pump. Mohamud had told Arden that he wanted to meet someone named "Curt"
    at the convenience store. A short time later, a blue Crown Victoria pulled into
    the parking lot, and Mohamud and Liban had a brief verbal exchange in Somali.
    Then, Mohamud and Evans-Ingram exited Arden’s vehicle and approached the
    blue Crown Victoria from behind. DeAndre Perkins, who had shot and robbed
    Mohamud on a prior occasion, was in the passenger seat. Immediately, the
    driver began reversing the Crown Victoria, and Mohamud shot into the car,
    killing Perkins. Mohamud and Evans-Ingram jumped back into Arden’s vehicle,
    and Mohamud frantically stated, “He [Perkins] had a gun . . . I had to shoot.” As
    they sped away, again, according to Arden, Mohamud stated, "He [Mohamud]
    was the one that shot him," and, "He [Mohamud] swore on his mom when he
    saw him he was going to get him." Additionally, Arden was told not to speak
    to police and that if the police asked about her involvement, to tell them "I
    wasn't there."
    Investigators later recovered a video surveillance recording of the scene
    of the crime which, from a distance, depicted the sequence of events before and
    after the shooting. The video does not, however, show Perkins inside the
    vehicle. Eventually, investigators located Arden and spoke with her regarding
    the involvement of her vehicle. Soon after, Mohamud was named a suspect and
    arrested in connection with the shooting.
    This evidence was sufficient to enable the jury to find Mohamud guilty of
    the crimes for which he had been charged beyond a reasonable doubt. Jackson
    v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
     (99 SCt 2781, 61 LE2d 560) (1979). Though
    Mohamud’s defense was that he shot Perkins in order to protect himself, the
    jury, as the ultimate arbiter of fact, was entitled to reject this claim.
    2. Mohamud contends that his trial counsel rendered ineffective assistance
    by failing to (a) call Evans-Ingram as a witness at trial to support Mohamud’s
    claim of self-defense, (b) call witnesses who would have testified regarding
    Perkins’s general reputation for violence in the community, and (c) request a
    specifically-tailored jury instruction regarding the definition of a forcible felony.
    In order to succeed on his claim of ineffective assistance,
    [Mohamud] must prove both that his trial counsel's performance
    was deficient and that there is a reasonable probability that the trial
    result would have been different if not for the deficient
    performance. Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
     (104 SCt
    2052, 80 LE2d 674) (1984). If an appellant fails to meet his or her
    burden of proving either prong of the Strickland test, the reviewing
    court does not have to examine the other prong. 
    Id. at 697
    Fuller v. State, 
    277 Ga. 505
     (3) (591 SE2d 782) (2004). In
    reviewing the trial court's decision, “‘[w]e accept the trial court's
    factual findings and credibility determinations unless clearly
    erroneous, but we independently apply the legal principles to the
    facts.’ [Cit.]” Robinson v. State, 
    277 Ga. 75
    , 76 (586 SE2d 313)
    Wright v. State, 
    291 Ga. 869
    , 870 (2) (734 SE2d 876) (2012).
    (a) Mohamud contends that his trial counsel rendered ineffective
    assistance by not calling Evans-Ingram as a witness. Using hindsight, trial
    counsel testified that he should have subpoenaed Evans-Ingram and that he had
    no strategic reason for failing to do so.
    But hindsight has no place in an assessment of the performance of
    trial counsel, the United States Supreme Court having instructed
    that “[a] fair assessment of attorney performance requires that every
    effort be made to eliminate the distorting effects of hindsight.”
    Strickland, supra, 
    466 U.S. at 689
     (III) (A). Instead, we “must
    indulge a strong presumption that counsel's conduct falls within the
    wide range of reasonable professional assistance,” 
     and to
    overcome that presumption, [Mohamud] must show that no
    reasonable counsel would have failed to [call Evans-Ingram as a
    witness]. See Hayes v. State, 
    279 Ga. 642
    , 645 (3) (619 SE2d 628)
    Jones v. State, 
    292 Ga. 593
    , 600-601 (7) (d) (740 SE2d 147) (2013). A review
    of the evidence of record reveals that Mohamud cannot satisfy this burden.
    At the motion for new trial hearing, testimony showed that trial counsel
    interviewed Evans-Ingram prior to trial. Evans-Ingram told trial counsel that, as
    he and Mohamud walked up to the passenger side of the Crown Victoria,
    Perkins saw Mohamud, turned his body to the left, reached towards the center
    console of the car with his right hand, and then turned back towards Mohamud.
    Evans-Ingram testified that “when [Perkins] turned back around, that’s when
    you could see he had a gun in his hand.” Evans-Ingram further testified that
    Mohamud shot Perkins only after Perkins drew his gun.
    At trial, however, the medical examiner clearly stated that Perkins had
    been shot in his left side. The medical examiner explained:
    If [Perkins] was in the passenger seat, he would have to be turned
    such that the left side of his body is presented toward the passenger
    window [at the time he was shot]. . . . He would have to be turned
    significantly around. I don’t know that I would say completely
    around, but he would have to be turned again so that he’s presenting
    his left side towards the passenger window . . . .
    The medical examiner’s report, therefore, plainly draws into question
    Evans-Ingram’s account of events. At the point at which Evans-Ingram testified
    that a gun was visible in Perkins’s right hand, Perkins was turning towards the
    right, such that Perkins would have presented the right side of his torso towards
    the passenger window, not the left side in which he was actually shot. As a
    general matter, decisions regarding who will be called as a defense witness is a
    matter of trial strategy and tactics, and these decisions, even if erroneous, do not
    constitute ineffective assistance of counsel unless they are so unreasonable that
    no competent attorney would have made them under the circumstances. Miller
    v. State, 
    296 Ga. 9
     (4) (a) (764 SE2d 823) (2014). Given the conflict between
    the location of Perkins’s wound, the testimony from the medical examiner, and
    Evans-Ingram’s account of events, a competent attorney could have reasonably
    concluded that it would be better strategy not to call Evans-Ingram as a witness
    rather than allowing the State to attack inconsistencies in his testimony on the
    stand. Accordingly, Mohamud has failed to prove that he received ineffective
    assistance on this ground. Jones, supra.
    (b) Mohamud contends that trial counsel rendered ineffective assistance
    by failing to call witnesses who would have testified regarding Perkins’s general
    reputation for violence in the community. A review of the transcript shows that,
    during trial, Arden testified that Perkins had attacked Mohamud in the past and
    had, in fact, shot Mohamud in the leg. Given that the jury heard evidence that
    Perkins had violently assaulted Mohamud in the past, it cannot be said that
    Mohamud was prejudiced by the omission of general information of Perkins’s
    reputation. As a result, the trial court did not err by rejecting Mohamud’s claim
    of ineffective assistance based on this contention.
    (c) Finally, Mohamud contends that trial counsel rendered ineffective
    assistance by failing to request a specifically-tailored jury instruction regarding
    the definition of a forcible felony. Mohamud further argues that trial counsel
    should have requested a justification instruction which included the definition
    of aggravated assault as a forcible felony. The trial court’s charge, however,
    fairly instructed the jury as to when a homicide is justifiable and when an act of
    self-defense is warranted. As a result, even if trial counsel acted deficiently by
    failing to request additional instructions, Mohamud has failed to prove prejudice
    stemming from any such deficient performance. Holmes v. State, 
    273 Ga. 644
    647 (4) (543 SE2d 688) (2001). Accordingly, in the absence of prejudicial error,
    Mohamud has failed to support his claim of ineffective assistance.
    3. Mohamud argues that the trial court erred by excluding evidence of a
    violent robbery committed by Perkins against a third party, despite the fact that,
    prior to the murder, Mohamud had no knowledge of the robbery. We disagree.
    Mohamud bases his contention on Chandler v. State, 
    261 Ga. 402
    , 407 (3)
    (c) (405 SE2d 669) (1991), in which this Court created an evidentiary exception
    “permit[ting] a defendant claiming justification to introduce evidence of specific
    acts of violence by the victim against third persons.” Chandler, however, was
    decided under Georgia’s old evidence code, and, it related specifically to the
    application of that old code. The present case, because it was tried on or after
    January 1, 2013, is subject to the new evidence code, under which the
    admissibility of evidence of a victim’s character is governed by OCGA §
    24-4-404 and OCGA § 24-4-405.
    OCGA § 24-4-404 (a) (2) states:
    Evidence of a person's character or a trait of character shall not be
    admissible for the purpose of proving action in conformity
    therewith on a particular occasion, except for: . . . (2) Subject to the
    limitations imposed by Code Section 24-4-412, evidence of a
    pertinent trait of character of the alleged victim of the crime offered
    by an accused or by the prosecution to rebut the same; or evidence
    of a character trait of peacefulness of the alleged victim offered by
    the prosecution in a homicide case to rebut evidence that the alleged
    victim was the first aggressor.
    OCGA § 24-4-405 (a) further provides: “In all proceedings in which evidence
    of character or a trait of character of a person is admissible, proof shall be made
    by testimony as to reputation or by testimony in the form of an opinion.”
    Therefore, as a general rule, character evidence of a victim is limited to
    reputation or opinion, not specific bad acts.2 Therefore, the evidentiary rule set
    forth in Chandler does not remain viable under the new evidence code, and
    Mohamud’s argument based on this outdated precedent fails.
    4. Mohamud contends that the guilty verdict for aggravated assault should
    have been merged into the conviction for malice murder for purposes of
    sentencing. OCGA § 16–1–7 (a) (1) prohibits convicting a defendant of more
    than one crime if one crime is included in another. Drinkard v. Walker, 
    281 Ga. 211
    , 212 (636 SE2d 530) (2006). Under the “required evidence” test adopted in
    Drinkard, “where the same act or transaction constitutes the violation of two
    distinct statutory provisions, the test to be applied to determine whether there are
    two offenses or only one, is whether each provision requires proof of a fact
    which the other does not.” Id. at 215. In this case, Mohamud was indicted for the
    aggravated assault of Perkins by pointing a handgun at him and the malice
    We note that one commentator has suggested the possibility of an
    exception to this rule which would “allow specific acts of evidence of a victim’s
    violent disposition of which the defendant had personal knowledge to show the
    defendant’s state of mind.” Jack Goger, Daniel’s Georgia Handbook on
    Criminal Evidence § 4:42 (2014 ed.). That issue, however, is not presently
    before us, and we do not reach it.
    murder of Perkins by immediately shooting him a single time with that same
    handgun. Under these facts, the aggravated assault was wholly included in the
    act of malice murder, and, as the State concedes, should have been merged with
    the conviction for malice murder for purposes of sentencing. As a result,
    Mohamud’s sentence for aggravated assault must be vacated.
    Judgment affirmed in part and vacated in part. All the Justices concur.